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Pulling It All Together: Managing Cattle and Crops through Feed and Fertilizer. John Lawrence, Iowa Beef Center at ISU Evan Vermeer, Iowa Cattlemens Association. Commercial Supplement. DGS. Diet Formation. Crop Sold. Cattle Bought. $. Management. Cattle. Crops. Rules & Regulations
Pulling It All Together: Managing Cattle and Crops through Feed and Fertilizer John Lawrence, Iowa Beef Center at ISU Evan Vermeer, Iowa Cattlemens Association
Commercial Supplement DGS Diet Formation Crop Sold Cattle Bought $ Management Cattle Crops Rules & Regulations Information & Records Advice & Service Cattle Sold Commercial Fertilizer Manure Export Manure Application
Guiding Principles • What goes in comes out • Everything has a cost or value • Nutrients only have value if they are needed (applies to feed or fertilizer) • Influence outputs through inputs • P-Index is flexible • New rules, new feedstuff, new thinking
At Plant 30 Miles 60 Miles 100 Miles Profit Advantage Assume: 95% of corn price, $0.10/bushel increase corn price, costs covered, 153 days
At Plant 30 Miles 60 Miles 100 Miles Optimum Use Assume: 75% of corn price, $0.10/bushel increase corn price, costs covered, 153 days (Calculated from 2006 U. of Nebraska Analysis) Source: Dan Loy, ISU
Value of Applied Manure Supply and Crop Demand Nutrients have value where they are needed
300 Head Feedlot ExampleNutrient Supply, Value * 26#/A available 2nd year
Feedlot Example C-C Crop Demand, Value Cannot apply at low rates so use 3 year rotation
P-Index • Field level planning tool • “Flexible regulation” for a creative person • User defines the field • Opportunity to manage P-Index factors • Depending on soils, management, etc, producer can store P • For later crops • Forever
Helping Clients Make Decisions • Maximizing profit to the whole farm within the constraints of regulations, resources, and skills • Tools available to help evaluate decisions, but management is essential • Decisions are dynamic • Plan-Do-Check-Act • Start with an assessment of farm
Plan-Do-Check-Act • Does the plan meet their objectives? • Profits, stewardship, regulations • Do they understand the plan? • Do they know what to do, when, whom? • Do they know what to monitor and what good is suppose to look like? • Measure, record, evaluate? • Do they/you review and revise to make it better?
Historic Perspective Pork Nitrogen Corn Milk P2O5 Eggs Soybeans K2O Beef
Future Perspective ? Pork Nitrogen Corn P2O5 Milk ? Soybeans K2O ? Eggs ? Beef ? Ethanol DGS
Paradigm Shift • Do crop farmers buy and apply P2O5? • How much do they pay for it? • Do livestock producers have enough land for P-Index based applications? • What is the value of excess P2O5? • Is there an opportunity for these two people? • What are possible outcomes? • Win-win: Feedlot sells P2O5 at reduced rate • Win-draw: Feedlot sells at full price or gives away • Lose-lose-lose: Cropper imports, Feedlot wastes, and P levels continue to accumulate in Iowa soils or Iowa exports value added potential
Take Home • Ethanol production is changing Iowa ag • Ethanol production does not create P2O5, but it does concentrate it in the DGS • DGS is a feeding opportunity for cattle • How to capture greater profit for clients by thinking, planning, and managing the integrated crop, ethanol, cattle, system