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KNR 273 : Supportive Environments

KNR 273 : Supportive Environments. Shank & Coyle, 2002. Overview. How does an environment effect behavior? People are part & product of their environment QofL cannot be understood, improved or maintained without consideration of the physical & social elements of an environment

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KNR 273 : Supportive Environments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KNR 273 : Supportive Environments Shank & Coyle, 2002

  2. Overview • How does an environment effect behavior? • People are part & product of their environment • QofL cannot be understood, improved or maintained without consideration of the physical & social elements of an environment • Ecological perspective: • Howe-Murphy & Charboneau

  3. TRS & Environment • Assess client & environment for treatment • Community reentry • “Humanizing care environments” to maximize therapeutic gains

  4. Humanizing Care Environments • When a visitor or family member walks into a facility, what is the impression? • How can TR influence the environment?

  5. Humanizing Care Environments & TR • Holiday decorations • Change environment • Calendars, newsletters, brochures • Display art projects • Pictures • Humor into environment • Jokes • Cartoons • Magazines

  6. Humanizing Care Environments & TR • Personalize space • Chair, afghan, family pictures • Respect privacy • Nature • Bird feeders & bird baths • Plants • Aquariums • Gardens, paths, & outdoor setting areas

  7. Humanizing Care Environments & TR • Socialization • Incorporate families into activities • Social nooks • Contextual learning • Easy Street

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