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GCSS-GPCI / BLCL-RICO 18-21 sept 2006. On the use of the GPCI for the tuning and the validation of the new ARPEGE GCM’s physics. P. Marquet, CNRM . Toulouse . Météo-France. + ARPEGE CLIMATE & N.W.P. team + Meso-Scale CNRM team + ENM (School of Met.) + CERFACS + IPSL-LMD ….
GCSS-GPCI / BLCL-RICO 18-21 sept 2006 On the use of the GPCI for the tuning and the validation of the new ARPEGE GCM’s physics P. Marquet,CNRM. Toulouse. Météo-France. + ARPEGE CLIMATE & N.W.P. team + Meso-Scale CNRM team + ENM (School of Met.) + CERFACS + IPSL-LMD … (20-sept-2006)
Introduction The aim of the study : • Run the French Météo-France (CNRM) ARPEGE-CLIMAT GCM (T63-L31) for GEWEX-PCI (STD / NEW1 / NEW2) … • Send the results for the inter-comparison : done / Joao … + Impact studies : • Test of STANDARD versus NEW physics (Turb, Conv,-Phys) • Comparisons with the previous EPCI ; with the AMMA-CI… • Impact of the explicit Top PBL entrainment ? • Comparisons with SCM cases ?
The Climate ARPEGE physics : STANDARD / NEW1 / NEW2 STANDARD / V3-V4 NEW1 / mixed / NEW2 / IPCC / full-Diagnostic Diag+Prog full-Prognostic TURB DIAG. Mellor-Yamada DIAG. M&Y PROGN. / C.B.R. e / t = 0 e / t = 0 e / t = P + Dif – Dis moist PDF / Bougeault moist PDF / moist PDF / Bougeault Bougeault / Bechtold Micro-Phys DIAG. PROGN. PROGN. Smith/Kessler Smith/Kessler Bulk - Lopez q_liq / q_i ce q_liq / q_ice q_cloud / q_rain Shallow part in TURB , but why ? Mass-Flux Mass-Flux Convection + Mass-Flux Bougeault ? CAPE / Germy CAPE / Gueremy Deep Mass-Flux / Bougeault Mass-Flux Mass-Flux Convection Convergence of HU CAPE / Gueremy CAPE / Gueremy Top-PBL NO YES YES Entrainment Grenier & Breth. Grenier & Breth.
Equator GPCI =GewexPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison U.S.A Sc/St 1st Cross Section Cu 2nd Cross Section Cb GCM runs Arpege / V4.5 : 2 years : 1998 and 2003 10 days of spin-up in June (lost) + JJA every 3 h NEW1 : TKE-GY + -phys-GY + CVGY + LPBLE / or not NEW2 : TKE-CBR + LOPEZ + CVGY + LPBLE / or not
(b) L.W.P. (a) I.W.V. (c) C. C. (diag) (diag) Versus : SCM / EUROCS Cumulus (L40) EPCI =EurocsPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison
ECMWF Arpege MPI JMA MetO RACMO HIRLAM KF HIRLAM ST ERA (3-6h) EPCI =EurocsPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison Cloud Cover
ARPEGE-V3 Met-Office ANA-ECMWF Cloud Cover EPCI =EurocsPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison
ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE ANA-ECMWF ARPEGE-V3 ARP-V4-STD Cloud Cover GPCI =GewexPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison
ARP-NEW2 ANA-ECMWF 800 900 1000 ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE GPCI =GewexPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison Cloud Cover More realistic results with NEW2 + LPBLE : Top-PBL Entrainment = OK RICO ?
NEW2 NEW2_noent RICO L31 (GCM) Cloud Cover
More realistic results with NEW2 (+ LPBLE) ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE ARP-NEW2 GPCI =GewexPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison ARP-STD Athens (2005) : Pb OMEGA (Pa/s) !!
No more >0 biases with NEW2… but a <0 one !! RICO ? GPCI ARP-STD ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE (b) .W.P. GPCI =GewexPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison <q_vap> V4 = ARP-STD K6 = ARP-NEW2 K4 = ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE EPCI I.W.V.
STD NEW2 NEW2_noent [ T ] & [ q_v ] => [ RH ]? RICO L31 (GCM) RELAT. HUM.
NEW2 : better than STD-V4 NEW2 with LPBLE even better… GPCI ARP-STD ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE ARP-NEW2 ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE GPCI =GewexPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison V4 = ARP-STD L.W.P. K6 = ARP-NEW2 K4 = ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE EPCI L.W.P.
GPCI ARP-STD ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE GPCI =GewexPacificCross-sectionIntercomparison Cloud Cover Less >0 biases with NEW2 V4 = ARP-STD Less <0 biases with NEW2 + LBLPE K6 = ARP-NEW2 K4 = ARP-NEW2 + LPBLE EPCI C. C.
CROSS : 20S-40N average over : 10W-10E MAP-2D : the points located within: 10S-30N 35W-30E AMMA =AfricanMonsoonMultidisciplinaryAnalysis
Cross-Section AMMA GCM runs Arpege / V4.5 : CNRM/EAC + ENM/UFR 2 years : 2000 (dry) and 2003 (moist) + one year (lost) of spin-up (1999 et 2002) NEW1 : TKE-GY + -phys-GY + CVGY + LPBLE / or not NEW2 : TKE-CBR + LOPEZ + CVGY + LPBLE / or not SST : Reynolds OI-v2 (daily interpolations) Altitude + Surf : a standard ARPEGE state (not ERA40) Aerosols : FMR(15) + Tegen < GMAP < CEPMMT Output : t=3h / NetCdF (similar to EPCI/GPCI)
3D Simulations + transect : impact of the Top PBL l’entrainment. “NEW2” Prognostic Physics : TKE-CBR + Lopez + CVs-GY (1) LPBLE = F LPBLE = T Better simulations of SC/Cu over the Golf of Guynea if LPBLE=.TRUE. … more low level clouds, at least… but ?
3D Simulations + transect : impact of the Top PBL l’entrainment. “NEW2” Prognostic Physics : TKE-CBR + Lopez + CVs-GY (2) “Omega” : 2000-06 Re-analysis NMC : More realistic indeed with LPBLE=TRUE LPBLE = T LPBLE = F
Questions : • Problems with the diurnal cycle ? • Validation of Cloud Cover (Obs. / Ana.) ? => Radiation ! • Results for “T”, “q_v” and “q_l”… but for the wind ? for R.H. ? Results Conclusions • An (internal) validation of the ARPEGE physics… • An improvement with Top PBL entr. and with the new convection and the new micro-physics… • A real interest for the GPCI ; but jointly with SCM and GCM global analyses : the EUROCS’ method…