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Comprehensive Guide to Nutrient Management in Soils

Explore the background, needs, sources, and best strategies for nutrient management in soils, including organic sources and nutrient cycling. Calculate available nutrients for optimal plant growth. Cost-effective and sustainable approaches.

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Comprehensive Guide to Nutrient Management in Soils

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Soils and Nutrient Management Chapter 16

  2. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management G. Examples of Best Management Strategies H. Calculating Available Nutrients

  3. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management G. Examples of Best Management Strategies H. Calculating Available Nutrients

  4. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management G. Examples of Best Management Strategies H. Calculating Available Nutrients

  5. B. Nutrient Need B B) Onions on right have Zn deficiency A A) Alfalfa with K deficiency Singer and Munns, 2006Soils: An Introduction, 6th ed.

  6. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources 1. Soil 2. Inorganic fertilizers 3. Organic fertilizers D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management G. Examples of Best Management Strategies H. Calculating Available Nutrients

  7. Compost 1. Soil 3. Organic Fertilizer 2. Inorganic Fertilizer Biosolids Manure

  8. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management G. Examples of Best Management Strategies H. Calculating Available Nutrients

  9. D. Composition of Organic Sources Note: Manure supplies approximately equal amounts of N and P. Nutrient and Pest Management Program, UW Extension Publication A3580: http://ipcm.wisc.edu

  10. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management G. Examples of Best Management Strategies H. Calculating Available Nutrients

  11. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management 1. Cost effective production 2. Conservation of resources 3. Maintenance of soil quality 4. Protection of environment beyond soil G. Examples of Best Management Strategies H. Calculating Available Nutrients

  12. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management G. Examples of Best Management Strategies 1. Buffer strips 2. Cover crops 3. Conservation tillage 4. P-based NM 5. Timing of applications 6. BALANCE: INPUTS=EXPORTS 7. Soil Testing H. Calculating Available Nutrients

  13. Nutrient Management A. Background B. Nutrient Need C. Nutrient Sources D. Composition of Organic Sources E. Nutrient Cycling F. Goals of Nutrient Management G. Examples of Best Management Strategies H. Calculating Available Nutrients

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