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Consciousness & Social Brain: Control of Attention & Awareness

Explore Attention Schema Theory to understand how brains attribute consciousness, control attention, predict behavior, and manage awareness using schemas.

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Consciousness & Social Brain: Control of Attention & Awareness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE SOCIAL BRAIN Michael S. A. Graziano Collaborators: Yin Kelly Taylor Webb Jeffrey Meier Sabine Kastner

  2. Attention Schema Theory

  3. How and why do brains attribute the property of consciousness to themselves?

  4. Selective signal enhancement

  5. How can the brain control attention?

  6. How can the brain control attention? Partly by using a model of attention.

  7. How can the brain control attention? Partly by using a model of attention. (e.g. the brain controls the arm using an internal model of the arm.)

  8. Awareness = Attention Schema

  9. I am attending to an apple

  10. Color Shape Texture I am attending to an apple Movement Smell Semantic Knowledge

  11. Color Location Of Self Shape Body Schema Texture I am attending to an apple Self Identity Movement Smell Mood Memory Semantic Knowledge

  12. Color Location Of Self Shape Body Schema Texture Attention Schema Self Identity Movement Smell Mood Memory Semantic Knowledge

  13. Color Location Of Self Shape Body Schema Texture Attention Schema Self Identity Movement Smell Mood Memory Semantic Knowledge

  14. Color Location Of Self Shape Body Schema Texture Attention Schema Self Identity Movement Smell Mood Memory Semantic Knowledge

  15. Color Location Of Self Shape Body Schema Texture Attention Schema Self Identity Movement Smell Mood Memory Semantic Knowledge

  16. Color Location Of Self Shape Body Schema Texture Attention Schema Self Identity Movement Smell Mood Memory Semantic Knowledge

  17. Color Location Of Self Shape Body Schema Texture Attention Schema Self Identity Movement Smell Mood Memory Semantic Knowledge

  18. Predictions

  19. Predictions If: Awareness = schematic model of attention

  20. Predictions If: Awareness = schematic model of attention Then: Prediction 1) You should be able to pay attention to something without being aware of it.

  21. Predictions If: Awareness = schematic model of attention Then: Prediction 1) You should be able to pay attention to something without being aware of it. Prediction 2)

  22. Predictions If: Awareness = schematic model of attention Then: Prediction 1) You should be able to pay attention to something without being aware of it. Prediction 2) Without awareness of an object, attention to that object should become less controlled.

  23. Temperature Inside Temperature outside

  24. Working Control Mechanism Temperature Inside Temperature outside

  25. Working Control Mechanism Temperature Inside Broken Control Mechanism Temperature outside

  26. Aware

  27. Unaware Aware

  28. A L

  29. A L

  30. A L 1.0 Latency (Seconds) 0.5 Match

  31. A L 1.0 Latency (Seconds) 0.5 Match

  32. A L 1.0 Latency (Seconds) 0.5 Match Mismatch

  33. A L 1.0 Latency (Seconds) 0.5 Match Mismatch

  34. Unaware Aware

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