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3.Grab a piece of poster paper and box of markers For you group.

9/16 1)Forces choice- Security or Civil Liberties? 2) Share out your group’s $2 summary- grab posters on back wall. 3.Grab a piece of poster paper and box of markers For you group. 4. As a group write out 3 challenges the Jamestown settlers may have faced. Jamestown Simulation.

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3.Grab a piece of poster paper and box of markers For you group.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 9/16 1)Forces choice- Security or Civil Liberties?2) Share out your group’s $2 summary-grab posters on back wall. 3.Grab a piece of poster paper and box of markers For you group. 4. As a group write out 3 challenges the Jamestown settlers may have faced.

  2. Jamestown Simulation Read Locating a Colony on the back of the map you picked up at the door. As a Group, on your poster paper complete 1-3, list will work for 2 &3. Watch Video http://www.history.com/topics/jamestown/videos/jamestown-founded-in-1607

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