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Welcome to the Bully Lab an interactive scientific investigation for BHMS

Welcome to the Bully Lab an interactive scientific investigation for BHMS. Created and asssembled by: Laura Kim School survey conducted by: Laura Kim Interiews conducted by: Shilpita Biswas , Laura Kim, Erin Yoon Direction and videography by: Noelle Betz

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Welcome to the Bully Lab an interactive scientific investigation for BHMS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the Bully Laban interactive scientific investigation for BHMS Created and asssembled by: Laura Kim School survey conducted by: Laura Kim Interiews conducted by: ShilpitaBiswas, Laura Kim, Erin Yoon Direction and videography by: Noelle Betz Project Adviser: Mrs. Mckenzie True stories contributed by: Students at BHMS Stories collected via: BHMS Revealer on www.therevealer.yolasite.com MENU

  2. Menu • Hypothesis • Research Methods • Research Report • Video Interviews • Gallery of Rude Remarks • The Stories

  3. the stories… • The Fake Account • Love Pentagon • Name Calling • Acting So Innocent • Names MENU

  4. the fake account It first started when a fake account was made and played by some 8th graders at my school. They would disturb my posts by saying mean and untrue stories about me. I told my mom and I ignored them, but a few days later prank calls came every few minutes, it was the people who made the fake account. Later on, all the 8th graders went on a trip to the courthouse in downtown. We were coming back to the school and a few guys decided to call out my name, continuously. The name-calling is still going on until now but somewhere along that time they made a pack of most of the boys to bully me wherever in the school I go. Of course I told the office about it about 5 or 6 times but they let go of the subject after giving them lunch detention; The office told me that they had nothing else to do and not to come back anymore about the subject. But just today (3/8/13) I told a part of the 'gang' to stop or else I will call their parents. I guess they were discussing that subject the whole day because the 'leader' screamed out " _______ wants my parents number!!!" out loud in PE. He was then given a referral to the principal office!                                                    - An 8th Grade Girl at BHMS- BACK

  5. love pentagon People would make fun of me and put me in a love pentagon, yes, pentagon, with these 5 other guys because I would hang out with them a lot. The people who made fun of me were always in my classes and my lunch period and whenever I would hang out with the 5 guys, they would show up and start shoving me into the other guys and singing the classic K-I-S-S-I-N-G songs. It embarrassed me so much and I couldn't hang out with my guy friends in fear of those people showing up. But soon, I learned "Who cares?" I started hanging with my guy friends again, ignoring the constant insults. Soon, they grew tired of making fun of me, and they quit. Looking back, those insults and comments still hurt because they thought that I liked my friends because I hung out with them. Just remember, don't let anyone make fun of you for who you hang out with. -- 7th grader at BHMS BACK

  6. names People have called me names. Fat, hippo, pig, and my favorite… “the snitch”. It Seems like the more I try to fit in the worse it gets. I have a cut as a result of bullying. I just want to help people who are being bullied because I know what it's like. Also by standing up for myself, it sometimes can make me look like the bad guy. I'm at a loss. I just can't figure out why people can be so mean just because someone is different or isn't straight. When I try to stand up for someone who is being bullied, I come across as the bully. I don't know what to do. -- Student at BHMS -- BACK

  7. name calling There’s a guy who keeps teasing me about my name and making fun of how I look. Every time I tell him to stop he never listens to me. It got worse at P.E.  While we were playing handball he keep calling me stupid, brainless,dumb, ugly, and a lot of other names. ---I DON'T Like It!--- BACK

  8. acting so innocent Dear "The Revealers" Girls, I am normally a fun, bubbly, and happy girl. It hasn't always been that way. This story starts two years back, in 5th grade a girl would call me names, spread rumors about me, and she would always harass me. I felt insecure and was mentally dead. I finally went to get help but they said, "It's too late for help." Then I  got in trouble!! So the bullying continued in 6th  grade. She tried to make her hair look like mine by dying it brown but it turned out orange... Then the harassment reached it's peak. When I was walking home with my clarinet she pushed me into the street. I got hurt a bit and my instrument was fine (thankfully!), but my phone was broken. When I reported this, she claimed that it was an accident and her friend pushed her into me. I could tell she was lying by the way she gave me a little smirk when I was panicking and crying. I don’t think I'll everTRULY forgive her... -- Boo Mahone BACK

  9. video interviews… • ChristiniaAmaya • Jin Kwon • AnnaliseIlog • Angela Johnson • Joey Roberts MENU

  10. hypothesis… Our hypothesis is that Bernardo Heights Middle School has just as much bullying going on as fictional Parkland Middle School does, even if most adults are unaware of it. [see Research Methods] MENU

  11. gallery of rude remarks… *these are actual remarks made by students at BHMS* MENU

  12. research methods… Have you ever been bullied [at school]? Have you ever bullied someone [at school]? Have you ever stood by while someone else was being bullied? How often do you think bullying happens at our school? How well do you think our principal is doing in managing and preventing bullying? Which bullying do you think occurs the most frequently at our school? LIST OF QUESTIONS: We also asked for stories about students’ own bullying experiences in order to get an idea of what kind of bullying goes around here at BHMS. MENU

  13. research report… We asked the students at BHMS to take a survey in order to prove our hypothesis. These are the results of the survey. • 22% of students said they ALWAYS witnessed bullying going on at school • 37% of students said they OFTEN saw it happen • 29% of students said they witnessed bullying SOMETIMES • 10% of students said they saw bullying happen only RARELY • and 0% of students said they NEVER witness bullying MENU more statistics

  14. Joey Roberts BACK

  15. AnnaliseIlog BACK

  16. Angela Johnson PART II PART I BACK

  17. ChristiniaAmaya BACK

  18. Jin Kwon BACK


  20. research report… [continued] STATISTIC EXPLANATION x Bullying definitely happens and students are aware of it Indirect Bullying, which is known to be frequent among girls more than boys, occurs the most frequently at our school, while Physical Bullying, which are fights, occure the least. 4 out of 5 students have either been bullied firsthand or seen someone else being bullied. The students who took the survey were asked to tell us the types of bullying that most frequently occurred at BHMS. The majority of the students said that Indirect Bullying [gossiping, shunning, etc] happened the most, followed by Verbal [insults, etc]. Physical [fights, etc] gained the least votes. MENU Less statistics

  21. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creators – Noelle Betz, ShilpitaBiswas, Laura Kim, Erin Yoon Project Advisor – Mrs. Karen Mckenzie Filming – Noelle Betz PPT/Website created – Laura Kim Interview Questions Writer – ShilpitaBiswas Research Report Writer – Laura Kim Character Analysis Writers – Noelle Betz, ShilpitaBiswas Script Writers – Erin Yoon, Laura Kim Book Report – Laura Kim Stories from – BHMS Students Preview made by – Windows Movie Maker Movie Preview director – Laura Kim

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