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Parent Meeting. 2010-2011. Agenda. Meeting Information GSVSC budget and cookie information Fundraising for Juniors Fundraising for Brownies Fundraising for Daisy's GSVSC Cancelation Policy Troop Cancelation Policy Sign-up Procedures Emergency procedure Activities and events
Parent Meeting 2010-2011
Agenda • Meeting Information • GSVSC budget and cookie information • Fundraising for Juniors • Fundraising for Brownies • Fundraising for Daisy's • GSVSC Cancelation Policy • Troop Cancelation Policy • Sign-up Procedures • Emergency procedure • Activities and events • Ways parents can help • Activities Parents must chair
Meeting information • Our meetings are usually the 2nd and 4th SUNDAY at Lake of the Woods Church in Friendship Hall. Please check the calendar on the website frequently because of holidays or events we might need to change it. www.troop804.webs.com or http://brownie-troop279.webs.com or http://orangecountydiasytroop.webs.com • Juniors from 6-8pm, Brownies from 6-7:30pm and Daisy's from 6-7pm • Registration is $12 per girl/adult and we ask that at least 1 adult register with each girl. We rely on our parents to help out with activities, chaperone and be drivers as required by Girl Scout rules for adult/child ratios. You have to be a registered as an Adult Girl Scout (male or female) to participate. We also need background checks to be done for every adult that will participate. • Dues this year is $40 (same as last year) for the troop fund. This covers all incidentals for the troop and is due in October. • Juniors vests and badges – the cost is $33. • Brownie vest and badges – the cost is $29. • Daisy tunic and badges – the cost is $31. • The troop will purchase it for your daughter and give it to her once that amount is paid. We buy them the weekend of Triple C – October 9.
GSVSC budget • GSVSC has a shortfall for their budget of $300,000. • They are doing a couple of different fundraising activities to help this. On their website www.gsvsc.org , at the bottom left corner they are trying to raise $90,000 in 70 days. • You can go there yourself or if you would like to make a donation from this meeting please leave cash or write a check made out to Troop 804 and we can post it. There is a donation box set up.
Fundraising for Juniors • Your child will set her own goals for Nut & Candy, and Cookie Sales. 75% of what she makes will go into her goal fund and 25% will be credited to the general fund. For example if your daughter sold 100 cans of nut & candy and made $100 profit from it, $75 would be available for your child to use and $25 would be given to the general fund. • Your daughter may use her goal fund for any activity that you would like or save it for a large event later on. Be aware that funds in our checking account in your daughters name do NOT transfer from our troop if your daughter moves to another troop.
Nut and Candy - goal is 40 boxes or a $20 buyout. 40 items =$40 raised which is $30 for the girls goal fund and $10 for the general fund. • Cookies – goal is 100 boxes or a $30 buyout. 100 boxes =$60 raised which is $45 for the girls goal fund and $15 for the general fund. • Fundraising activities that are Troop activities, such as the PJ Party Project, will be supported by the general fund and money earned will go back to the general fund. • The general fund can and will be used for an activity that the troop decides on AND for all of the service projects that we will be supporting AND to pay for leaders to get training, go on trips and reimbursement.
Goal Funds will only be available after the sales have officially ended. • The girls choose the activities they want to participate in – they get added to the calendar and prices are posted for each event. • Parents and Girls will be able to see what events they want to participate with and set their goals for themselves. • Refunds will take the form of credit in her goal fund.
Fundraising for Brownies • Tonight the girls will vote on which 3 activities the Brownies would like to attend this year. • The choices will determine the Girls’ individual goals and Troop’s goals on Nut and Candy and Cookie sales. If you choose for your girl to attend any or all of the 3 troop sponsored trips then fundraising is mandatory or you may choose a buy out option determined by the costs of the trips chosen. There are also scholarship options available. • The troop will pay for 60% of the 3 trips and the remaining 40% will be paid for out of pocket. This will only pay for the initial fees. Gas and food will be additional. Once they decide, the activity prices will be posted on the website calendar along with the 60/40 split. • The 3 activities voted on tonight will be the only activities paid for by the troop. • If there are other activities we choose to attend, those will be paid for out of pocket. • Any funds left over will help pay for awards and supplies needed for meetings.
