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SYNOD 2008 Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica, W I

SUMMARY OF KEY ISSUES THAT EMERGED AT TUESDAY’S COMMISSION REPORTING. SYNOD 2008 Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica, W I. EVANGELISATION & MISSION. Develop a 4 minute presentation, after Communion: on the Mass, Creed, Our Father, etc, as an ongoing education for ongoing education

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SYNOD 2008 Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica, W I

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  2. EVANGELISATION &MISSION • Develop a 4 minute presentation, after Communion: on the Mass, Creed, Our Father, etc, as an ongoing education for ongoing education • Promote Bible sharing • Target young people for Bible sharing groups

  3. Stress STEWARDSHIP • Promote the Archdiocesan Evangelization Workshops • Empower a ‘high level’ visitation team to promote parish evangelization

  4. LITURGICAL • Contact other Arch/Diocese (NYC) for materials for the disabled • Explore new members to commission – duplication of Evang Committee • Create standardized guidelines for all liturgical ministries • Promote liturgical themes for each season

  5. VOCATIONS • Use the monthly prayer calendar at all Masses • Address the psycho-sexual issues related vocation recruitment • Promote collaboration between Vocation Committee, LCRJ & Religious • Emphasis on Family Prayer

  6. Start nurturing early in homes, schools, and churches (needs a strategy) • Utilize a Vocation Cross, Cup or Symbol for home prayer for Vocations • Ask, Ask, Ask!

  7. FAMILY LIFE • Continue to speak out with regards to LIFE Issues • Establish a more suitable office • Give voice to Catholic Morality: the Catholic Teaching regarding birth control • Promote active/parish participation in Right to Life movement • Actively promote the counseling services available services of the centre

  8. EDUCATION • Encourage more active parishioners in conducting school devotions • Promote Catholic Teachers as Campus Ministers • Promote more Catholic principals and teacher • Promote Catholic (parishioners) membership on school board

  9. Continue to offer scholarships to ‘rising’ Catholic principals and teachers • Need to investigate BONDING those sponsored • Need to have a CEO to CEO under- standing of our Catholic/Denominational Schools (Archbishop to MOE)

  10. YOUTH • Empower good, well trained advisorS for each group • Bring back the Christ & Others Retreat • Encourage a sense of “discipline” among youth group gatherings and events (ie, demeanor and dress) • Offer training in Conflict Resolution Training for youth

  11. Promote appropriate pastoral and parental participation • Provide direction to deal with issues of family, finances, employment and relationships • Recommend a change in current commissioners • Continue the development of Y A Ms

  12. CATECHETICAL • Encourage the use of Jamaican illustrations in Catholic Art, etc • Develop materials for those differently abled…hearing, visual, non-readers • Promote Deanery Level training of Catechist • Encourage usage of the materials and resources available at the Cat. Centre

  13. Utilize DVD’s and electronic media for teaching • Utilize the WEB as a teaching tool • Involve Parent(s)/Guardian(s) in Sacramental preparation • Establish benchmarks vs completing the texts

  14. LAITY TRAINING • Continue offering training off site • Promote CAREP Training – pastors on down • Develop materials for use by Evangelization Teams • Work with Catechetical Office to develop an Adult Quiz • Promote a Church to Church recruitment effort for St Michael’s Theological

  15. Human Development &Social Justice • Promote local training for HD & SJ • Implement local HD & SJ Committees • Promote understanding of Church’s Teaching on: • Capital Punishment • Corporal Punishment • Challenge those schools that are graduating children who are illiterate

  16. Make available the Church’s Teaching on Principles of Cath. Social Justice • Make available the pertinent points on Social Justice from the Catechism

  17. FINANCE • Publish an Annual Archdiocesan Financial Report • Affirm the monies set aside for: • Family Life, Early Childhood, Catholic Initiative, St Michael’s and Communications • Affirm the monies invested for: • Scholarships for Catholic Teachers/Principals • Affirm the decision, while painful, to sell St Joseph’s Hospital

  18. O T H E R • Request for an interim Commission Report (between Synods or Annually) • Need to address music ministry in the Archdiocese • Need to consider an update of the Hymnal

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