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Learn about the analysis and design of databases for database-driven software. Explore different database design approaches and their impact on software development. Gain expertise in designing efficient and intuitive database structures.
OO ANALYSIS & DESIGN FOR DATABASE-DRIVEN SOFTWARE • Larger software products typically use a relational database or several of them. • The databases may exist before the software is being built. • New databases may be created. • Old databases may be modified, most typically they are extended. • Often the database represents the biggest permanent value (software changes on top of the same database). Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Classes And Associations owns Treasure uses Player Piece 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 {ordered} * * located play 1 Special place Game 2 1 end cover 0..1 * 1 FlightConnection Card contains Place Map * 1 * * connected Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Game ER Diagram Treasure Piece Bandit Jewel SpecialPlace Connected Player Is a Is a Is a Has Is a Owns Flight Walk Covers Located Card Place N M M N M N N Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Analysis Class Diagrams Player Piece Card color: Integer use name: String 0..1 effect (p: Pelaaja) funds: Integer 0..1 move(p: Place) getPlace(): Paikka isAtAirport(): Boolean 0..1 hasMoney(): Boolean * getPlace(): Place move(p: Place) own isWinner(): Boolean Bandit Treasure Jewel Dice hasTreasure(): Boolean 0..1 0..1 value: Integer giveTreasure(): Treasure located throw(): Integer takeTreasure(t: Treasure) pay() 1 In no relation clearFunds() {ordered} * play Players Game 1 1 addPlayer(n: String) initialize() nextPlayer(): Player addPlayer(n: String) FlightTraffic treasurePlayer(p: Place): throwDice() Player movePlayer(p: Paikka) getDestinations(p: Place): 1 takeCard(p: Place) set of Place end() 1 Place place Map * hasCard():Boolean follow giveAdjacent(p: Place, giveCard() In one relation n: Integer): set<Paikka> cover SpecialPlace NormalPlace * Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa * 2 FlightRoute
Database Design – Motivation 1 • This is not a database course, so doing the actual database design is not really our main concern here. • However, it would be very good to have some expertise on this subject. • If you do not know how a database should be designed, then find someone who does. • Unfortunately, such people are not always easy to find. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Database Design – Motivation 2 • Many universities give quite little teaching on databases and data management. • Ours gives quite a lot. Therefore, there may be strong expectations towards our students in this respect. (In other words, people may be hopeful that you might have some database skills!) • Ok, so you have decided to study that issue more. • In the meantime, I will give a couple of alternative database designs for our game application based on our ER diagram. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Database Design 1 • This design is based on the idea, that we want to have fewer relations. • This will speed up processing. • There is nothing to say that the speed-up is meaningful or necessary… • On the other, we end up with a database, which may contain null values. • Null values are conceptually more difficult, that is, more difficult to understand. • Design one: http://www.cs.uta.fi/~jyrki/se03/game1/ Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Database Design 2 • This design is based on the idea, that we do not want to have null values. • This will make things easier to understand. • However, we will end up with more relations. • Design two: http://www.cs.uta.fi/~jyrki/se03/game2/ • In this particular case, either design feels possible, there is no strict reason to rule out either of them. • However, we will take Design 1 as our starting point for software design. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
From relations to objects • We will probably want our software to access the data in the relations. • Conceptually, it will be straightforward and understandable to have one class for each relation, to access the data. • You may also design the classes differently, but then the connection between the relations and the objects will be more complicated. • However, if the relations reflect your ER-diagram, then many of them will be quite close to ”intuitive objects”. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Relations-to-classes finetuning/1 • In fact, in our example project we generate three classes for each relation. Assume that we have relation X(A,B,C) • A ”base” class BaseX, which includes a constructor X(A,B,C) and set and get methods for A, B and C. • A ”Db” class DbX, which inherits BaseX and includes methods for inserting, updating, deleting and retrieving a single row from relation X. • The ”real” class X, which inherits DbX. All the manually programmed code goes here. • It may be possible to regenerate BaseX and DbX so that we do not need to change X! Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Relations-to-classes finetuning/2 • Why would we want to regenerate BaseX or DbX?- Datatypes of attributes may change.- New attributes may be added or old attributes may be removed. • What about our class diagram?- Currently we have over 40 relations- This means over 120 classes (of which only 2/3 are to be regenerated automatically).- The total number of methods in automatically regenerated classes is probably somewhere between 500 and 1000.- We certainly want to generate some parts of our class diagrams automatically. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
