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David Baker NCAR / Terrestrial Sciences Section 23 July 2006

The prototype carbon inverse problem: estimation of regional CO 2 sources and sinks from global atmospheric [CO 2 ] measurements. David Baker NCAR / Terrestrial Sciences Section 23 July 2006. Description of the source/sink problem CO 2 measurement availability thru time

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David Baker NCAR / Terrestrial Sciences Section 23 July 2006

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  1. The prototype carbon inverse problem: estimation of regional CO2 sources and sinks from global atmospheric [CO2] measurements David Baker NCAR / Terrestrial Sciences Section 23 July 2006

  2. Description of the source/sink problem CO2 measurement availability thru time Method determined by computational issues The hierarchy of inverse methods used: Batch least-squares The (full) Kalman filter/smoother The use of the adjoint: what it can (and can’t) do The ensemble Kalman filter/smoother Variational data assimilation Outline

  3. TransCom3 Regions (22) and Measurement Sites (78)

  4. Discretize problem: solve for monthly fluxes for 22 regions Measurement equations: Hx=z x – regional CO2 fluxes, monthly avg z – CO2 measurements, monthly avg H – transport matrix; columns are Green’s functions of a 1-month pulse of unitized CO2 flux from each region calculated using the transport model Application: CO2 flux estimation

  5. Form of the Batch Measurement Equations 0 H fluxes Transport basis functions concentrations

  6. Optimal fluxes found by minimizing where giving Batch least-squares

  7. Calculation of Interannual Variability (IAV) -- Europe (Region #11) [PgC/year] Monthly fluxes 13 transport models Deseasonalized fluxes IAV (subtract mean) IAV w/ errors

  8. Total flux IAV (land + ocean) [PgC/yr]

  9. Land flux IAV [PgC/yr] Ocean Flux IAV

  10. [PgC/yr]

  11. Flux IAV [PgC/yr], 11 land regions

  12. Flux IAV [PgC/yr], 11 ocean regions

  13. Incorrect assumptions about space/time patterns across large space/time blocks can cause large biases in inversions To fix this, solve at as fine a resolution possible, and transform final estimate to coarser scales post-inversion, if necessary Sounds good, but poorly-known correlations must still be used in the fine-scale inversions to constrain the results Resolution of robust results ultimately set by measurement density and precision “Representativeness” or “Discretization” Error

  14. Transport model runs to generate H: 22 regions x 16 years x 12 months x 36 months = 152 K tracer-months (if using real winds) 22 x 12 x 36 = 9.5 K tracer-months (climatological winds) Matrix inversion computations: O(N3) N= 22 regions x 16 years x 12 months = 4.4 K Matrix storage: O (N*M) --- 66 MB M = 78 sites x 16 years x 12 months = 15 K Computational considerations

  15. New measurements augmenting the weekly flasks: More continuous analyzers More aircraft flights More towers (both tall and eddy-flux) Ships/planes of opportunity Low-cost in situ analyzers CO2-sondes, tethered balloons, etc. Satellite-based column-integrated CO2, CO2 profiles Higher frequency, more sensitive to continental air Most importantly: MORE DATA, better coverage Will permit more detail to be estimated Present  Future

  16. Eddy-flux tower sites

  17. ~22 regions, monthly, ~60 sites, 1987-present: N ~50 regions, weekly, ~100 sites, c. 2000: 10·N ~200 regions, daily?, ~200 continuous sites, ~2005: 300·N ~60000 regions (1°x1°), hourly, ~250 meas/hour, from satellites launched ~2008: 2,000,000·N Upshot: batch least squares not feasible for much longer Growth of measurement density and likely solution resolution

  18. 1) Break span into smaller blocks (Bousquet, et al 1999) -- 1-2 year spin-up time limits this, due to required overlaps 2) Solve in the (smaller) measurement space -- i.e., O(M3) (Peylin, et al 2005) 3) Use the adjoint to the transport model to efficiently generate H basis functions in time-reverse mode (Kaminski, et al, 1999; Roedenbeck, et al 2005) 2) and 3) allow one to efficiently solve for many fluxes when the number of measurements is small(er), but both break down when both the number of measurements and fluxes are large Three approaches to handling these computational limitations:

