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What are some pointers for living a healthy vegetarian or vegan lifestyle in India By Mohit Bansal Chandigarh

According to surveys in India there are around 39% vegetarians and almost 9% of the population is vegan. Many people also convert from non vegetarians to vegetarians or vegans. There are many benefits to vegetarian and vegan diet. Some of the reasons are it is good for heart health, reduces the risk of cancer, helps in lowering blood sugar, prevents diabetes risk, builds bone health , helps in lowering asthama symptoms and many more such benefits. For people who are converting from non vegetarian to vegetarian and vegan diet here are some pointers which will help them to live a healthy life by

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What are some pointers for living a healthy vegetarian or vegan lifestyle in India By Mohit Bansal Chandigarh

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  2. According to surveys in India, there are around 39% of vegetarians and almost 9% of the population is vegan. Many people also convert from non- vegetarians to vegetarians or vegans. There are many benefits to vegetarian and vegan diet. Some of the reasons are it is good for heart health, reduces the risk of cancer, helps in lowering blood sugar, prevents diabetes risk, builds bone health, helps in lowering asthma symptoms and many more such benefits. For people who are converting from non vegetarian to vegetarian and vegan diet here are some pointers which will help them to live a healthy life by Mohit Bansal Chandigarh –

  3. Vegetarianism the best detox Being vegetarian is a healthy approach to detox the body because a vegetarian diet tends to be higher in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which aid in systemic cleansing. There is a significant amount of hazardous chemical residue in meat and seafood. Carnivorous animals’ bodies have been shown to have ten times as much hydrochloric acid as herbivorous ones, although the human body shouldn’t have that much of the acid. This proves that the human body is designed primarily for a vegetarian diet. Therefore, vegetarian food is easier for our systems to digest.

  4. Best for digestion – Vegetarian food The main distinction between vegetarianism and a non-vegetarianism diet is that the former includes dietary fibres, whereas the latter does not. Because people who eat a diet high in dietary fibre have a lower incidence of diseases like coronary heart disease, intestinal tract cancer, piles, overweight, diabetes, bowel problems, hiatus hernia, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dental caries, gallstones, this substance is very beneficial to human health. Cereals and grains, legumes, fruits with seeds, and citrus fruits are foods high in this dietary fibre.

  5. Vegetarianism leads to good heart health Vegetarian diets high in healthy grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts, and fruits, as well as a regular exercise regimen, are consistently linked to lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, less obesity, fewer incidences of diabetes, and ultimately lower rates of heart disease.

  6. Lowers the risk of cancer Roughage or fibre intake is ensured by eating enough green leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet. This has been demonstrated to be effective against a variety of cancers, particularly rectum and colon tumours. It has been demonstrated that a non-vegetarian diet, particularly one high in red meat and animal fats, can cause cancer. Carcinogens are substances or factors that contribute significantly to the development of cancer.

  7. Long life with vegetarianism Vegetarians have a better chance of living longer since a vegetarian diet is linked to lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, less obesity, less heart disease, fewer stroke, less diabetes, and less cancer.

  8. Vegetables will lead the way in vegan diet On a plant-based diet or as called vegan diet, people frequently focus on what they can’t eat rather than what they can. But the main course does not always have to be meat. The benefits of veggie-packed meals are numerous: they are low in calories, contain nutrients like potassium and vitamins A and K, and can increase feelings of fullness due to their high fibre content.

  9. Vegan helps you in eating whole grains A vegan diet can gain iron and B vitamins by switching from refined grains like white pasta and bread to whole grains like brown rice and quinoa (nutrients that are stripped out when the grains are refined). Additionally, the additional fibre included in whole grains can keep you feeling full and might even aid in weight loss.

  10. Proteins If you’re vegan, this may seem obvious, but eating more plant-based proteins is something that everyone can do to improve their health. Meat and cheese are two examples of animal sources of protein that are frequently heavy in harmful saturated fat. (Plus, avoiding animal sources of food has many positive environmental benefits.) There are several vegan protein options, such as tofu, tempeh, edamame (soybeans), lentils, chickpeas, and beans. Protein can also be found in seeds like sunflower and pumpkin seeds and nuts like almonds and walnuts.

  11. Other ways to get omega 3 There are some nutrients that are difficult to obtain even when you eat a range of healthful vegan foods. Omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, are critical for heart health, eye and brain development, and skin health. The body can synthesise modest amounts of omega-3 fatty acids from ALA, a different kind of omega-3 that is present in plants including flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil, and soy. Omega-3 fatty acids are mostly found in fatty fish like salmon. DHA is now added to many meals, including soymilks and breakfast bars. DHA/EPA supplements derived from algae are also offered.

  12. Vitamins for vegans Vitamin D can also be found in some fortified non- dairy milks like soy or almond milk as well as orange juice. The majority of people obtain their vitamin D from canned fish like salmon and sardines as well as fortified dairy products like milk and yoghurt. Additionally useful sources are some mushrooms that have been treated to UV radiation. Our skin can produce D in the summer when the sun is stronger. Although some experts believe that the daily value (DV) for vitamin D should be closer to 1,500 IU, the current DV is 600 IU. To reach those quantities, many individuals—including vegans—might need to take a supplement.

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