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THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. University of TEESSIDE Nurse Practitioner Course . Dr. Phil Jennings. James Cook University Hospital. Introduction. History Taking Features of common symptoms Presentation of common problems Examination Routine What do to Important physical signs

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  1. THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM University of TEESSIDE Nurse Practitioner Course Dr. Phil Jennings. James Cook University Hospital

  2. Introduction • History Taking • Features of common symptoms • Presentation of common problems • Examination Routine • What do to • Important physical signs • Investigations • A quick look at X rays and ECGs

  3. Symptoms: Chest Pain • Important points to establish • Site • Radiation • Character • Exacerbating and Relieving factors • Duration • Associated symptoms

  4. NON ORGANIC Anxiety CARDIAC Angina Myocardial Infarct Pericarditis Aortic dissection PULMONARY Pleurisy Pulmonary Embolus Pneumothorax GASTRO Ulcer or Reflux Gallstones Pancreatitis MUSCULOSKELETAL Chostochondritis Trauma Symptoms: Chest Pain

  5. Angina pains are typically central crushing chest pains. Patients describe angina as feeling like a heavy weight in the middle of the chest Angina can present in unusual positions Chest Pain: Angina

  6. Chest Pain: Angina Angina pains commonly radiate to the arms, neck and jaw Typically angina lasts for several minutes

  7. Angina pains normally occur during periods of physical exertion. This is the single most important factor to consider when deciding if a patient has angina or not The term ‘unstable angina’ is used to describe pains which occur at rest and signifies severe coronary disease Chest Pain: Angina

  8. Chest Pain: MI • Features suggesting MI • The pains are usually more severe • There are more associated symptoms such as sweating, nausea or vomiting • Duration is > 30 minutes • Usual relieving factors such as rest or GTN spray do not help

  9. Chest Pain: Pericarditis • Pericarditis • Similar distribution to angina / MI • Often sharper or stabbing • Helped by sitting forward • Typically has a long duration • Often seen in otherwise well, young patients without coronary disease • May be a history of a viral illness of fever

  10. Chest Pain: Dissection • Features of Dissection • Pains are described as tearing and can be excruciating • Often radiates through to the back

  11. Symptoms: Palpitations Important points to establish Onset Rate Rhythm Duration Termination Associated symptoms

  12. Supraventricular Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Flutter Atrial Tachycardia Reentrant Tachycardia Ventricular Ventricular Ectopics Ventricular Tachycardia Symptoms: Palpitations

  13. Symptoms: Palpitations • Features of Atrial Fibrillation • Common. Especially elderly or IHD • Pulse is irregularly irregular in other words unpredictable from one beat to the next • Can be an incidental finding or presents with palpitations, fatigue, chest pain or breathlessness • The mainstay of treatment is rate control and anticoagulation • Electrical cardioversion may be used in some patients

  14. Symptoms: Breathlessness • Breathlessness or dyspnoea can have a number of causes • Heart Failure • Valve disease • Myocardial Ischaemia • Pericardial disease There are also non cardiac causes of dyspnoea - Pulmonary disease - Anaemia, Obesity or being unfit

  15. Symptoms: Breathlessness • Important points to establish • Occurrence of symptoms: • All the time • Woken from sleep • During exertion • Assess normal exercise tolerance • Associated symptoms • Chest pain, palpitations • Cough, wheeze, sputum, haemoptysis • Ankle oedema

  16. Symptoms: The End Any Questions So Far ???

  17. Examination • Suggested CVS Exam routine • General Inspection • Hands • Pulse • BP • Head & Neck • JVP, Carotids, Anaeimia, Cyanosis • Praecordium • Auscultation • Extras

  18. Introduce yourself to the patient and let them know what you are about to do … Examination What is the most important start to any exam ?? ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS

  19. Exam: General Inspection • If the patient is not exposed then ask if you may expose them • The patient should be reclined at a 45º angle • Look for obvious • Breathlessness • Pallor • Sweating • Scars • Props: Oxygen pipes, Inhalers, GTN spray • Make some comments

  20. Exam: Hands • Start with the nails and look for clubbing • Increased Curvature • Loss of nail bed angle • Fluctuant nail Beds • Examine BOTH hands at eye level

