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Be like water…

Be like water…. Inspired By: “Tao Teh Ching” By: Courtney Kennedy. When you want to be good to others, be like the ocean. Water does good things for everyone without even trying. Water keeps plants and animals alive. Even you and I need water every day.

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Be like water…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Be like water… Inspired By: “Tao Teh Ching” By: Courtney Kennedy

  2. When you want to be good to others, be like the ocean.

  3. Water does good things for everyone without even trying.

  4. Water keeps plants and animals alive. Even you and I need water every day.

  5. The big, deep, blue ocean can be scary when you don’t know how to swim. Although once you have learned to swim, the ocean can be so peaceful!

  6. You would never want to jump off of the high dive without knowing how to swim well.

  7. The ocean is deep and does not only have fish in it. There are many, many different types of sea creatures in the big, blue sea. The deeper you go, the more you will find.

  8. This is how the ocean is like our minds. The deeper you think, the more you will find out about yourself and the world around you!

  9. The water is gentle and kind to the things in it. That is how we should be to others, gentle and kind.

  10. Being gentle and kind also means saying things to people that will make them feel good about themselves. Never say things to hurt their feelings. When you make promises, do not break them.

  11. Any hurricane or lightning storm can be scary and make a disaster out of the environment, but in the end everything will go back to being calm. And this is how we need to be.

  12. It can get dark and cold, but the sun will always come back out to warm everything up. When you are scared or worried about something, take a deep breathe and stay calm. Everything will be okay in the end.

  13. It only takes a little bit of water to quench our thirst. Only a little bit of water is needed for a plant to grow. Rain every now and then keeps the environment alive.

  14. This is how we need to be. When we do little things for others, we could be brightening their day more than you would think.

  15. When it is hot and dry, somehow, the rain knows when to come out. This is how we should be, when someone needs help, you should know when to help them.

  16. If someone is being bullied, you should stand up for them and what is right. You will feel very good about yourself when you do.

  17. 8 The highest form of goodness is like water. Water knows how to benefit all things without striving with them. It stays in places loathed by all men. Therefore, it comes near the Tao. In choosing your dwelling, know how to keep to the ground. In cultivating your mind, know how to dive in the hidden deeps. In dealing with others, know how to be gentle and kind. In speaking, know how to keep your words. In governing, know how to maintain order. In transacting business, know how to be efficient. In making a move, know how to choose the right moment. If you do not strive with others, You will be free from blame.

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