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Monxton Parish Council. Agenda 19 th March 2014. Agenda. 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Matters arising from those minutes: 6. Reports:
Monxton Parish Council Agenda 19th March 2014
Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Matters arising from those minutes: 6. Reports: • Environment & Footpaths – Judith Balding • Sunnybank – Dave Bateman • Traffic – Sarah Dowding • Neighbourhood Watch - David James • Finances – David Eaglesham • Planning – Mike Cleugh 7. Monxton Web Site up-date 8. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 9. Matter raised by Councillors 10. Correspondence 11. Date of the next meeting – 21 May 2014 (AGM) 12. Close of the meeting
Environment & Footpaths Pillhill Brook • Monxton Parish Council and a number of residents have objected to Lord Simon Tanlaw’s planning application No: 14/01556/FULLN, in its current form, • MPC would support a revised application if these conditions are imposed and enforced. • The design is changed to V-Shaped • The proposed height of the weir is reduced so that the bottom of the weir is at the same depth as centre of the river bed. • The full flood risk assessment is produced for the upstream area i.e. Monxton Village: The current application makes no mention of the risk of flooding to the surrounding area, and the flood risk will be increased if the new weir is allowed to be raised. • The retrospective application for the bridge on the same stretch of the Pillhill Brook has still not gone to committee and no time frame has been provided by TVBC. Pumping Station Flood Advisory Committee Monxton has formed a Flood Advisory Committee, which will be a sub-committee of and reportable to, the Monxton Parish Council. To date, the committee comprises Cllr Judith Balding, Adrian Drage, Pamela Fisk and Paul Richards. This committee has been formed to liaise with villagers and the four agencies involved in dealing with the issues which have arisen from the pumping station flooding. Footpaths & Bridleways • Nothing to report
Sunnybank 1. Resident’s hedge overgrowing pavement A group of volunteers helped with cutting the hedge 2. Entrance to Sunnybank The entrance was broken up and there was quite a dip in the road of about 20cm and after nearly 4 years this has been completed (just needs white lining) 3. Overgrowth of hedgerow in Red Post Lane This has all been cut back to a good distance from the road. 4. Flooding along Andover Road • The drainage issues have still not been resolved despite constant updates being put on the HantsWeb site. Southern Water are going to clear the sewers/drains, then jet the system, and if there are still underlying problems they will put cameras down the line to check for collapses and possible root penetration.
Sunnybank 5. Grass cutting/tidying • Requested that two areas of grass be cut at the entrance to Sunny bank . • Also the area opposite Silver Birch Fm (Monxton Village sign) could be cut by the contractor who cuts the village green. When this is overgrown it is quite unsightly and does not give a good appearance to the entrance to the village. • Monxton Road signs cleaned this morning by Dorothy Bateman
Traffic New signs • No HGVs (by railway bridge – wrong location, will be moved within 4 weeks) • No HGVs sign for Chalkpit Lane – 4 weeks Requests to Nelson Lorries & the Langdowns for one-way system – weekly reminders, nearly always ignored • Community Speedwatch Scheme • Need £2500 from MPC and min. 6 volunteers • Possible bollards for small green (Abbotts Ann Rd/Broad Rd) • Prefer sign-off for privately-owned staddle stones • Extending speed limit zones • Broad Road & Green Lane • Rural pilot scheme for 20mph zones • Monxton & Amport on the shortlist – chosen in May
Traffic • Village Gateways • Poll for villagers to choose design
Neighbourhood Watch Report By David James, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator • Reported Crime • Police bulletins over the past two months have again primarily covered non dwelling crime such as thefts from sheds and cars together with advice on telephone scams and nuisance cold calling. • High burglary rates from sheds indicate that they are not only easy to break into but there is a large market for the stolen contents. With this in mind, consider if the property kept inside would be better stored elsewhere. • Historically we see a rise in thefts from beauty spot car parks during the spring and summer months when more people are out and about enjoying the countryside. • Most offences of theft from vehicle are opportunist. If valuable possessions such as handbags, sat navs, mobile phones and cameras are left inside a vehicle, it is much more likely to be targeted by thieves. • The list of telephone scams grows longer and more imaginative and now includes boiler maintenance and ,of all things ,protection against nuisance calls! • On a brighter note five men were sentenced on Friday, February 28 to a total of 26 years and three months imprisonment at Winchester Crown Court following a lengthy investigation by officers across northern Hampshire into a series of rural dwelling burglaries. These offences were committed by a team of professional burglars operating from London and Kent who were forensically aware and highly organised. • Crime Alerts • Since the last meeting an alert was issued on the 15th February which was distributed in Monxton and posted on Monxton Matters. It covered Police reorganisation and yet another email scam.
MPC Planning Matters 1. MPC objected to Mr Alan Kings application 14/00154/FULLNto build a house at Langley on the grounds it was in contravention of planning policies SET03, 06, ENV 15 and many others.2. MPC objected to the PLANNING APPLICATION 14/00300/FULLN by Lord Tanlaw for a new Weir at Upper Mill House UNLESS certain conditions are imposed and enforced.3. MPC has been advised by Alpine Group at Manor Farm that they have two builders interested in the potential of developing the site and they have been discovered a site at Walworth with the potential to build a new workshop to which they can move.
Monxton Website up-date • Web site stats • Views since start (Feb 2013): 36,866 • January: 2,846 February: 3,610 March: 9,697
Monxton Website • Emails • Have email addresses for 70% of the parish (75% excl Sunnybank) • 121 households in parish - email addresses for 84 households • Only 6 houses confirmed without email • Recent leaflet drop to all households without email • 207 subscribers in total for newsletter
Rural Broadband Procedure for self funding • Hampshire County Council has signed a contract with BT Openreach to roll out superfast broadband to 59,000 properties across Hampshire by the end of 2015, increasing coverage from 80% to 90% of premises. The County Council has also started a procurement to extend superfast coverage to a further 27,000 premises by the end of 2017, which will mean that 95% of premises in Hampshire will have access to superfast broadband. • Monxton PC meeting with HCC and BT Openreach on April 23 to gain an understanding of the current phone network and the challenges and costs involved in upgrading services to superfast speeds. • There are specialist providers that can help - type ‘rural broadband solutions’ into a search engine to find them - and BT Openreach will enter into direct contracts with communities in certain circumstances.
Village Projects • Village green clear up • Village Pond project • Village verges weed reduction • Delayed until late Spring due to lack of interest • Proposed dates to be shorter time-slots • 5 & 6 and 12 & 13 April: any time between 10am -12noon
Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Matters arising from those minutes: 6 Planning 7. Reports: • Environment & Footpaths • Sunnybank • Traffic • Neighbourhood Watch • Finances • Planning • Monxton Website up-date 8. Village Projects 9. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 10. Correspondence 11. Date of the next meeting – 21 May 2014 (AGM) 12. Close of the meeting