  19. Transport model runs to generate H: 22 regions x 16 years x 12 months x 36 months = 152 K tracer-months (if using real winds) 22 x 12 x 36 = 9.5 K tracer-months (climatological winds) Matrix inversion computations: O(N3) N= 22 regions x 16 years x 12 months = 4.4 K Matrix storage: O (N*M) --- 66 MB M = 78 sites x 16 years x 12 months = 15 K Three key ideas to get around these limitations: Use sequential estimators instead of batch inversion Use indirect (iterative) solvers instead of direct ones Solve for only an approximate covariance, not the full-rank one Computational considerations

  20. Kalman Filter/Smoother 0 H

  21. Kalman Filter/Smoother 0 H

  22. Measurement update step at time k: Dynamic propagation step from times k to k+1: Put multiple months of flux in state vector xk, method becomes effectively a fixed-lag Kalman smoother Kalman Filter Equations

  23. For retrospective analyses, a 2-sided smoother gives more accurate estimates than a 1-sided filter. The 4-D Var method is 2-sided, like a smoother. (Gelb, 1974)

  24. Full KF only a partial fix due to still-large P matrices Ensemble KF (EnKF): full covariance matrix replaced by approximation from an ensemble EnKF can be thought of as a reduced-rank square root KF with each column of the reduced-rank P1/2 being given by a state deviation (dx) from an ensemble of independently propagated and updated states x Matrix operations involving P in the basic KF equations replaced with dot products of state deviations (dx) summed over the ensemble See Peters, et al (2005) for implementation Traditional (full-rank) Kalman filter ensemble Kalman filter

  25. Ensemble KF still a relatively new method -- details still being worked out: Proper method for introducing measurement and dynamical errors into ensemble Proper means for handling time/space correlations in measurements Proper way to apply it to time-dependent CO2 fluxes Variational data assimilation is more developed Pros: Wide use in numerical weather prediction Based on a minimization -- can always be made to converge Con*: -- Requires an adjoint model *Since ensemble smoothers need an adjoint, too, for true retrospective analyses (those for which a fixed-lag smoother won’t work well), this is not necessarily a con in those cases Ensemble KF vs. Variational DA

  26. 4-D Var Data Assimilation Method • Find optimal fluxes u and initial CO2 field xo to minimize • subject to the dynamical constraint • where • x are state variables (CO2 concentrations), • h is a vector of measurement operators • z are the observations, • R is the covariance matrix for z, • uo is an a priori estimate of the fluxes, • Puo is the covariance matrix for uo, • xo is an a priori estimate of the initial concentrations, • Pxo is the covariance matrix for xo, • is the transition matrix (representing the transport model), and G distributes the current fluxes into the bottom layer of the model

  27. 4-D Var Data Assimilation Method Adjoin the dynamical constraints to the cost function using Lagrange multipliers  SettingF/xi = 0 gives an equation for i, the adjoint of xi: The adjoints to the control variables are given byF/uiandF/xoas: The gradient vector is given by F/uiandF/xoo, so the optimal u and x0 may then be found using one’s favorite descent method. I have been using the BFGS method, since it conveniently gives an estimate of the leading terms in the covariance matrix.

  28. 4-D Var Iterative Optimization Procedure 0 x0 ° Forward Transport Forward Transport Estimated Fluxes “True” Fluxes 1 2 Modeled Concentrations “True” Concentrations ° x1 ° Measurement Sampling Measurement Sampling x2 Modeled Measurements “True” Measurements Assumed Measurement Errors D/(Error)2 3 x3 ° Weighted Measurement Residuals Flux Update Adjoint Transport Adjoint Fluxes =  Minimum of cost function J

  29. Variable metric method -- accumulates 2nd order information (approximate covariance matrix) as minimization proceeds Search direction: sk= Hkk Hk approximates [2J/u2]-1= Pu Precondition with H0=Pu° H never stored, but reconstructed from p and q as needed BFGS Minimization Approach

  30. Allows for dynamical errors Add dynamical mismatches ito J as Note that Then solve for i from iand add these to the propagated state “Soft” Dynamical Constraint

  31. Parameterized Chemical Transport Model (PCTM; Kawa, et al, 2005) Driven by reanalyzed met fields from NASA/Goddard’s GEOS-DAS3 scheme Lin-Rood finite volume advection scheme Vertical mixing: diffusion plus a simple cloud convection scheme Exact adjoint for linear advection case Basic resolution 2x 2.5, 25  layers, t30 min, with ability to reduce resolution to 4x 5, t60 min 6x 10, t120 min < we’ll use this in the example 12x 15, t180 min Measurements binned at t resolution Atmospheric Transport Model

