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Water Lettuce Pistia stratiotes

Water Lettuce Pistia stratiotes. Performed By: Cory Dulski. Water Lettuce  ( Pistia stratiotes ). Water Lettuce is a floating, aquatic perennial, which grow in thick mats The leaves are simple with distinct ridges. Which are also covered by a waxy coating and have very small fine hairs

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Water Lettuce Pistia stratiotes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Water LettucePistia stratiotes Performed By: Cory Dulski

  2. Water Lettuce  (Pistia stratiotes) • Water Lettuce is a floating, aquatic perennial, which grow in thick mats • The leaves are simple with distinct ridges. Which are also covered by a waxy coating and have very small fine hairs • Given the name because they look like small heads of lettuce • Water lettuce inhabits lakes, ponds, canals, and slow-flowing streams.

  3. Where did it come from? • Present in Florida around 1765 and was found in Lake George. • Water Lettuce is forbidden in Florida and Texas. • Some arguments to if Water Lettuce is a native species or if it was brought over from South America.

  4. Where is it found?

  5. Control Measures • Water Lettuce can be removed by raking • The use of chemical agents such as Aquamaster, Eraser AQ, but using these chemicals depletes the oxygen in the water, aeration is strongly recommended

  6. Pest Control Weevils, Water Lettuce Moths

  7. Uncontrolled Controlled

  8. Kingdom-Species Kingdom- PlantaeClass- LiliopsidaOrder- AlismatalesFamily- AraceaeGenus- Pistia LSpecies P. stratiotes

  9. Resources • http://aquaplant.tamu.edu/database/floating_plants/water_lettuce.htm • http://aquaplant.tamu.edu/database/floating_plants/water_lettuce_mgmt.htm • http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/node/328

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