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Strasbourg 31/07/07. Strasbourg 05/06/07. The programme EUROPE FOR CITIZENS Marco Boaria ALDA. General Objectives
Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07 • The programme • EUROPE FOR CITIZENS • Marco Boaria • ALDA
General Objectives • To give citizens the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing an ever closer Europe, which is democratic and world-oriented, united in and enriched through its cultural diversity, thus developing citizenship of the European Union; • To develop a sense of European identity, based on common values, history and culture; • To foster a sense of ownership of the European Union among its citizens; • To enhance tolerance and mutual understanding between European citizens respecting and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity, while contributing to intercultural dialogue. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Specific Objectives • To bring together people from local communities across Europe to share and exchange experiences, opinions and values, to learn from history and to build for the future; • To foster action, debate and reflection related to European citizenship and democracy, shared values, common history and culture through cooperation within civil society organisations at European level; • To bring Europe closer to its citizens by promoting European values and achievements, while preserving the memory of its past; • To encourage interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries, contributing to intercultural dialogue and bringing to the fore both Europe’s diversity and unity, with particular attention to activities aimed at developing closer ties between citizens from Member States of the European Union as constituted on 30 April 2004 and those from Member States which have acceded since that date. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Permanent themes and their annual focus Future of the European Union and its basic values • Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights and peace • Active European Citizenship: participation and democracy in Europe • co-operation between the European Institutions and citizens and the different actors incivil society. Volunteering: to foster citizens’ commitment to the EU • Intercultural dialogue • Impact of EU policies in societies • People’s well-being in Europe: employment, social cohesion and sustainable development Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Strasbourg 31/07/07 PROGRAMME PRIORITIES FOR 2013 Strasbourg 05/06/07 Priority 1 EU: values, rights and opportunities for Citizens Raise awareness, reflection and debate on the relevance and implcations of EU policies on citizens’ daily lives and remove obstacles that EU citizens still face. The EfC programme can make a valuable contribution to increase awareness, understanding and enjoyment of the values, rights and opportunities created by the EU as well as to foster reflection on the cost of non-Europe and to support the preservation of the European memory.
Strasbourg 31/07/07 PROGRAMME PRIORITIES FOR 2013 Priority 2 Citizens participation in the democratic life of the EU Encourage citizens to share their views on the political programme and concrete actions proposed by the European Institutions and to influence what the agenda should comprise and how the agenda should be taken forward. Civil society should also be invited to further contribute to developing a European Area for Freedom, Security and Justice. Projects shall facilitate the exchange of views with and presentation of results to the appropriate decision-makers on ongoing European policies and their impact on local situations as well as on local issues with a European dimension. Strasbourg 05/06/07
Direct beneficiaries • local authorities and organisations • European public policy research organisations (think-tanks) • citizens’ groups • civil society organisations • non-governmental organisations • trade unions • educational institutions • organisations active in the field of voluntary work • organisations active in the field of amateur sport, etc. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Beneficiary countries • Member States of European Union • Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary • Croatia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania. • Potential participating countries (potentially could participate in the near future) • Participating countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), members of the European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway • EU candidate countries: Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Horizontal features of the "Europe for citizens" programme • European values • Informal learning for active European citizenship • Volunteering - expression of active European citizenship • Transnationality and local dimension • Cultural and linguistic diversity • Cross-fertilization • Equal access to the program • Intergenerational solidarity • Gender equality Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Actions and Measures Action 1 - Active citizens for Europe = activities involving citizens Measure 1. Town-Twinning = Involvement or promotion of direct exchanges between European citizens through their participation in town-twinning activities and development of networking and cooperation between twinned towns Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Action 1 - Town twinning • 1.1. Town-Twinning citizens’ meetings • = Meetings between citizens’ groups from twinned towns aiming at developing long-lasting, informal and personal relations. • They should: • reinforce participant’s committment to European integration • foster mutual understanding and friendship between people from the twinned towns • be an experience of active civic participation at local level. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Action 1 - Town twinning • 1. 2 Networks of Twinned Towns • = thematic conferences and workshops that encourage the development of a long lasting, dynamic and multifaceted cooperation between twinned towns (twinned in largu sensu). • These events should: • have a defined target group for which the select theme is relevant and involve community members active in it. • Address the priority themes of the Programme • Serve as a basis for future initiatives and action between towns involved Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Action 1 - Active citizens for Europe Measure 2. Citizens’ projects and support measures 2.1. Citizens’ projects =Collect the opinion of citizens on some key European challenges for the future, to debate questions on the EU at the local ad European level 2.2 Support Measures = possibility for intermediary organizations with experience in the field of twinning (eg associations of local authorities) to apply for grants to support cities in initiating, relaunching and developing town twinning and improving the quality of activities. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Actions and measures Action 2 - Active civil society in Europe = support at activities involving directly civil society organizations and think tanks 1. Structural support for European policy research organizations (think-tanks) 2. Structural support for civil society organizations at the European level 3. Support for projects initiated by civil society organizations. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Action 2 - Active civil society in Europe 2.3 Support for projects initiated by Civil Society Organisations = support concrete projects from CSOs from different participating countries with a European dimension Projects must: - implement and disseminate the results of an action, in a manner consistent with the objectives and priorities of the program.- stimulate and organize a debate related to the objectives of the program- Organise reflection on European values, citizenship and democracy- Aim to prepare the ground to encourage the creation of lasting networks between organizations Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Eligibility criteria - Support for project initiated by civil society organisations Applicants = non-profit-making organisation with a legal status and legal personalitye stablished in a participating country having the appropriate qualifications and requisite financial to complete the project Duration = max 18 months (starting between 1 august and 1 December of the year for which the application is submitted) Deadlines = 1 February each year Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Eligibility criteria - Support for project initiated by civil society organisations Actions = projects based on a transnational partnership which implies the active, intellectual collaboration of the partners on the project, from its planning, to its implementation and its follow-up Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
The Grant- support for projects initiated by civil society organisations The grant can be calculated using two different approaches, following specific rules: Grants awarded on the basis of flat rates for ‘event projects’ (flat rates and lump sums) or Grants based on actual costs for ‘production and realisation projects’ (budget-based) (60% max up to 55.000 €) Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Actions and measures Action 3 - Together for Europe = develop the concept of ‘active European citizenship’ for contributing to bringing Europe closer to its citizens 1. High visibility events 2. Studies 3. Information and dissemination tools Action managed by DG COMM, no grants available Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Actions and measures • Action 4 - Active European Remembrance • = preservation the main sites and archives associated with deportations and commemoration the victims of Nazism and Stalinism • The projects should: • ensure the preservation of the main sites of mass deportation and extermination, of the memorials or of the archives • commemorate the victims of Nazism or Stalinism • engage citizens (young people) in a broad reflection about causes and consequences of Nazism/stalinism • aim at setting the basis for longlasting • networking Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Website • EACEA Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07 http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/citizenship/index_en.php Contact MARCO BOARIA Marco.boaria@aldaintranet.org Resource and Development Unit Coordinator ALDA