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Critical Analysis of a Failed Project: Lessons in Control Systems and Stakeholder Management

This critical analysis report focuses on analyzing a real-life failed project, evaluating the effectiveness of control systems and stakeholder management, and providing recommendations to avoid failure. The report helps develop and demonstrate skills in project management concepts, principles, and theories.

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Critical Analysis of a Failed Project: Lessons in Control Systems and Stakeholder Management

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  1. PPMP 20010: Executing and Closing ProjectsBriefing Notes:Critical Analysis ReportPractical Assessment 3 – 40% Dr Ghulam Chaudhry Lecturer – Project Management School of Engineering & Technology | Higher Education Division CQUniversity Sydney

  2. Critical Analysis Report • This is a group assessmentfor face to face students and individual assessment for distance students • The primary purpose of this assessment is to help you to develop and demonstrate your skills in the use of project management concepts, principles, theories and arguments about the project management execution phase. • Demonstrate your understanding of the real application of Control Systems. • Analyse and argue what type of Control Systems will enable better or worse project outcomes.

  3. Analysis of a Failed Project • Choose a real life failed project on which you have worked or someone you know have worked or google through a failed project from the industry of your interest. • Understand the project context, issues and control systems applied during the execution phase. • Find out the causes of its failures and analyse the control systems applied.

  4. Analysis of a Failed Project • Critically evaluate the effectiveness of applied control systems and stakeholder’s management.  • Make recommendations for how its failure could have been avoided.

  5. Critical Analysis Report includes • Introduction to the project you have chosen. • Major reasons for the failure of the project. • Control Systems: explanation of the range of control systems used for cost, schedule, scope and quality. • Analysis of the reasons for cost and/or time overruns. • Analysis of the extent to which the project execution team could be held responsible of the incurred time and/or cost overruns. • Analysis of the relationship between the problems you identified in cost and/or time overruns and the stakeholders’ needs and influence.

  6. Critical Analysis Report includes • Analysis of the project management actions that could have been taken to better control the project and stakeholders in order to increase the chance for successful delivery. • Conclusion which identifies the key lessons that project management can learn from the experience of the project.

  7. Assignment 3 Critical Analysis Report • The report to be completed in context of a real life failed project of your choice. • Assignment due: Week 12 • Report (30%) and Presentation (10%) to be submitted in Moodle • Presentation will be during your Week 12 tutorial class • See Unit Guide in Moodle for details

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