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Simon Rhook

Simon Rhook. IT unit 2 AOS 2 Programming journal. Contents. Hello world, RnR , Random fact. I have learnt to put buttons/labels across. Change the properties of the labels and buttons, and add coding so that they do things. Radio Buttons.

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Simon Rhook

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Simon Rhook IT unit 2 AOS 2 Programming journal

  2. Contents

  3. Hello world, RnR, Random fact • I have learnt to put buttons/labels across. Change the properties of the labels and buttons, and add coding so that they do things

  4. Radio Buttons • We learnt to use radio buttons to change the colour of the background and text

  5. Add radio buttons make things display after activating a button • We learnt to add radio buttons and make things display only after clicking a button

  6. Flag Program • We made a flag program that has the potential to display 4 different flags when the correct radio buttons were selected. And we read the book and answered some questions

  7. Auto Case study • We made a program for an auto shop to display special deals and there hours

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