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Planning of T2.4 “Energy Monitoring tools design”

Planning of T2.4 “Energy Monitoring tools design”. Konstantina Papachristopoulou Athens Technology Center S.A. Overview. Task Leader: ATC Participants: AUEB, INTRA Timeline Phase A: April 2012 – October 2012 Phase B: June 2013 – July 2013

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Planning of T2.4 “Energy Monitoring tools design”

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  1. Planning of T2.4 “Energy Monitoring tools design” Konstantina Papachristopoulou Athens Technology Center S.A.

  2. Overview • Task Leader: ATC • Participants: AUEB, INTRA • Timeline • Phase A: April 2012 – October 2012 • Phase B: June 2013 – July 2013 • Goal of Task: to further elicit the requirements, design & develop the energy monitoring tools to report the energy-consumption indicators (per process & product)

  3. Brief Description of Work • Finalisation of the requirements design & development of the IT tools aiming at delivering the energy-use profile for the Textile/Clothing SC (WP1 framework) • The tools will address the needs of: • energy monitoring for the complete process flows • focus on each individual processes involved • interoperability with higher level enterprise applications

  4. Results of Task • D2.2 Energy Consumption Reduction & Energy Monitoring Tools & Testing report - initial Version (M12 – October 2012) • D2.4 Energy Consumption Reduction & Energy Monitoring Tools (M21 – July 2013)

  5. Occurrences needed before task initiation • Identification of the project case studies (WP1) • Setting of the overall infrastructure (T2.1) • Submission of the Method & data management structure (T2.2) • Initial version of the energy consumption reduction tool (T2.3)

  6. Dependencies • Input expected for this task from partners AUEB, DITF & ENEA • Dependencies: T2.5 & WP3

  7. Critical issues • Acquisition and Installation of metering devices at Piacenza • Decision on the way the energy data of MC will be transmitted to the Technology partners • Drafting and submitting D2.1 (AUEB /DITF, with contributions from ENEA) – Due on May 31st 2012

  8. Metering devices • In the framework of T2.1 AUEB performed a market search to identify the needed hardware • Technical characteristics: • Measurement of energy consumption • Ability to connect to a computer network and transmit data to a server

  9. RFQs • Companies: Barco-vision (closed solution – comes with SW), Schneider-Electric, & Abb. • Schneider-Electric seems to provide a better solution, therefore we propose to use equipment from this company.

  10. Schneider-Electric

  11. Abb

  12. Schneider-Electric Offer 1 • Indicative offer for 100 machines (as found in GR market)

  13. Schneider-Electric Offer 2 • Indicative offer for 30 machines (as found in GR market)

  14. Decisions & Next steps • Piacenza pilot: • Decision on acquiring & installing the needed equipment • MC pilot: • Decision on the way the energy monitoring data will be sent to the technology partners (direct access to the repository, access to a copy server, connection with web services,…)

  15. 6 months planning • Continue and successfully conclude Phase A (April 2012 to October 2012): • Energy monitoring tools definition based on the outcomes of WP1 and D2.1 • Drafting of the use case scenarios • Requirements diagrams and Database design • Monitor development of D2.2 (1st prototype of the tools)

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