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MANTA: Marine Animal Tracking Apparatus

MANTA is a multi-mode telemetry system for real-time tracking of marine vertebrates, offering underwater acoustic and VHF tracking capabilities. It includes a data-logger with sensors for depth and tilt/roll. The system determines underwater locations through range, bearing, and depth measurement techniques. The prototype tag features a micro-controller, transceiver, data-logger, and acoustic modem. Future plans include a redesign for smaller size, modular components, and enhanced memory capacity. Applications range from validating acoustic systems to studying sensory and ecological behaviors of marine vertebrates.

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MANTA: Marine Animal Tracking Apparatus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MANTA:The Marine ANimalTracking Apparatus Tom Norris - Science Applications International Corp. Marco Flagg - Desert Star Systems LLC

  2. WHAT IS MANTA? MANTA is a “multi-mode” data telemetry and data logging system designed for real-time tracking and monitoring of large marine vertebrates.

  3. MANTA Capabilities • Real-time 3-D underwater acoustic tracking • Real-time VHF tracking • Data-logger capable • depth • tilt/roll sensor • acoustic and other sensors • Data telemetry via an acoustic modem (limited transmit rates < 150 bps)

  4. How Does MANTA Work?

  5. Surface Station

  6. How are underwater locations determined? • Slant range estimated from signal return time • Horizontal bearing estimated from time delay at receiving array (surface station) • Depth is measured at tag and acoustically transmitted to surface station Three quantities needed: 1) Range 2) Bearing 3) Depth

  7. MANTA Tag Design

  8. MANTA Protoype Tag

  9. MANTA Tag Features • Micro-controller • 2 mHz Motorola (MC68HC711) • Acoustic transceiver • 33 - 42 kHz frequency hopping transmitter • 33.8 kHz single channel receiver • Data-logger (1 Mb - upgrade-able via modules) • depth & tilt/roll sensor standard • six additional A/D channels w/programmable gain • Acoustic modem • 5 - 150 bps bits/sec transmit; 5- 35 bits/sec receive

  10. Future Tag Features Acoustic Event Detector • bandpass filter with envelope detector • reconstruct original signal from output To EM-0

  11. Divebase Tracking Software

  12. Test Example: Manta Rays

  13. Test Example: Manta Rays

  14. Future Plans • Redesign of MANTA tag: • smaller diameter (~ 4 cm) • modular components • scalable memory (up to 8 Mb) • acoustic event detector • Integrate directional hydrophone & VHF capabilities • Deploy on balaenopterids in Monterey Bay, Summer ‘03

  15. Applications • Validating passive acoustic localization systems • Investigating sensory behavior and ecology • acoustic behavior (e.g. vocalization rates) • foraging & reproductive behavior and ecology • responses to natural environmental stimuli • responses to man-made noise • Oceanographic data samplers (light, temp, etc) • Tagging/monitoring other large marine vertebrates • sea-turtles • elasmobranchs (sharks, rays)

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