An Initial Class Diagram Connected Special place Player Piece Place Walk Card Flight Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Associations? / 1 • Based on our ER-diagram and the relation attributes, it would now be possible to add associations to the class diagram. • Should we do so? • On the other hand, they give information about the relationships between classes. • However, the associations are typically used for navigation. • In a database-driven application, this may be a big mistake! Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Associations? / 2 • Consider, for instance, relations player and place. Suppose, for instance, that one player has a treasure and is two steps away from the starting place. • We want to check up , whether any other player still has theoretical chances to win the game. • Any such player needs to steal the treasure in at most two rounds. • For this, we need to check all players, their places, and distances to the player with the treasure. • Thus, we need to access at least relations player, place and walk (maybe also flight). Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Associations? / 3 • Suppose our class diagram shows associations: • Associations suggest navigation: for each player { get pl=player.place for each pl.walk … • Q: What would this mean? • A: It would mean database retrieval row-by-row. Player Walk Place Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Database retrieval row-by-row? • Each retrieval may mean scanning of a whole relation: O(n) operations, if relation has n rows. • At best, it means traversing a search structure such as a search tree: O(log n) operations. • Relational databases are meant for set-based retrieval: get all data in one query. • Conclusion: The associations were misleading. • These kinds of stupid solutions just lead to poor performance and some people may even imagine that the database is slow! Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Set-based database retrieval • Rather, make a query to retrieve all data in one go: select * from player, place, … • Maybe make this definition into a view (which is like a predefined query). • Define a new class for the query. The class does not need to have connections with place or player, although for the conceptual information it should. • Use an object to go through the results of the query row by row, which means just one execution of the query in the database. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Architectural design • Design the basic system architecture (in our example project we use servlets on top of a database). • Identify the system components necessary for the architecture. • Test your basic technological solutions (e.g., write one servlet, which accesses the database and …) • Once you are sure that the architecture and the technological solutions are sound, move on to implementing the functionalities. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Design • Study the requirement specification document and use cases with use case sequence diagrams. • Choose a suitable set for the next increment. • Design the execution of a use cases/functionalities:- If database needs to be accessed, add new classes for queries if the existing ones are not enough.- Add necessary classes that the system needs to to function (e.g. dice in our example). • Implement, test, and get feedback from users/customers. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Sequence Diagram for ”Take Card” Application User Choose to take card Show player’s funds with one unit taken Show Card Show player’s funds with jewel value added Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Sequence diagrams are ok also here This is a new class Also a new class, but for a query User GameController Player CardForPlaceQuery Choose to take card reduceFunds(price) showFunds(p:Player) getCard() showCard(card) addFunds(value) showFunds(p:Player) Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Operation design • At the bottom level, you will encounter similar tasks as in the OO design discussed in our earlier slides. • You will need to do “classic” OO design for the non-database classes. • There, the rules discussed on previous lectures apply. • Take, as an example, operation design, which is discussed in the following slides. Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Example: treasurePlayer(p: Place) Class: Players Operation: treasurePlayer(p: Place): Player Description: If there is a player in place p with the treasure, returns that player. Result: Returns player Q, for which Q.owns nil and Q.uses.located = p, if such Q exists, otherwise nil. Assumes: p nil Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Example: treasurePlayer(p: Place) – database formulation Reads: Player, Piece Exceptions: Player has no piece. Algorithm: SELECT player_no FROM player, place WHERE player.place_no=place.place_no AND hasTreasure = true AND place_no = p if result-set contains player_no then return player_no elsereturn nil Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa
Example: treasurePlayer(p: Place) – old formulation Reads: Player, Piece Exceptions: Player has no piece. Algorithm: while players not processed do Q = unprocessed player; if Q.hasTreasure() then if Q.getPlace() == p then return Q end end end; return nil Software Engineering 2003 Jyrki Nummenmaa