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Evolution of Writing: Mesopotamia and Beyond

Explore the origins of writing in Mesopotamia, from pictograms to cuneiform script, and its lasting impact on civilizations. Discover how writing evolved and influenced modern communication methods.

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Evolution of Writing: Mesopotamia and Beyond

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mesopotamia Writing Mesopotamia Writing

  2. 03.11.21

  3. First Form of Writing The Mesopotamians invented the first form of writing. They used shapes like triangles and carved them on clay. There were many kinds of writing.

  4. How did they Write? The Mesopotamians used tools to carve letters. These tools are called stylus. After they write on the clay, they wait for the clay to harden. Some forms of written languages were Pictograms, Ideograms, Phonetic Writing and Cuneiform.

  5. Who Could Read and Write? Normal people in Mesopotamia couldn’t write.. Only rich children could learn to read and write. Their school is at the temple. When they mastered this skill, they are given titles as scribes. Scribes had the jobs of recording trades and working at the palace.

  6. Why was Writing Important? The Mesopotamians thought writing was important because they needed to record events that passed for generations. It was also a useful skill. They could also use it to record information having to do with business.

  7. Parts of Cuneiform was also used by farmers to record their stocks of crops. Cuneiform was used by the Sumerians, Akkadians and Semitic invaders of Mesopotamia. It was later borrowed by the Elamites, the Kassites, the Persians, the Mitanni and the Hurriams.

  8. How has this Affected us Now? After many centuries, Canada is born. Most people talk and write in English. But reading and writing is so important that all the different people in Canada have their own system of writing too. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

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