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Strategies to increase impact factor : myth or realit y ? Ana Marušić

Workshop : Editorial Process. Strategies to increase impact factor : myth or realit y ? Ana Marušić E ditor in chief , Journal of Global Health Editor emerita, Croatian Medical Journal University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia.

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Strategies to increase impact factor : myth or realit y ? Ana Marušić

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Workshop: EditorialProcess Strategies to increaseimpactfactor: myth or reality? Ana Marušić Editor inchief, Journal of Global Health Editor emerita, Croatian Medical Journal University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia

  2. Manipulatingimpactfactor – is it ethical?

  3. Institute for Scientific Information Science Citation Index citations journal articles from two previous years receive in the current year number of articles published in the two previous years IF=

  4. COPE examples: • Publishing “annual reviews” where journal articles are cited • Editor insists that authors include citations to the journal in their manuscript

  5. “Beginning in 2009, all manuscripts accepted by theInternational Journal of Cardiology must contain a citationto an article on ethical authorship published in the samejournal in January 2009. The immediacy index (whichmeasures the citations in the same year) of the InternationalJournal of Cardiology rose from 0.413 in 2008 to 2.918 in2009, and a significant boost in the impact factor will occurin 2010 and 2011.” Coats AJS. Ethical authorship and publishing. Int J Cardiol. 2009;131:149-50.

  6. citations journal articles from two previous years receive in the current year number of articles published in the two previous years IF=

  7. Impactfactordepends on thetypes or atriclespublishedandcitations to thesetypes

  8. Advice: • Follow your journal’s citations • Identify highly cited articles and topics • Work on attracting articles that will be used and cited • Use new means of communication

  9. Cite and retweet this widely: Tweets can predict citations! Highly tweeted articles 11x more likely to be highly cited http://t.co/dcJLRj7y Cite and retweet this widely: Tweets can predict citations! Highly tweeted articles 11x more likely to be highly cited http://t.co/dcJLRj7y The future of impactfactor? arXiv.org > cs > arXiv:1205.4328 ComputerScience > DigitalLibraries George A. Lozano, Vincent Lariviere, YvesGingras. TheweakeningrelationshipbetweentheImpactFactorandpapers' citationsinthedigital age (Submitted on 19 May 2012)

  10. Socialmediaandsciencejournals

  11. Cite and retweet this widely: Tweets can predict citations! Highly tweeted articles 11x more likely to be highly cited http://t.co/dcJLRj7y GuntherEysenbach. Can tweets predict citations? Metrics of social impact based on twitter and correlation with traditional metrics of scientific impact. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2011;4:e123

  12. Obrigada! ana.marusic@mefst.hr pius7.slu.edu

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