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Quit Smoking and Create a World Without Smoke for The Future Generation

Smoking has been linked with a number of health issues. Smoking not just reduces life expectancy but also damages almost every organ of the human body. Even knowing about the various health issues, still many people struggle to quit smoking. Because smoking has become a habit for them, and quitting/changing a habit isn't that easy. So if you too want to quit smoking and create a world without smoke for your children and the future generation then you need to first understand how smoking can hamper your and your family's life adversely. Also how to deal with the withdrawal process efficiently.

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Quit Smoking and Create a World Without Smoke for The Future Generation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Quit Smoking and Create a World Without Smoke for The Future Generation

  2. Smoking has been linked with a number of health issues. Smoking not just reduces life expectancy but also damages almost every organ of the human body. Even knowing about the various health issues, still many people struggle to quit smoking. Because smoking has become a habit for them, and quitting/changing a habit isn't that easy. So if you too want to quit smoking and create a world without smoke for your children and the future generation then you need to first understand how smoking can hamper your and your family's life adversely.Also how to deal with the withdrawal process efficiently.

  3. Harmful Effects of Smoking: Cigarette smoke has almost around 4000 different harmful chemicals that include nicotine, arsenic, cadmium, benzene, tar, and formaldehyde and various poisonous ingredients such as cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. Cigarette smoke contains about 45 known cancer-causing substances. Once the smoke is inhaled, nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds, which is later found in various body parts. Similarly, carbon monoxide gets bound to hemoglobin in RBCs which prevents the affected cells from carrying a full load of oxygen. When nicotine and carbon monoxide get combined in smoke, it increases the rate of heartbeat and blood pressure which leaves the heart and blood vessels under tension. Smoking also affects the immune system which may increase the risk for respiratory and other infections. Besides that, there are many other harmful effects of smoking, which is quitting smoking is extremely essential for us as well as the future.

  4. How to Deal with the Withdrawal Process

  5. For quitting smoking the first thing that is essential is to understand the reason why you want to quit! Is it because you are worried about smoking-related diseases? Or is it for creating a world without smoke for your next generation? Or have you found that the benefits of quitting smoking outweigh the pleasure of continuing to smoke? Withdrawal from nicotine can be segmented into two parts i.e. physical and mental. Nicotine replacement and alternative tobacco products can help in reducing many of these symptoms. The biggest challenge for most smokers is mental! When you are habituated to smoking for many years, it gets linked with a number of things in your daily life like when you wake up, eat, watch TV, and likewise. It will take some time to de-link smoking from your daily life. But when you opt for alternative tobacco products it helps you in quitting smoke without much hassle.

  6. Some Habits You Need to Change: Drink more water or juices instead of coffee or alcohol. Choose the food items that don't make you want to smoke. Consider taking a brisk walk in between work. Keep yourself reminding the reasons to quit smoking and the benefits of a smoke-free life. Opt for alternative tobacco products and create a world without smoke.

  7. Conclusion: Champion International Company brings MOK 2.0, an alternative tobacco device that allows you to create a world without smoke while enjoying the tobacco experience.Visit https://www.mok-eu.com/#/ for more information.

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