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Green Project’s team Caps binder : Francis Paul Ambat Rock your school : Giulio Cecchi Paone In Rome : Chiara Varrone Green@hospital : Luca Giannini Cleaning the beaches : Grabriele Di Luzio Food waste : Edoardo Desideri Recycling : Belisario Iurcovich
Green Project’s team Capsbinder: Francis Paul Ambat Rock yourschool: Giulio Cecchi Paone In Rome: Chiara Varrone Green@hospital: Luca Giannini Cleaning the beaches: Grabriele Di Luzio Foodwaste: Edoardo Desideri Recycling: BelisarioIurcovich Liceo Scientifico Statale "Farnesina“ Classe: IIB
CAPS BINDER Do youknow? Caps are madeof a verygood plastic forrecycling. The association“Amici del Farnesina” will donate the incometo San Gaetano churchwhichsupportshelpingprojectsfor Africa like water provisions and wells
Rock your school” is a project where students take care of school. • In Farnesina high school this project has been very successful. • It consists of painting the walls outside the school and cleaning the garden.
IN ROME: • In Rome there are lot of green parks but the most important are; Prativerdi dellaBufalotta and Riserva naturale Decima Malafede. • The green point Prati Verdi della Bufalotta was opened in October 2007. The Park was built on a public area not used until recently. The park covers about seventy thousand square meters. Entrance is free. But activities that take place in the sports club Maximo, inside the park, are to be paid. • The Maximo hosts different types of facilities. Fifty different types of plants grow within the area. • The Riserva Naturale Decima Malafede is the largest protected area in the park system managed by Roma Natura. A study of the WWF has recorded that there are more than 800 plant species. This area can also boast of human settlements dating back to the first prehistory time, approximately 250,000 years ago. The area can be taken as a model of the overall evolution of the Agro Romano.
GREEN@Hospital • Hospitals are known to be large energy consumers. • Nowadays there is a growing urgency to achieve real energy savings from existing building stocks and to build more sustainable new hospitals. • The PolyclinicGemelli willbecome the first Green Hospital in Lazio • The GREEN@Hospital project aims at integrating the latest ICT solutions in order to obtain a significant energy saving in existing hospital buildings, through a better management of energy resources and losses reduction. This will be carried out by the realization of Web-based Energy Management and Control Systems – Web-EMCS. Four different hospitals have been selected across Europe to take part in the pilot project in order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed solution under real operating conditions. • Each hospital will make available specific areas selected considering the presence of: 1) renewable energy sources, 2) already available building management systems that can be easily integrated in the Web-EMCS, 3) refurnishing plans aiming at energy efficiency improvement. • The study will be the basis for possible replications of the solutions taking into account savings and return of investments. Polyclinic Agostino Gemelli
Cleaningthebeaches In Lazio(myregion) thereis a project on the cleaningof the beaches Thisisa project thatconsistsofremovingthe garbage. Itismadebyan ECO assosiation WWF with the help of some volunteers.
FOOD WASTE In Italy we are developing many projects inorder to reduce the food waste. One of these is “THINK, EAT, SAVE" a project sponsored by FAO and of which it is also part WWF committed every day to reduce the carbon footprint of the food system. • According to FAO esteema third of the food produced every year is lost or wasted, while 1 out of7 people suffer from hunger and more than 20,000 children under the age of 5 die every day from hunger. • Thanks to this project, WWF is actively working to prevent and reduce food waste in all sectors, public and private. • Reducing food waste would have a positive effect on climate change, loss of biodiversity, over-exploitation of water resources, pollution, land degradation.
Recycling • Recycling means turning the materials from waste into something new. • One reason for recycling is that it reduces trash in landfills. Recycling in Italy • In Italy there are many environmentalassociations that promote recycling activities. • The most importantare: GREENPEACE, LEGAMBIENTE, WWF. • Although the efforts done, the recycling activities in urban area cover only 34,9% of the total population Personal attitudes towards “Green Project” • I think recycling is one of the most simple and efficient ways to improve our environment. • Through this approach in the future, we will be able to have a better, more "green" and ecological quality of life. • The only constraint to become a “green society” is represented by the limited environmental awareness of a huge part of the population.