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Making Good Decisions. 6 th Grade. Review Step 6 .MEH.1.1Evaluate stress management strategies based on personal experience. Stress-provoking Scenarios. Instructions. Have a student read the following scenarios aloud.
Making Good Decisions 6th Grade
Review Step 6.MEH.1.1Evaluate stress management strategies based on personal experience. Stress-provoking Scenarios
Instructions • Have a student read the following scenarios aloud. • Discuss as a class if the teens’ response is appropriate for the situation or inappropriate. • If it is not useful, why not?
Scenario 1 Tom worked very hard on a project for school. Danny waited until the last minute to do his project and then asked to copy from Tom. Danny implied that if Tom did not let him copy, Danny would no longer be his friend. Tom decides to allow Danny to copy his work.
Scenario 2 Farah's teacher gave the class unclear directions about a project. Farah worked harder than most of her classmates on her project, only to find that she had done the project all wrong. Farah approaches her teacher and explains her confusion and asks for an opportunity to re-do the assignment.
Scenario 3 Mike has grown up in the southern part of the United States. Recently, he moved to the northern part of the country. Some students make fun of the way Mike talks. Mike decides to tell students that they sound different to him, as well, but he bets they have more in common than they might think. He asks if anyone wants to go to the skate park after school.
Scenario 4 Molly's parents are getting divorced and she feels overwhelmed and unable to think. She knows that her mom has some medicine in the bathroom that she sometimes takes for her “nerves”. Molly decides to take one to help her anxiety.
Scenario 5 Sally invites Ann to go shopping. When they get to the store, Sally finds she has enough money to buy clothes, but not enough to buy a pair of earrings she wants. She asks Ann to slip the earrings in her pocket while she pays for the clothes. Ann thinks stealing is wrong, but she really wants to be friends with Sally. Ann drops the earrings in her backpack and walks out of the store.
Scenario 6 Owen feels overwhelmed with all of the stuff he needs to everyday. He loves to play his guitar, he likes school (especially his Visual Arts class)and wants to do well. He also enjoys playing sports and walking dogs at the local animal shelter. Owen decides to create a “Things To Do Today/Week List” to help prioritize all of his activities.
Scenario 7 Kim is preparing to give a speech tomorrow. She is nervous and fidgety and is afraid she won't be able to sleep. She decides to ask her mom if she can practice on her when she is finished writing her speech, then do the progressive muscular exercises she was taught in school.
Scenario 8 Allen believes a friend of his is depressed, maybe even thinking about suicide. Allen decides to tell his friend that he is worried about her and persuades her to speak with their teacher.
Decision Maker • A good decision is a decision in which you have carefully considered the outcome of each choice. • Write down an example of a good decision that you have made this week.
Consequences • A consequence is the result of an action you take. • Every action you take has consequences. Take smoking for example… • Short term consequence – coughing • Long term consequence – a disease
Consequences continued • There are both positive and negative consequences. • Positive – help you or other people • Negative – do harm to you or other people • Write down an example of a good or bad consequence you have experienced.
6 steps to making a good decision • 1. Identify the problem • 2. Consider the values • 3. List the options • 4. Weigh the consequences • 5. Decide and act • 6. Evaluate your choice
Good Decisions • Values – beliefs that you consider to be greater importance. • Example: honesty and responsibility
Worksheet • Complete the worksheet. • You may use your book and notes to complete the worksheet. • Do not work with other students. • This is a grade.
Basic Concepts about Stress • Stress is defined as how the body reacts to demands. • Stressors are causes of stress. • Stress is part of our lives. • It is not possible to live stress-free. • Managing stress in positive ways prepares us for increasing life challenges.
Stress can be positive or negative: • An example of eustress is getting nervous in anticipation of an important contest which motivates you to practice more. • An example of distress is forgetting an assignment because of feeling overwhelmed.
Types of Stress • Threat • Frustration • Pressure • Conflict
Threat • Definition: • the fear of being harmed (physically or emotionally) • Examples: • Being afraid to walk home after dark • Worry a friend will not invite you to an event
Frustration • Definition: • inability to get needs met • Example: • not able to complete an assignment because sister is using the computer
Pressure • Definition: • having to measure up to an expectation or standard • Example: • being expected to make the honor roll
Conflict • Definition: • when two or more needs oppose each other • Example: • a friend wanting you to go to the mall the same night as your gymnastics class
What are physical effects of stress? • Stomach ache • Sweating • Pale complexion • Headache • Sleepiness • Tight or sore muscles • Rapid breathing • Shaky hands
What are emotional effects of stress? • Moodiness • Loss of enthusiasm • Forgetfulness • Excessive worry • Apathy • Feeling overwhelmed • Feeling short-tempered
Activity: • We will apply what we know by writing a newspaper article with an “attention-grabbing”headline about types of stress.
Positive and Negative Coping Using the C-O-P-E Method
How to C-O-P-E C = Change how you think about the stressor. Stress Example: Emma missed her ride and must walk to school. Positive Coping: Change thought process to, “I really need the exercise anyway, and I can think about the report that’s due as I’m walking.”
How to C-O-P-E O = Organize with attention to time management. Stress Example: Planning a service learning project seems overwhelming. Positive Coping: “I can break this down into smaller tasks and enlist others to help.”
How to C-O-P-E P = Practice relaxation techniques. Stress Example: Pressure to perform well on end-of-course math exam. Positive Coping: Just before the test, practice muscular relaxation and deep breathing.
How to C-O-P-E E = Emotions can be managed. Stress Example: Your best friend since third grade is moving to another state. Positive Coping: Deciding it’s okay to be sad, having a farewell party to say goodbye, and planning to stay in touch via email.
Putting It to Practice Use the C-O-P-E method to practice for these stressors: • Being scolded for not finishing homework • Thinking your neighborhood’s not safe • Wondering if you have the right outfit for a party • Not getting enough sleep before a big game • Being yelled at by older sister for being in the bathroom