Fundraising for Daisy’s • The profit from the fundraisers will pay 100% for 2 activities. Any other activities will be paid for by the parent as well as gas and food. • The activities that we will choose to pay for from are: • Ferry Farm Workshop-Nature Exploration • Botanicial Gardens-Gardenfest of Lights • Young Chefs Academy • Other activities we will decide from are: • Free activities are: Service Projects are: • Tulip USA Caroling in Nursing Home • Firehouse tour Goodwill Service Project • Petco tour Food collection • Farm tour
GSVSC Cancellation Policy • Refunds will not be given for programs, events, camps or trainings for under $5. • Refunds for cancellations will be processed as follows: • 5 or fewer business days before the event 0% • 6 to 10 business days before the event 50% • 11 to 15 business days 75% • 16 business days or more 100% • Refunds will take the form of credit in her goal fund.
Troop Cancellation Policy • If our event is a Girl Scout Sponsored event than their policy is enforced – ex. Dragons and Dreamscapes. • If our event is a troop event and we are not committed to an organization that may have its own refund policy we will use the GSVSC policy. • If we are using an organization that has a refund policy – ex. Triple C – that will be enforced but you must request the refund yourself with a leaders help. • Once these deadlines are met they can’t be changed. • Canceling an event is done thru the websites by the parent.
Sign-up procedures • The only way you are signed up for an event is to use the websites www.troop804.webs.com or http://brownie-troop279.webs.com or http://orangecountydiasytroop.webs.com and go to the calendar and click on the day of the event and use this sign in box to write that you are going. Sign-up to become a member is very easy!! If you don’t have access to a computer please call your troop leader and they will enter it for you. • The ONLY way to sign up for events is to use the troop websites.The leaders will post events and send out emails. Parent Permissions are posted online and if you are unable to print yours out at home and bring it to your next troop meeting please mention it in the comment section and your leader will then have your paperwork in your file for you at the next meeting. Deadlines will be kept!
Emergency Procedures • Girl Scouts Emergency Number 1-800-542-5902 • In case of emergency a troop leader appoints a responsible at-home adult to make all phone calls to parents of girls on the trip. • Please keep in contact with our at-home adult not the leader, they are taking care of a crisis and can’t handle phone calls. It might be necessary to take the entire group of girls to the Emergency Room or deal with a car accident and police and reports. The leader will give the at-home adult updates to be sent out. The at-home adult will have the current roster and who is on the trip along with the procedures from Girl Scouts.
Junior Bronze Award Weekend • This year the Juniors and Cadetswill be working on and completing the BRONZE AWARD. Girl Scouts requires that the girls use the leadership book to accomplish this. The book is broken down into 3 badges. We will be able to complete 2 of the 3 badges in one full weekend (Friday night – Saturday night). Therefore we are only offering this once this year! This badge work MUST be completed in order for your daughter to get the BRONZE AWARD. This weekend camp is MANDATORY!! Weekend is October 22 from 6:30pm – October 23 – 5pm. This will be paid for by the troop. We will be at LOW Church. • You may choose not to complete the Bronze Award this year but do it next year. You may participate with the service project that is chosen.
Juniors and Brownie Activities • The girls are picking out the activities that most interest them. We have broken it down to many different categories and given them many choices in each category. Once all the papers are collected with their ideas we will set up the calendar of activities for the year. • These are girl led troops so the troop leaders will be asking each girl to chair an event. They will help them set-up the event from start to finish so they learn how to keep track of the budgeting, finances, transportation, record keeping, troop planning and the follow-up if needed.
Brownie and Daisy Activities • The Brownies will be working on their Brownie Quest. It is not necessary to purchase the book, but it will be helpful. • The Daisy’s will be working on their Daisy Quest book. It is not necessary to purchase the book, but it will be helpful. • These books cost $7.
Ways Parents Can Help • We ask that parents be as involved as they can. • Homework will be sent home and it is imperative that they complete the assignments when asked. • We would like one parent to during the meeting to help out as a “general parent helper” with each meeting. This will not require a background investigation check however you will not be able to be left alone with the girls. We will have a sign up sheet available. • If you would like to volunteer as an “In-Room Chaperone” this will require a background investigation check and you will be able to be alone in the room with the girls. If we have a volunteer for this, we will not need a “general parent helper.”
Activities Parents must Chair • All troops need a Nut and Candy Manager and a Cookie Parent – if you sign up for these activities the troop will pay for the adults registration fee. See your leader if interested! • Postcard exchange • Fundraising Chair for activities – car wash, bake sales etc.