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Lesson 16 – ADMINISTERING NETWARE: THE BASICS. OVERVIEW. Working with user accounts. Working with security groups. Managing file system access. . WORKING WITH USER ACCOUNTS . Establish security accounts. Modify user accounts. Delete user accounts. Establish security accounts .

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  2. OVERVIEW • Working with user accounts. • Working with security groups. • Managing file system access.

  3. WORKING WITH USER ACCOUNTS • Establish security accounts. • Modify user accounts. • Delete user accounts.

  4. Establish security accounts ConsoleOne: • Comprehensive tool to administer nearly any object that exists in an NDS tree.

  5. Establish security accounts ConsoleOne

  6. Establish security accounts To create a new user account: • Access File menu. • Choose New. • Choose User.

  7. Establish security accounts New User Dialog Box

  8. Establish security accounts To create a new user account: • Click OK to create user account. • Assign user password.

  9. Modify user accounts Steps: • Double-click user object. • Click different tabs to access account settings types in the Properties dialog box.

  10. Modify user accounts General/Identification: • Defines additional user information.

  11. Modify user accounts User Properties dialog box

  12. Modify user accounts General/Environment: • Enables definition of the language the user will use and the default server.

  13. Modify user accounts Default Server: • In a single Network, do not set the server. • In a multi-server Network, specify the server.

  14. Modify user accounts General/Environment tab

  15. Modify user accounts Restrictions/Password Restrictions tab

  16. Modify user accounts Login Restrictions: • Account disabled. • Account has expiration date. • Limit concurrent connections from different computers.

  17. Modify user accounts Time Restrictions: • Allow/disallow login times.

  18. Modify user accounts Restrictions/Time Restrictions tab

  19. Modify user accounts Address Restrictions: • Restrict access. Intruder Detection: • Restrictions/Intruder Lockout.

  20. Modify user accounts Administrative duties: • Rights to files/ folders. • Memberships/ group membership. • Memberships/ Security Equal To. • Security Equal to Me.

  21. Delete user accounts Steps: • Select object in the right pane. • Open File menu. • Choose Delete NDS Object.

  22. WORKING WITH SECURITY GROUPS • Creating groups • Maintaining group membership

  23. Creating groups Steps: • Select organization container. • Open File menu. • Choose New. • Choose Group. • Enter new group name. • Click OK.

  24. Creating groups New Group dialog box

  25. Maintaining group membership Steps: • Open group object in ConsoleOne • Use Members tab. • Open individual user’s Properties dialog box. • Use Memberships/Group Membership tab.

  26. Maintaining group membership ConsoleOne Member’s tab

  27. MANAGING FILE SYSTEM ACCESS Administer volume and folder security: • Use Network Neighborhood/My Computer as Administrator. • Use ConsoleOne to assign permissions.

  28. Managing file system access NetWare Rights tab

  29. Managing file system access Trustees tab

  30. Managing file system access • Understanding NetWare folder permissions • Assigning rights

  31. Understanding NetWare folder permissions • Manage permissions to folders and individual files. • Folder and file permissions use same rights.

  32. Understanding NetWare folder permissions File system security rights: • Supervisor • Read • Write • Create

  33. Understanding NetWare folder permissions File system security rights: • Erase • Modify • File Scan • Access Control

  34. Understanding NetWare folder permissions Tips: • For read-only access to a folder, grant Read and File Scan rights. • Create folders similar to secure in-box by granting Create right. • Cumulative file system rights. • Consider capabilities granted to user with rights.

  35. Assigning rights To add a Trustee: • Navigate to the folder. • Right-click the folder. • Choose Properties. • Select Add Trustee button. • Choose user/group from list. • Click OK. • Use checkboxes in Access Rights portion of the Trustees of This Directory tab.

  36. Assigning rights To remove a Trustee: • Select that person in the list. • Click Delete Trustee.

  37. SUMMARY Working with user accounts: • Establish security accounts • Modify user accounts • Delete user accounts

  38. Summary Working with security groups: • Creating groups • Maintaining group membership

  39. Summary Managing file system access: • Understanding NetWare folder permissions • Assigning rights

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