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Note-taking & Summarizing. http:// www.mindsparklearning.com/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2013/12/Boy-writing-homework-400x300.jpg. Kendall Brown & Sam Kuyper EDU 6526 Survey of Instructional Strategies Spring 2015. Summarizing & Note-taking.
Note-taking & Summarizing http://www.mindsparklearning.com/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2013/12/Boy-writing-homework-400x300.jpg Kendall Brown & Sam Kuyper EDU 6526 Survey of Instructional Strategies Spring 2015
Summarizing & Note-taking “Two of the most powerful skills students can cultivate” (Marzano, 48). “Summarizing and note-taking go together because both require synthesis” (Marzano, 3). https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/222/452830868_0f1406ba87_b.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/sunshinecity/
Note-taking “The heart of summarizing” Research and theory on note-taking: (4) 1. Verbatim note-taking is the least effective way to take notes. ~no synthesizing information, ~working memory on overload. http://www.rsc.org/blogs/eic/sites/eic/files/overload_300_225_0.jpg http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/63/63d6d1e921a9c1610d524463d018e6984d3e779225abbb937fd767b3c43f00d2.jpg
http://www.exponentialprograms.com/internet/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Email-Tip-4-Stop-Editing-300x234.jpghttp://www.exponentialprograms.com/internet/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Email-Tip-4-Stop-Editing-300x234.jpg 2. Needs to be a work in progress. ~Add/revise notes; review-and-revision process 3. Used as study guides for tests. 4. The more notes taken, the better! http://images.clipartpanda.com/taking-notes-clipart-taking-notes.jpg
Classroom Practice in Note-Taking Teacher-Prepared Notes: ~providing a model for students (what is considered important) ~clear picture of how notes are taken http://hdbeaver.wmwikis.net/file/view/Teaching_5.jpg/219343930/Teaching_5.jpg
Formatting of Notes: (3) “There is no one correct one way take notes” (Marzano, 46). 1. Informal Outline ~Structure ~Sequential thinking
2. Webbing: ~the larger the circle, the more important the idea ~lines connect ideas together ~Visual representation ~limits the amount of verbiage
3. Combination Notes ~Uses some informal AND webbing note-taking ~Begins the summary process as notes are being taken ~Allows students to process the information 3X
Let’s Try! • Informal outline • Webbing • Combination http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201402/01/46/d0293146_00405881.jpg
Japanese ToiletsSquatter-style vs. Western Style http://www.fivedollartraveller.com/squat-toilets-10-tips-expect-use/ http://www.emirates247.com/lifestyle/health/japan-high-tech-toilet-makers-flush-with-success-2010-08-26-1.283904
How do you use this thing? http://www.mikesblender.com/indexblog122.htm
Squatter-style toilets are found in.. • Train Stations • Parks • Houses out in the country http://www.hiraganatimes.com/past-articles/language/756/
Modern Japanese Toilets“Washlet” cosmosjapaneselanguageschool.com http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2014/04/toto_washlet_s350e_the_incredible_japanese_wonder_toilet_that_will_change.html
Note Sharing • Get together with someone who used a different note-format. • Think-Pair-Share about the notes you took. • Share out as a class!
