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Welcome to Eighth Grade

Stay informed with important updates for Mrs. Mongrue's 8th-grade homeroom including check-in policies, dress code, communication methods, and more.

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Welcome to Eighth Grade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Eighth Grade Homeroom 8C Lisa Mongrue Contact Information: lmongrue@aloysius.org

  2. Sign In Sheet • Please do not forget to sign in next to your child’s name.

  3. Mrs. Mongrue’s Homeroom • Monday and Wednesday Assembly • Daily Homeroom-7:45-8:00 • Check in on smartboard, pack, pledge, prayer

  4. Late check-in • NEW CHECK-IN POLICY FOR GRADES 5-8: If your child is late to school, please continue to drive them to the main office for drop off.  We will allow 5th-8th graders to check themselves in.  Parents of 5th-8th graders no longer have to come into the office to check your students in. • The check-in system is going so well, and we trust our older students to handle this themselves.  This will also save parents time in not having to park and walk their child in.  Remember that this is ONLY for GRADES 5-8.

  5. Forgotten Items • If your child forgets something at home, please refrain from bringing it to them at school. This includes lunchboxes. The student will be able to eat a cafeteria lunch.

  6. Homework Buddy • If your child is absent, please secure a homework buddy to collect work throughout the day. The homework will be placed in the locker and can be picked up after school.

  7. Dress Code • Please refer to the handbook for the policy on hair(cuts for boys and color for girls), skirt/short length, socks, etc. • These uniform items are checked daily in homeroom.

  8. Afternoon Carpool • Please continue to use the carpool tags that were issued the first day of school. Extras are available in the office. • In case of a forgotten tag, you will be asked to drive around to office to secure a temporary one.

  9. Communication • I will continue to send emails for reminders of events, important updates, etc. • If you need to contact me, please send me an email as that is the best way to reach me.

  10. Remind • I use Remind to announce important information to the students and parents. If you haven’t already signed up for Remind, please check my website for instructions. • Text the message: @mongru to the number: 81010

  11. Conference Scheduling • To schedule a conference, email me, and I will arrange a meeting with all necessary teachers.

  12. Break • Students are allowed to have water bottles in the classroom. • Please, only nutritious snacks during break. No candy, nut products or sugary snacks allowed.

  13. Thank you for your time and the gift of your children.

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