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Online Courses

Online Courses. Nova Scotia Virtual School. What is Online Learning?. A learning experience or environment that relies upon the Internet or the world wide web as the primary delivery mode of communication and presentation.

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Online Courses

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  1. Online Courses Nova Scotia Virtual School

  2. What is Online Learning? • A learning experience or environment that relies upon the Internet or the world wide web as the primary delivery mode of communication and presentation. • HRSB is committed to providing interactive, media-rich educational opportunities in a flexible, student-centered learning environment to a diverse population of learners.

  3. The Benefits of Online Learning • Online Course Delivery provides an innovative opportunity for students to attain a rigorous high school education over the Internet.  • The Online Learning Platform enhances student learning through the use of multi-media to augment student learning.  • Course content and resources allow students to access learning opportunities related to topical areas through the Internet to enhance 21st century learning skills. 

  4. Why Online? • Student Benefits: • Develop 21st Century Skills • Increased Flexibility • Self-Directed Learning • Acquire independent learning skills in preparation for post-secondary education and beyond • Collaborative Community • Contribute to an innovative learning community • Tech Savvy • Gain valuable skills and confidence for accessing the latest technology

  5. 21st Century Skills • In an increasingly competitive global economy, it is not enough for students to acquire subject-level mastery alone. • Skills like creativity, problem-solving, communication and analytical thinking are necessary for all levels of success, from entry-level jobs to engineering and technical fields.

  6. Nova Scotia Virtual School - NSVS • NSVS is a joint project of school boards and the Department of Education. • NSVS is a common provincial online learning platform (MOODLE) for use in formal high school online courses, online extensions of school-based classes, and support of professional development and online meetings for teachers and other staff of school boards and the DOE.

  7. Online Course Structure • Introduction /overview of course • Online Orientation for students • Developed by days of content • Each day contains different media, text, on computer & off computer activities • E-chats, multimedia clips and resources, interactive content, links to web resources • Assessments (Online and offline)

  8. Are You an Online Learner? • Independent learners who are organized • Manage time well and motivated • Disciplined and ask for help when needed • Comfortable with technology or open to learning about the technology required

  9. Courses Offered 2012-2013

  10. Transitional Page

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