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Japanese Aggression. Japan after World War I. Received Germany’s Pacific islands as Mandates from the League of Nations Had the 3 rd largest navy in the world. DISTRUST OF THE WEST. Japan felt that they were not being treated as an equal The refusal to include a racial equality
Japan after World War I • Received Germany’s Pacific islands as Mandates from the League of Nations • Had the 3rd largest navy in the world
DISTRUST OF THE WEST • Japan felt that they were not being treated as an equal The refusal to include a racial equality amendment within the charter of the League of Nations United States banned the immigration of Asians to the U.S (Japan responded by boycotting American goods)
SOCIAL AND POLITICAL TENSIONS • Population explosion in Japan during 1920s • As Japan’s industry grew its working class wanted democratic reforms • At the same time, natural resources were lacking forcing Japan to look elsewhere to find them
EMPEROR HIROHITO • Constitutional monarch, symbol of traditional authority • Behind Emperor was an influential group of military leaders -They opposed democratic reform; -Western influence eroded traditional Japanese values • This gave rise to the Anti-Democratic Nationalist
1930’s a worldwide depression hurts economy of Japan This helped strengthen the Anti-democratic Nationalist Position • 1922- Signed an international treaty agreeing to respect China's borders • 1928- Signed the Kellogg–Briand Pact renouncing war • 1929- Great Depression helped enable the militarist to gain power (they kept the emperor, Hirohitoas a head of state but ruled in his name) • Their goal was to establish a Pacific empireto solve the country’s economic problems by providing raw materials and markets and room for its rising population
Invasion of Chinese Manchuria • 1931- Invasion of Chinese Manchuria (the military ignored objections from Japan’s parliament) • It proved that the government could not control the military • The invasion of Manchuria created international criticism of Japan’s action. • The Japanese people reacted to it by rallying support for their country’s actions. • The League of Nations protested vigorously- Japan ignored the protests and withdrew from the League in 1933 • By 1937 Japan’s military totally controlled the government
1937- Japan and China are in a full-fledged war with each other Northern China is conquered along with China’s capital of Nanjing Japanese troops commit atrocities when they killed tens of thousands of captured soldiers and civilians in Nanjing (Rape of Nanjing)
Italian Aggression 1935- Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in October (The League of Nations condemned the attack and adopted economic sanctions but not on oil, it was not effective) Britain kept the Suez Canal open to Italian ships to transport troops and supplies to Ethiopia By giving in to Mussolini in Africa, Britain and France hoped to keep peace in Europe With the fall of Ethiopia, the League’s prestige collapsed
Hitler’s Territorial Expansion • Hitler had long pledged to undo the Versailles Treaty: • He ignored the limitations set on the size of the German army (The League issued only a mild condemnation)
Saar Basin • 1935-Residents of the Saar region, which had been ruled under a mandate by the League of Nations since the Versailles Treaty, decided to join Germany after holding a popular • plebiscite.
1936- Re-occupied the Rhineland (30 mile-wide demilitarizedzone between France and Germany) in March This action violated the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact The situation brought great tension between France and Germany. However the French were unwilling to risk war, they could not get British backing The British urged appeasement, giving in to an aggressor to keep peace.
Axis Powers • 1936- Rome-Berlin Axis (October) Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis (November) Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) • 1936- Germany and Italy sent troops, tanks, and airplanes to help Francisco Franco's fascist forces in the Spanish Civil War • The Western democracies remained neutral in this war
“Anschluss” • 1938- “Anschluss” (union), Hitler sent his army into Austria (before the people of Austria voted for Anschluss) and annexed it • This was in violation of The Treaty of Versailles which prohibited Anschluss with Germany
Sudetenland • 1938- Hitler demanded the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia (September) • This was a western border (outer-ring) of about 3 million German-speaking people that lived in area • This heavily fortified area also formed the Czechs' main defense against Germany • The Czechs refused Hitler’s demands and asked France for help • Hitler threatened to take the Sudetenland by force.
Munich Conference • On the verge of war with France and Britain, Mussolini proposed a meeting of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy in Munich, Germany. • Held on September 29, 1938 • The Czechs and Russians were not invited
Great Britain- Chamberlain(Prime Minister) France- Daladier (Prime Minister) Germany- Italy- Hitler Mussolini
Chamberlain Mussolini Hitler
Chamberlain Daladier Hitler Mussolini
British prime minister Neville Chamberlain believed that he could preserve peace by giving in to Hitler’s demand. • Britain and France agreed that Hitler could take the Sudetenland. In exchange, Hitler pledged to respect Czechoslovakia’s new borders.
Winston Churchill, then a member of the British Parliament, strongly disagreed. He opposed the appeasement policy and gloomily warned of its consequences:
“We are in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude. . . . we have sustained a defeat without a war. . . . And do not suppose that this is the end. . . . This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless, by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.” WINSTON CHURCHILL,speech before the House of Commons,October 5, 1938
Results: • All of Hitler’s demands met • Marked the formal passing of leadership in Europe from France to Germany • Great Britain and France made guarantees to Poland, Greece and Rumania (this ended the policy of appeasement) *Less than six months (March 1939) after the Munich meeting, Hitler took Czechoslovakia. The last Democracy in Central Europe
Memel • 1939- Memelannexed to Germany from Lithuania (March) • German troops occupied the Lithuanian Memel region, which Germany had lost under the Versailles treaty. Lithuania, which governed the region, was forced to sign a treaty that returned the Memel region to Germany.
Li’l Hitler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRHhPNzQXHI
Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact • Britain and France asked the Soviet Union to join them in stopping Hitler’s aggression. As Stalin talked with Britain and France, he also bargained with Hitler.
Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact • 1939- Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact (August) • Fascist Germany and Communist Russia now publicly pledged never to attack one another. • The agreement (secret) > Both countries actually agreed to attack and divide Poland