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Investigating the accuracy of link capacity estimates using CapProbe in conditions of varying loads and cross-traffic interference. Analyzing the effects of dispersion expansion and compression on capacity estimation through packet pair techniques. Comparing active and passive CapProbe methods and discussing the implications for future improvements in capacity estimation.
Accuracy of Link Capacity Estimates using Passive and Active Approaches with CapProbe Rohit Kapoor, Ling-Jyh Chen, M. Y. Sanadidi, Mario Gerla Dept. of Computer Science, University of California at Los Angeles
Ideal Case: Packet pair Techniques ISCC 2004
Packet Pair and Train Dispersion ISCC 2004
Packet Pairs Bandwidth Histogram Packet-pair estimates: multimodality with cross traffic: • Light load conditions(20%) (b) heavy load conditions(80%) • SCDR is caused by dispersion expansion • PNCM is caused by dispersion compression ISCC 2004
Packet Train Bandwidth Histogram • As trains get longer, get “Asymptotic Dispersion Rate” or ADR • ADR is not equal to Residual (available) Capacity • We found and proved a physical interpretation (to be published): ADR is the flow share, when merges are proportional to arrival rates at each link • Dovrolis’ results obtained for non-responsive cross traffic flows ISCC 2004
CapProbe: The Main Idea • Observation: Both expansion and compression of dispersion involve queuing due to cross traffic: • Dispersion expansion => second packet queued more • Dispersion compression => first packet queued more • Packet pair with minimal end-to-end delay sum, is likely to be dispersed corresponding to narrow link capacity • Looking for packet pair with minimal delay sum is inexpensive • CapProbe appears accurate in most of our experiments, simulations and measurements • CapProbe fails under heavy (~>75%) utilization by non-responsive (UDP) traffic ISCC 2004
CapProbe • Ideal Case: no cross traffic • Real Case: dispersion may be compressed or expanded by the cross traffic Under-estimation due to expansion Over-estimation due to compression ISCC 2004
CapProbe • Both expansion and compression are due to queuing • A Packet-Pair sample with Minimal Delay Sum can be used for Capacity Estimation ISCC 2004
Wireless Measurements • Bad channelretransmissionlarger dispersionslower estimated capacity Results for Bluetooth-interfered 802.11b, TCP cross-traffic ISCC 2004
Comparison to Earlier Tools ISCC 2004
Implementation Issues • User vs. Kernel Mode generation of probes and measurements • End systems processing speed • Probe packet size ISCC 2004
Testbed • User mode and kernel mode implementations • Slow system: Pentium II 500MHz CPU; Fast system: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz CPU • Probe packet sizes varied from 500 Bytes to 5K Bytes ISCC 2004
Measurement Experiments on Internet Unit: Mbps ISCC 2004
Discussion • For high speed networks, either a high time resolution machine or a large probing packet size is needed for accuracy • Fine resolution may not be possible in user mode • A large packet size increases the chances expansion of dispersion • Required time resolution T = pksize / C: Required time resolution for accurate estimation ISCC 2004
Passive CapProbe • CapProbe is an active approach and using ICMP packets. • Passive approach is less intrusive, thus more scalable • Passive CapProbing within TCP requires back to back TCP packet transmission • Simulation => 15~20% of TCP data packets are sent back-to-back ISCC 2004
Simulation • The network topology used in our simulations consists of a six-hop path with capacities {10, 7.5, 5.5, 4, 6 and 8} Mbps. • DelACK is disabled in the simulation. • Different cross traffic are used, with packet size 1000 bytes and 200 bytes. ISCC 2004
Active CapProbe Passive CapProbe ISCC 2004
Conclusion • Either a high time resolution machine or a large probing packet size is necessary for accurate capacity estimation • Passive CapProbing within TCP is feasible, minor TCP sender modification helps a lot (future work) • Other Future work: • Experiments at speeds higher than 100 Mbps • Passive CapProbing in TFRC, other applications • Use of capacity estimates in TCPW and overlays construction ISCC 2004
Improving Wireless Link Throughput via Interleaved FEC T h a n k s ISCC 2004