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Savanna. The average rain fall per year in this desert is 20 to 47 inches. Not much!!!! It is a tough climate. They wish for the pictures below!. Temperature. The average temperature in the Savanna is a scary 73 to 87 degrees. What’s worse!! The temperature or the rain?. Problems.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Savanna • The average rain fall per year in this desert is 20 to 47 inches. Not much!!!! It is a tough climate. They wish for the pictures below!

  2. Temperature • The average temperature in the Savanna is a scary 73 to 87 degrees. What’s worse!! The temperature or the rain?

  3. Problems • There are a few problems facing the savanna. I have already listed two. Another one is that the climate is semi arid.

  4. ANIMALS • It is hard to believe, but there are animals that can survive in the Savanna. Wildebeests, gazelle, zebra, and lions reside in the savanna. Lions are the kings of this area. They feast on zebra.

  5. vegetation • Baobab, acacia, and Serengeti all grow in the savanna. Baobab trees are big trees that are fire resistant and drought resistant. Acacia is a tree that has deep roots for semi arid climates. Also, Serengeti is grass eaten by antelope.

  6. COUNTRIES • The Savanna is located in Kenya and Tanzania.

  7. Tribes • The Dorobo people are a tribe in the Savanna. They are usually in tightly knit communal groups. Traditional kikuyu communities

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