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History of Flight - AVB 1 (MOGT)

History of Flight - AVB 1 (MOGT). CCPL Palmer. 22 Feb 13. Purposes of this lesson:. Describe briefly the history of aviation with respect to: Early flight Civil and commercial aviation Military aviation, and Recreational aviation.

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History of Flight - AVB 1 (MOGT)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. History of Flight - AVB 1 (MOGT) CCPL Palmer 22 Feb 13

  2. Purposes of this lesson: • Describe briefly the history of aviation with respect to: • Early flight • Civil and commercial aviation • Military aviation, and • Recreational aviation. • Describe the full range of basic types of aircraft emanating from the lighter-than-air and heavier- than-air categories. • This lesson will help you at cadets to pass your exam and to be more knowledgeable with aviation.

  3. Timeline

  4. 1700s • First balloon flight in 1783 - France • First powered ballon and the first flight by a woman in 1784 - France • First American flight 1793 • First Military use in 1794 • First parachute jump in 1797

  5. 1800s • First air transport company in 1843 • First dirigible - steam engine powered ballon - 1852 • First transatlantic attempt - 1873 • First successful metal dirigible - crashed because of leaks - 1897

  6. 1900s • First zeppelin flight - 1900 • Wright Brothers plane - first heavier than air flight - 1903 • First airplane maneuvers - 1904 • First multi engined aircraft - 1913 • First aerial combat - 1914 • First round-the-world flight - 1924 • First helicopter flight - 1937

  7. 1900s... • First turbojet flight - 1939 • First supersonic flight - 1947 • First airlines - 1950s • First Satellite - 1957 • First moon landing - 1969 • First long distance solar powered flight - 1980 • First US female combat pilot to bomb enemy target - 1998 • First non-stop round the world balloon flight - 1999

  8. 2000s • First solo non-stop flight around the world without refueling - 2005

  9. Lighter-Than-Air Aircraft • Aircraft that can rise and remain suspended by using contained gas weighing less than the air that is displaced by the gas. • What types are there?

  10. Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft • An aircraft which is heavier than the air that it displaces • Any aircraft which flies by producing lift, rather than relying on being lighter than the air around it • What are some examples?

  11. Outcomes from this lesson • You should now be able to: • Briefly describe the history of aviation • Differentiate between heavier than air and lighter than air aircraft

  12. The End

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