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Chapter 3 Clinical signs of serious neonatal illness

Chapter 3 Clinical signs of serious neonatal illness. Lethargy. Chest in-drawing. (Ref. p.87). Nasal flaring. (Ref. p.87). Abdominal distension - cellulitis. (Ref. p.54). Purpuric (septic) spots, abdominal distension. (Ref. p.168). Abdominal distension: bowel obstruction. (Ref. p.283).

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Chapter 3 Clinical signs of serious neonatal illness

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  1. Chapter 3Clinical signs of serious neonatal illness

  2. Lethargy

  3. Chest in-drawing (Ref. p.87)

  4. Nasal flaring (Ref. p.87)

  5. Abdominal distension - cellulitis (Ref. p.54)

  6. Purpuric (septic) spots, abdominal distension (Ref. p.168)

  7. Abdominal distension: bowel obstruction (Ref. p.283)

  8. Jaundice, abdominal distension (Ref. p.64)

  9. Look for localizing signs • Pus draining from ear • Skin pustules • Umbilical redness extending to the peri-umbilical skin or draining pus • Painful joints, joint swelling, reduced movement

  10. Cellulitis / osteomyelitis (Ref. p.288)

  11. Septic arthritis (Ref. p.186, 289)

  12. Skin pustules: staph infection

  13. Breast abscess (Ref. p.287)

  14. Fever and umbilical redness and swelling (Ref. p.54)

  15. Conjunctivitis (Ref. p.66)

  16. Suspect meningitis if: • General illness • Irritability • Vomiting everything • Lethargy • Tense or bulging fontanelle • Stiff neck (late) • High pitched cry • Apnoeic episodes • Convulsions

  17. Bulging fontanelle (Ref. P.54)

  18. Trismus and increased muscle tone - neonatal tetanus (Ref. P.25)

  19. Birth Asphyxia Ref. p. 47-49, 51

  20. Birth Asphyxia (Ref. p. 47-49)

  21. Congenital syphilis (Ref. p. 67)

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