  32. Monday: Test performance of 4DVar method in a simulation framework, with dense data (6°x10°, lowest level of model, every t, 1 ppm (1) error) Case 1 -- no data noise added, no prior Case 2 -- w/ data noise added, no prior Case 3 -- w/ data noise added, w/ prior Case 4 -- no data noise added, w/ prior Tuesday: with Case 3 above, do OSSEs for Case 5 -- dense data, but OCO column average Case 6 -- OCO ground track and column average Case 7 -- extended version of current network Case 8 -- current in situ network Possibilities for projects: examine the importance of Data coverage and accuracy vs. targeted flux resolution Prior error pattern and correlation structures Measurement correlations in time/space Errors in the setup assumptions (“mistuning”) Effect of biases in the measurements Data Assimilation Experiments

  33. Home directory: /project/projectdirs/m598/dfb/4DVar_Example/scripts/case1/BFGS Work directories: /scratch/scratchdirs/dfb/case1/work_fwd & /scratch/scratchdirs/dfb/case1/work_adj Submit batch job by typing ‘llsubmit runBFGS2_LL’ while in /project/projectdirs/m598/dfb/4DVar_Example/scripts/case1/BFGS/ This executes the main driver script, found in BFGSdriver4d.F, in same directory, which controls setting up all the files and running FWD and ADJ inside the minimization loop The scripts that execute the FWD and ADJ runs of the model are found in …/4DVar_Example/scripts/case1/, named run.co2.fvdas_bf_fwd(adj)_trupri997_hourly Check progress of job by typing ‘llqs’ Jobs currently set up to do a 1 year-long run (360 days), solving for the fluxes in 5-day long chunks, at 6.4x10 resolution, with t =2 hours How to run the 4D-Var code

  34. In /scratch/scratchdirs/dfb/case1/work_fwd/costfuncval_history/temp Column 1 -- measurement part of cost function Column 2 -- flux prior part of cost function Column 4 -- total cost function value Column 10 -- weighted mismatch from true flux Column 11 -- unweighted mismatch from true flux Columns 4, 10, and 11 ought to be decreasing as the run proceeds Columns X and Y give the iteration count and 1-D search count How to monitor job while running

  35. A results file in netCDF format written to: /scratch/scratchdirs/dfb/case1/work_fwd/estim_truth.nc sftp this to davinci.nersc.gov (rename it, so that you don’t overwrite another group’s file) Pull up an X-window to davinci and ssh -X davinci.nersc.gov On davinci, ‘module load ncview’ Then ‘ncview estim_truth.nc’ Click on a field to look at it Hint: set ‘Range’ to +/- 2e-8 for most fields How to view detailed results

  36. The code for the FWD and ADJ model is in ../4DVar_Example/src_fwd_varres and src_adj_varres Measurement files are located in /scratch/scratchdirs/dfb/case1/meas Two files controlling the tightness of the prior and whether or not noise is added to the measurements are /scratch/scratchdirs/dfb/case1/work_fwd/ferror and /scratch/scratchdirs/dfb/case1/work_fwd/measnoise_on.dat Other code details

  37. 2-hourly measurements in the lowest model level at 6.4x 10, 1 ppm error (1) Iterate 30 descent steps, 1-year-long run, starts 1/1 4 cases Case 1 -- No measurement noise added, no prior Case 2 -- Add measurement noise added, no prior Case 3 -- Add noise, and apply a prior Case 4 -- No noise, but apply a prior Designed to test the method and understand the impact of data errors and the usefulness of the prior Case 3 is the most realistic and will be used to do OSSEs for several possible future networks for Tuesday’s problem set Monday’s Experiment

  38. Use Case 3 from above to test more-realistic measurement networks: Current in situ network Extended version of current network OCO satellite Hourly 6.4x 10 column measurements Essentially an “OSSE” (observing system simulation experiment) -- tells you how well your instrument should do in constraining the fluxes. Only gives the random part of the error, not biases Tuesday’s Experiment

  39. Across 1 day OCO Groundtrack, Jan 1st (Boxes at 6x 10) 2 days 5 days

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