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KINGDOM PROTISTA Biology 112. Kingdom Protista. All are simple eukaryotes (cells with nuclei ). Protists are an unusual group of organisms that were put together because they don't really seem to belong to any other Kingdom Mostly microscopic Live in moist surroundings .
Kingdom Protista • All are simple eukaryotes (cells with nuclei). • Protists are an unusual group of organisms that were put together because they don't really seem to belong to any other Kingdom • Mostly microscopic • Live in moist surroundings. • Most unicellular *(amoeba); multicellular (seaweed/kelp) • Autotrophs, heterotrophs, or both. • Some can move - others cannot.
3 categories of Protists: • Animal-like • Plant-like • Fungus – like
Animal-like Protists (Protozoans) *Unicellular heterotrophs *Four groups based on movement: those with pseudopods, cilia, flagella, and the non motile sporozoans.
Protozoans with Pseudopods Ex: Amoeba • 1. Phylum Sarcodine • Pseudopods also called ‘False Feet’ • Cell membrane pulls in one direction & the cytoplasm folds into the bulge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pR7TNzJ_pA
Mimivirus: infects a species of amoeba and is the largest known virus ever discovered. Mimivirus enters amoeba cells by phagocytosis
Protozoans with ciliaEX: Paramecium 2. Phylum – Ciliates • Cilia - hairlike structures - help organisms move, get food and sense environment. • Some unicellular, most are multicellularwith 2 nuclei: one for everyday functions and one for reproduction • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9ymaSzcsdY&feature=fvw
Ciliates, cont. • oral groove lined with cilia - moves H20 containing food into food vacuole at end of oral groove. • food vacuole breaks down food and sends through cell. • anal pore sends out waste.
Contractile Vacuole Food vacuole macronucleus Oral groove micronucleus food vacuole anal pore
Protozoans with flagella 3. Phylum zooflagelates • Use longwhiplikepart called flagella to move. (one or two) • These usually live inside other organisms
Non Motile Protozoans 4. Phylum Sporazoa - parasites • Feed on cells & body fluids of host Sporozoans like plasmodium (causes malaria) feeds off liver and blood cells
Plantlike Protists • Better known as algae • Autotrophs (photosynthesis) • Size: unicellular to very large • Contain different pigments so they come in different colors. • Algae perform 55-75% of all photosynthesis on Earth so it provides most of the world’s oxygen! • Ex: colonial volvox
Kelp forests White cliffs of Dover are white from plant-like protist shells
Funguslike Protists • Funguslikeprotists are heterotrophsthat absorb nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter (decomposers/saprobes) • Ex: slimemold, watermolds
Land-dwelling water molds cause a number of plant diseases, including mildews and blights. A water mold Phytophthora infestans was responsible for the Irish Potato Famine of the 1845-1848 Funguslike Protists cont…
Parasitic Protists Biology 112
Parasitic Protists Parasite: an organism that lives off of a HOST organism (either on it or in it) and causes harm to the host. Vector: an organism that carries parasite, and can transfer the parasite to another organism. Parasite Vector Host
MALARIA Protist – Plasmodium Vector – Female Anopheles Mosquito • 4 species of protozoans that carry malaria but Plasmodium falciparum is especially deadly • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwsoK8O0lXE
Page 203 of text Vector / Protist? Female Anopheles mosquito – site of sexual phase of plasmodium Plasmodium sporozoites infect liver cells and reproduce asexually Liver Liver cell Red blood cell bursts and merozoites infect more RBC’s Red Blood Cells Merozoites reproduce asexually in RBC’s
Malaria • WHO: 300-500 million cases/year • 1.5-2.7 million deaths/year (more than AIDS) • Symptoms: fever, headache, vomiting and other flu-like symptoms • The protist lives inside the bloodstream eventually clogging capillaries and destroying blood cells, leading to death if untreated. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwsoK8O0lXE
Giardiasis • Protist - Giardia • Infects ~ 200 million people worldwide • Transmission: contaminated water (outdoor streams, other untreated water sources); day-care environments (fecal-oral route) • Takes up residence in the digestive tract. • Symptoms: severe diarrhea and vomiting.
African Sleeping Sickness • Protist – Trypanosoma • Vector – Tse Tse Fly
African Sleeping Sickness • Occurs mostly in sub-saharan Africa • Initial symptoms: fever, headaches, pain in joints • Infects the CNS: causes confusion, lack of coordination and uncontrolled sleepiness. • Leads to death if left untreated. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aVUrGO97Zg