  21. Exam: Hands • Cardiovascular causes of clubbing can be • Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease • Atrial Myxoma • Endocarditis

  22. Exam: Hands • Next look for Splinter Haemorrhages • A sign of systemic vasculitis which may indicate Infective Endocarditis. • They can also be caused by trauma so remember to bear in mind the patient’s occupation

  23. Exam: Hands • Other points to note • Temperature • Perfusion • Pallor • Nicotine staining • Extensor tendon swellings (xanthomas)

  24. Exam: Pulse • Start by palpating the radial pulse • At this site asses • Rate • Rhythm • You should not asses volume at the radial artery

  25. Exam: Pulse • Next move to the brachial artery to assess • Volume • Character

  26. Exam: Blood Pressure • You may now want to measure the blood pressure • A single measurement is acceptable unless the history suggests dissection

  27. Exam: Head & Neck: FACE Jaundice

  28. Exam: Head & Neck: FACE Anaemia

  29. Exam: Head & Neck: FACE Xanthelasma Arcus

  30. Exam: Head & Neck: FACE Cyanosis

  31. Exam: Head & Neck: JVP The JVP is best examined by looking across the neck. A double waveform should be seen for each cardiac cycle

  32. Top of venous pulsation Sternal Angle Height Of JVP In cms Top of venous pulsation Sternal Angle Exam: Head & Neck: JVP

  33. Carotid Pulsation 1 per cardiac cycle Palpable Position independent Does not enhance with hepatojugualr reflex JVP Pulsation 2 per cardiac cycle Not palpable Varies depending on position Enhances with hepatojugular reflex Exam: Head & Neck: JVP

  34. Exam: Praecordium Look For Obvious Deformity Pigeon Chest Funnel Chest

  35. Exam: Praecordium Look For Obvious Scars Median Sternotomy CABG, Valve, Tx Lateral Thoracotomy Coarct Repair

  36. Exam: Praecordium Locate Apex Examine for heave

  37. 1 2 3 • Mid Clavicular Line • Anterior Axillary Line • Mid Axillary Line 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Intercostal Spaces Exam: Praecordium

  38. Exam: Auscultation Bell Low pitched murmurs eg. Mitral Stenosis Press hard enough only to make a seal with the skin The ‘hole’ must be rotated to the bell in order for it to work

  39. Exam: Auscultation Diaphragm Normal / High pitched murmurs. Use for general purpose auscultation

  40. Exam: Auscultation Earpiece Angled to provide a better fit into the auditory cannal. During use point forward unless you have an abnormal shaped head !

  41. 1. Apex: Mitral Valve 2. Sternal Edge: Tricuspid Valve 3. L 2nd Space: Pulmonary Valve 4. R 2nd Space: Aortic Valve Exam: auscultation BELL & DIAPHRAGM

  42. Lub Dub Diastole Systole First Second Mitral Valve Tricuspid Valve Aortic Valve Pulmonary Valve Exam: auscultation Heart Sounds:

  43. First Second Exam: auscultation Heart Murmurs: Systolic Mitral Regurgitation Tricuspid Regurgitation Pan Systolic Murmur

  44. First Second Exam: auscultation Heart Murmurs: Systolic Aortic Stenosis Pulmonary Stenosis VSD Ejection Systolic Murmur

  45. First Second Exam: auscultation Heart Murmurs: Diastolic Aortic Regurgitation Early Diastolic Murmur

  46. First Second Exam: auscultation Heart Murmurs: Diastolic Mitral Stenosis Mid Diastolic Murmur

  47. Exam: auscultation Heart Murmurs: Extras Mitral Murmurs Mitral Area Patient in Left Lateral Radiate to Axilla

  48. Exam: auscultation Heart Murmurs: Extras Aortic Murmurs Aortic Area Sit Patient Forward Breath Held in Expiration Radiates to Carotids

  49. Exam: Extras • Is there anything else you wish to do ? • Examine the peripheral pulses • Check for radio – radial or radio – femoral delay • Listen at the lung bases • Check for sacral oedema • Check for peripheral oedema • Measure the BP if not already done

  50. Marker Name Projection Investigations: CXR

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