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Real Estate Market Technology

As we can see the digital revolution, has made it more convenient to buy or sell a property. The technological revolution has had a profound effect on the real estate market as well. The greatest difficulty faced by property sellers a few years ago was that they could not connect with buyers on their own.<br>

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Real Estate Market Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TECHNOLOGY ON REAL ESTATE MARKET Inrecenttimes, advancementsintechnologyandthedigitalrevolutionhave impactedourlivesinmorewaysthanone. Today, socialmedia, web communications, e-commerce, etc, haveinfluencedourlifestyle, thewaywe work, shop, etc. Therealestatemarketisnowbecoming ‘digital’. Thereasonbeing, property seekersaretech-savvynowandprefertosearchpropertiesonline. Thishas motivatedpropertyownerstoselltheirpropertyonline. Onlinesellingentailslistingthepropertyonapropertyportalandmarketingit ontheinternet. Listingapropertyimpliesuploadingdescription, picturesanda virtualtourofthehouse. WWW.MINUSTHEAGENT.COM.AU

  2. THE BENEFITS OF SELLING A PROPERTY ONLINE TO THE SELLER: Hecanlistitonawebsitefromthe comfortofhishome. Hedoesnothaveto visitrealestateagents. Onlinefacilitiesprovidehimmore flexibilitytoadvertisehisproperty. Hecan uploadalargenumberofpictures. Hecan uploadavirtualtourofhisproperty. There isnolimitationonthenumberofwords usedtodescribetheproperty. Hecan highlightspecialfeaturesonline. Onlineservicesareavailable24/7. Therefore, theownerhastheflexibilityto modifytheuploadeddataatanytimeas perhisconvenience. Propertyownerstodaycanusevarious socialmediaplatformssuchasFacebook, Twitter, etc. toadvertisetheirproperty. Theyhavetheoptionofmultiplelisting ononlinepropertyportals. Allthesemeasuresenhancethevisibility ofthepropertyandenablesellerstofind buyerseasily. Sellingapropertyusingonlinemethodsis thefastestandmosteconomicalwayof selling.

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