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Vakhsh River Basin (VRB), Tajikistan

Vakhsh River Basin (VRB), Tajikistan. Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology AS RT, 734002, Dushanbe, 12, Parvin street, e-mail:obid.76@gmail.com. Name(s) of Investigators (Key organization /Contact persons):. Normatov Inom Sherovich Professor Bokiev Obid Sodikovich

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Vakhsh River Basin (VRB), Tajikistan

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  1. Vakhsh River Basin (VRB), Tajikistan Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology AS RT, 734002, Dushanbe, 12, Parvin street, e-mail:obid.76@gmail.com

  2. Name(s) of Investigators (Key organization /Contact persons): Normatov Inom Sherovich Professor Bokiev Obid Sodikovich Scientific employer Institute of Water problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tajikistan (IWPHE, ASRT) 12, Parvin Street, Dushanbe, 734002, Tajikistan Tel: +992-934450757 E-mail: inomnor@mail.ru obid.76@gmail.com G - WADI

  3. Nameof Sponsoring organization: Institute of Water problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tajikistan (IWPHE, ASRT) 12, Parvin Street, Dushanbe, 734002, Tajikistan Office tell: +992-934450757 Fax: +992-37-2510404 E-mail: inomnor@mail.ru G - WADI

  4. Present State-of -art methodology Vakhsh River Basin is one of the main basins which supports the life and livelihoods of several hundred thousands people in Tajikistan. From the beginning of 30s of the last century water resources development has been taking place in VRB. Since Vakhsh is a transboundary river system- other downstream countries of the Central Asia also have strategic interest on is water resources. The problem of water resources, use and environment aspects of VRB can be classified as follows: G - WADI

  5. Energy: Nurek, Baypazin Hydro Power Structures and cascade of Vakhsh HPS are functioning as planned. Construction of Sangtuda -1 HPS is ongoing and the construction of Roghun HPS and Sangtuda HPS are waiting for decision. Small hydropower programme is also developed in the VRB. The general scheme of water resources of VRB and its tributaries were developed more than 25 years ago. Since then there country endured political, economic and social changes. It is necessary to update and reformulate the scheme based on the current conditions. Already developed HPS system also needs modern operating schemes with the hydro regulation covering the interest of irrigation and power sector. For already working HPS there is a need for optimum operating modes G - WADI

  6. Irrigation: Irrigation development in the vast territories has led to the serious negative consequences: exhaustion and degradation of soil and water resources. Although agriculture is a main stay of the national economy but is not technologically advanced and developed, not so profitable to support the life and livelihoods of the population. This said, requires development of new strategy of development of the country in the sphere of water resources use (hydro-power and irrigation engineering). Irrigation efficiency and use of new technologies are required to save water losses. Ecology: Land degradation and deterioration of water qualityare main issues in the VRB. “Tigrovaya balka” is under the ecological threat. There is a urgent need for the development of water supply sustem to «Tigrovaya balka» for it’s preservation. Which needs to be coordinated with hydro power and irrigation sector. Monitoring is very essential (based on the chosen and approved indicators) of water resources use. G - WADI

  7. Climate: at present there is no sufficient information to describe climate change impact on VRB water resources. It is necessary to analyze various mathematical models of climate changes developed elsewhere. However it can be said that adaptation strategy is necessary to deal with climate change impact on water resources. G - WADI

  8. Main issues • Significant water losses together with ecological and economic problems in VRB are connected with unsatisfactory condition of infrastructures, hydraulic structures such as irrigation canals and drainage systems. Taking this account, it is necessary to carry out restoration and maintenances of technical facilities and improvement of water related structures and facilities. The local irrigating systems worsened to the greater degree in comparison with regional irrigating systems. The newly established organizations such as agricultural farms and water user associations are economically weak and do not have ability to operate and maintain irrigating systems properly. G - WADI

  9. The Vakhsh is the main river of Republic of Tajikistan, merging with Pyanj river it forms Amu-Darya - the biggest river of the Central Asia. The Vakhsh is 691km long. The Vakhsh has a basin area of 39160 km2-almost is a quarter of Tajikistan. The Vakhsh source is located at glacier at an altitude of 4685 m above sea level near to Kokui-Bel pass. The river drop is about 4350 m from source to bottom. Glaciers occupy one tenth of VRB. The Vakhsh River has 6276 tributaries and 20 lakes covering the total area of 4 km2. Glacier and snow are the main source of Vakhsh. More than 40 % of its flow comes during July to September from thawed glaciers. Thawing of seasonal snows, springs and rains constitute Vakhsh flow. The mean discharge at the head structure of the Vakhsh main canal is 2273 m3 per second, the maximum discharge is about 4500 m3 per second, and the minimum discharge is 1420 m3 per second. March to October flow constitutes about 87 % of annual flow. Like many other Central - Asian rivers, Vakhsh is formed from merging of two rivers Surkhob from right and Obikhingoy from left. Each of these tributaries also receives flows from upstream streams. G - WADI

  10. G - WADI

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  12. G - WADI

  13. (c) Land Forms and Land uses: G - WADI

  14. G - WADI

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  16. G - WADI

  17. Baseline information availability: • observation networks; One of the primary goals of the hydrometeorology agency is to provide information on current and expected hydro meteorological conditions and climate changes, the level of pollution of the natural environment, and the information on hydro hazards in the country. « The hydrometeorological agency » provides information to various sectors and populations on current and future conditions of the natural environment and climate: expected changes of hydrometeorological conditions. The information provided by agency is used for taking decisions for the agricultural planning and crop plantation. G - WADI

  18. Thank You! G - WADI

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