What is Summarizing? • “The process of distilling information down to its most salient points to aide in understating, memorizing and learning the relevant material.” (Dean, Hubbell, Pitler & Stone, 2012). Big Few Words http://www.wpclipart.com/education/supplies/paper/paper_2/spiral_notebook_paper_page.jpg.html http://pixgood.com/idea-bulb.html
Brain Rules • 12 principals that characterize how our brain works. • Rule 5, “Repeat to remember.” Consistently re-expose yourself to the information. • Rule 6, “Remember to repeat.” Repeated exposure to information provides the most powerful way to fix memory into the brain. http://rack.1.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA0LzAyLzhiL2JyYWluLjdiYjk4LmpwZwpwCXRodW1iCTk1MHg1MzQjCmUJanBn/72a94d12/a7a/brain.jpg
Classroom Practice • Rule Based Summarizing • Summary Frames • Reciprocal Teaching. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/26/73/9c/26739cadc09e6d4b7af8e56f7a8b5a3e.jpg
Rule Based Summarizing • Take out material that is not important to understanding. • Take out words that repeat information. • Replace a list of things with one word that describes them (“oak, elm, and maple” to “trees”) • Find a topic sentence or create one. http://languageartsgames.4you4free.com/summary.gif
Let’s Try! • Read the Article. • Take out words that repeat information. • Replace a list of things with one word that describes them. • Find or create a topic sentence. • Think/Pair/Share! http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201402/01/46/d0293146_00405881.jpg
Summary FramesHighlighting critical elements for specific types of information Topic-Restriction-Illustration Frame Definition Frame Narrative Frame Problem-Solution Frame Conversation Frame Argumentation Frame http://images.wisegeek.com/picture-frames-on-wall.jpg
Narrative Frame • Who are the main characters? • When and where did the story take place? • What prompted action in the story? • How did characters express their feelings? • What did the main character decide to do? Goal? • How did the main characters accomplish their goal? • What were the consequences? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ruw8fVBhU2A/T3bLCM_ACsI/AAAAAAAAAeA/6emF5MNoTsc/s1600/Narrative+Stylistics.gif
Narrative Frame Example https://lh3.ggpht.com/Kb43WWOS-w4YeHZsRf6222M4RSHc7wI2uWITU_5585NHiu_InRRl2O8mbUFuP7Q2oQ=h900
Topic-Restriction-Illustration Frame • What is the general statement or topic? • What information narrows or restricts the general statement or topic? • What examples illustrate the topic or restriction?
Definition Frame • What is being defined? • To which general category does the item belong? • What characteristics separate the item from the other things in the general category? • What are some different types or classes of the item being defined? https://www.californiaduihelp.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/dui-resource_dui-dictionary.jpg
Definition Frame Example What is being defined? Japanese high tech toilets. To which general category does the item belong? Bathrooms/plumbing. What characteristics separate the item from other things in the general category? They have computerized modern functions such as cleaning and drying functions for sanitation. What are some different types or classes of the item being defined? Brand names. Toto is the largest in Japan. Summary Toilets in Japan are in two styles, western and traditional squat style. Western high tech style toilets have computerized modern functions such as cleaning and drying functions for sanitation.
Argumentation Frame • What is the basic claim or focus of the information? • What information is presented that leads to a claim? • What examples or explanations support the claim? • What restricts the claim? What evidence counters the claim? http://writing.stevenlberg.info/mini/images/m001.png
Argumentation Frame Example Toto toilet company video example What is the basic claim or focus of the information? What information is presented that leads to a claim? What examples or explanations support the claim? What restricts the claim? What evidence counters the claim?
Problem-Solution Frame • What is the problem? • What is a possible solution? • What is another possible solution? • Which solution has the best chance of succeeding and why? http://eliteessayservice.com/images/makupama.jpg
Problem-Solution Example • Article describing American’s aversion to Japanese toilets. • Gross! • Not selling in the United States. • You work for Toto Toilet Company. How to resolve this issue?
Conversation Frame • How did the members of the conversation greet one another? • What questions or topic was insinuated, revealed, or referred to? • How did the conversation progress? • How did the conversation conclude? http://www.coupa.com/blog/images/content/blogs/procurement_conversation.png
Reciprocal Teaching Summarizing Summarizer in the group reads and summarizes what has been read, heard, or seen (first two paragraphs). Questioning Questioner asks questions that are designed to help identify important information (applying information from the text). Clarifying Clarifier , clarifies vocabulary words, pronunciations , or terms the group may not know. Predicting Predictor asks the group about predictions about what will happen next. Records predictions and returns to them for verification after reading. Creates a purpose for continued reading. (AP Article. “New high-tech toilets: no hands or paper required” http://epltt.coe.uga.edu/images/9/9c/Reci_5.jpg
Note-taking/Summarizing Resources Teachers Pay Teachers https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/ “Stuckey in Second” Step-Up Curriculum Graphic organizers for summarizing
Resources Auman, M. (2003). Primary steps: Reproducibles for K-2 teachers, a step up to writing publication. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Marzano, R., & Pickering, D. (2001). Summarizing and Note Taking.In Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. TeachersPayTeachers.com - An Open Marketplace for Original Lesson Plans and Other Teaching Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved May 16, 2015, from https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/ Dean, CeriB., Hubbell, Elizabeth, R., Pitler, Howard, & Stone. Taking.In Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. “Japan proud of its high-tech toilets” Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion, Retrieved on May 18, 2015 from http://www.japantoday.com/category/lifestyle/view/japan-proud-of-its-high-tech-toilets Toto toilets http://www.totousa.com/products/toilets