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Vietnam War

Vietnam War. Chapter 29. After World War II 1945. Ho Chi Minh helped defeat the Japanese forces during World War II. Organized the Vietminh: the League for the Independence of Vietnam France was unwilling to give up their colony so a war between the Vietminh and France began.

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Vietnam War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vietnam War Chapter29

  2. After World War II 1945 • Ho Chi Minh helped defeat the Japanese forces during World War II. • Organized the Vietminh: the League for the Independence of Vietnam • France was unwilling to give up their colony so a war between the Vietminh and France began.

  3. Indochina War 1953 • United States aids France in the Indochina warbecause many members of the Vietminh were communists. • President Eisenhower believed in the Domino theory: If one Southeast Asian nation fell to communism others would follow

  4. 1954 Dein Bien Phu • French soldiers made a last stand hoping for military support from the US. (No go) • In 1954 the French Surrender to the Vietminh at the battle of DienBien Phu

  5. Geneva Convention 1954 • 1954 called for the division of Vietnam into north and south at the 17th Parallel. • North led by communist Ho Chi Minh • Vietcong: Military forces in South Vietnam who supported Ho Chi Minh The Century: Domino Theory

  6. South Vietnam 1955 • South Vietnamese Government led by Ngo Dinh Diem. • Deimis a Roman Catholic , unpopular, and very corrupt • Supported by the United States.

  7. Civil War 1959 • Communist leaders in North Vietnams Army (NVA) began supplying weapons to Vietminh rebels in the south • The Vietminh in the South formed the National Liberation Front Vietcong, meaning Vietnamese communists.

  8. South Vietnam 1963 Above, Buddhist demonstrators clash with police. In a terrible protest that focused world attention on Diem, Buddhist monk QuangDuc set himself on fire at a busy Saigon intersection. • In mid-1963 Buddhists began protesting Diem’s oppression of their religion. • Diem Assassinated

  9. United States Involvement Review • 1956- Eisenhower began supplying South Vietnam with money and weapons • 1961 JFK began sending military “advisers” and Green Berets. • 1963- Diem was assassinated (with the approval of the United States) *same year JFK assassinated

  10. 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution • Johnson presented evidence that a U.S. ship had been attacked • Enabled the president to take “all necessary measures to repel any armed attack” on U.S. forces

  11. Vietcong Tunnels • Vietcong soldiers in South Vietnam relied on a network of tunnels to operate using guerrilla tactics.

  12. U.S. Forces Mobilize • U.S. used the draft to get enough soldiers • College students could defer their service • Doves: Opposed the war • Hawks: Favored the war • Protest song • Fortunate Son CCR

  13. Operation Rolling Thunder1965 • A bombing campaign ordered by President Johnson in March of 1965 • Main target was the Ho Chi Minh Trail

  14. TetOffensive 1968 The Century: Vietnam War • 1968 massive coordinated attacks by the Vietcong throughout South Vietnam • Took U.S. by surprise

  15. Election of 1968 • Johnson announced that he would not run for reelection and withdrew from the Race • Democrats nominated Hubert Humphries • George Wallace ran as an independent opposed to civil rights and anti war movement. • Republicans nominated Richard Nixon who won the election

  16. Richard Nixon 1970 • Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor began negotiations with the North Vietnamese with a policy of Vietnamization: turning the fighting over to the South Vietnamese. • Secretly he expanded the war into Cambodia • 4 student protesters shot and killed at Kent State by National Guard at Ohio State in 1970

  17. Anti-War Movement 1971 • News of the My Lai massacre (450 women, children, and elderly men killed) reached the U.S. • Pentagon Papers leaked by Daniel Ellsberg revealed that the government had been misleading Americans • Television coverage brought the war into people’s homes: “Living Room War”

  18. U.S. Withdraws 1973 • Officials from North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the United States finally reached a settlement in January 1973. • The United States agreed to withdraw all of its troops from South Vietnam and to help rebuild Vietnam. • Both sides agreed to release all prisoners of war. • Congress passed the War Powers Act setting a 60 day limit on presidential commitment of US troops in foreign conflicts without specific authorization of congress or a declaration of war.

  19. 1975 Vietnam War • 1975 North Vietnam conquered South Vietnam • Communist Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia

  20. Causes of Vietnam War

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