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First line of tramway : a tool for the urban regeneration of the city. A better understanding of the context of our project. a difficult social- economical background: Unemployment , socials problems ( low level of health , alcoolism ..),
First line of tramway : a tool for the urban regeneration of the city
A betterunderstanding of the context of ourproject • a difficult social-economical background: • Unemployment, socialsproblems (lowlevel of health , alcoolism..), • Hainaut was the only area in France classified « Objective 1 » FEDER. • Wasted land in the heart of the city , damagedurban infrastructures,(linked to the closing of coal mines and steelworksindustry in the 80’s)
First line of tramway = Engine of the territorial development of the valenciennois Beyond the launching of the first line of tramway and the associated transportation policy, the initial will of the territory ( Siturv, city of Valenciennes and intercomunal structure « Valenciennes Metropole ») was to use the tramway as a tool to rationalise urban planning et restaure social cohesion in a territory in crisis
French conception of the tramway • This approach, mixing transportation and urbanismresultsfromourhistory : • In the 60’s and 70’s , removal of most tramway networks in France (contrary to Belgium for instance) . • Towns have put in place bus networks (considered as a modern way of transportation atthat time!)
Thatswhy, in the 80/90’s , when a few citiesreinstaured the tramway in France, the whole concept of urban tram had to bereinvented. • Therefore the new concept wasmainly to use tramways to structure cities. Urbanprojectsweredefinedtrhough the tramway • The new concept lead the transportation policy of Valenciennes
1st line territorial impacts in Valenciennes
First Line of tramway: engine of the urbanrenewal of the city • Tramway : • Contributed to reshape the territory: • Urbanrenewal of 70 % of public space in the center of Valenciennes • Urbanrenewalalong the tramway path (« de façade à façade ») • Total renewal of the center of Denain
First Line of tramway: engine of the urbanrenewal of the city • Offered the territorya new positive image and a betterquality of life to itsinhabitants. Nowitappears as the symbol of the city ( postalscards for instance) • tool of territorial marketing • Insuflated a new dynamism to all citieslinked by the tram (urbanrenewal, private real estate…) • In Valenciennes , the tramway is more a toolwhichhelped the renewwal of the city than a mean of transport in itself • Since 1989, 463 millions of Euros from FEDER injected in Valenciennes!
Engine of the economicalrenewal • Tramway has helped the new vitality on the territory • The building of the tramway happened at the same time as the renewal of the local economy : it seems to be the trigger of the renewal of the city • economic activity has been rekindled through automobile production, railway industry (European Railway Agency, Alstom, Bombardier and suppliers, worldwide cluster “ITRANS”…), the University of Valenciennes and, in 2006, a new city tramway • Is tramway a tool to boost economy?
First line of tramway meantmany new urbanprojects. The mostemblematic: • Les Jardins de Valmont former waste land of 12 ha in the heart of the city of Anzin (only1,5 km from the train station of Valenciennes!) • This landscapeproject deals withhousings,public building, shops and offices around the former castle Dampierre (19th century) • The wholeurbanprojectisstructuratedaround the line of tramway and the interchange place (P+R, buses)
Line 2 of tramway : the sameprinciples • SITURV has receivedsome more money because future services of bus Will serve someparticular parts of towns. • Those parts are classified as a priority by the french state (ANRU)
« Les rives de l’Escaut »: former Vallourec Mannesman factory, in front of the station of Valenciennes along the Escaut: