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Agenda for Monxton Parish Council meeting including election, financial report, Black Swan update, and reports on various subjects. Details on Village Green history, defense mechanisms, and Assets of Community Value discussed.
Monxton Parish Council Agenda AGM and Parish Council Meeting 18th May 2016 - 7.30pm
Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies. 2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman 3. Declaration of Interests 4. Parish Council Vacancy 5. Financial Report - End of Year Accounts 6. Black Swan/Car Park/Village Green update 7. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 8. Minutes of the Previous Meeting sign that they are correct 9. Reports:- Planning Environment & Footpaths Traffic Neighbourhood Watch Sunnybank (Not available as Cllr David Batemen resigned) 10. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 11. Correspondence 12. Queens Birthday celebrations 13. Close of the meeting Dates for the 2016 meetings 20th July,21st September16th November
Parish Council Vacancy • David Bateman councillor for Sunnybank has resigned creating a vacancy on MPC • Applications from villagers should be made to the Parish Clerk • Interviews with candidates will be held at the village hall • The Successful applicant will be notified and co-opted • In the event that more than two candidates come forward an election may be required
Financial Report • Parish Clerk to provide summary
Black Swan/Car Park/Village Green • Situation Summary • Enterprise Inns own the Pub, Car Park and the Village Green • Enterprise Inns have several options as follows: • Install a new manager and continue business as usual • Sell all three assets as a whole as a free house • Sell the Pub, Car Park and Village Green separately • De-licence the Pub and then sell off the assets to developers • In the event that they sell the Pub, Car Park and Village Green as separate units or try to de-licence the Pub, a number of scenarios will involve TVBC • TVBC will not support any de-licencing of the pub • TVBC will not support any development on the car park as this will be a back door to de-licence the pub • TVBC will not support development of the village green as this is a designated Open Space
MPC - Village Green History • In 1973 a licence was signed between the Parish Council and Strongs Brewery Co of Romsey Ltd granting the use of the land to provide amenity space for the benefit of the inhabitants of Monxton. • The right to clear the land of shrubs and trees and to lay lawns and flowerbeds and to erect park benches and seats on the land. • The Parish Council agreed to maintain the land and to arrange for public liability insurance. • The licence has been sent to a solicitor to review with a view to understanding our options.
Protecting the Village Green & Car Park • Three potential defence mechanisms: • TVBC already has the Village Green registered as a Open Space under the Borough Plan • Registering the Village Green & Car Park as Community Assets - in process • HCC have a scheme to register the land owned by Enterprise Inns as a Village Green under Section 15 of the Commons Act 2006. Under investigation and will have legal costs to be considered.
Assets Of Community Value • The consequence of listing land or buildings as Assets of Community Value is to impose limited restrictions upon any subsequence sale of lease of the building or the land. • If the owner wants to dispose of a listed asset, the owner must inform the Borough Council. The Borough Council will inform the original nominating organisation and publicise the intended sale on the web site. • There is a moratorium period of six weeks in which a parish council or community group wishing to bid must notify the Borough Council of its interest. The owner must not sell the asset during those six weeks. • If neither the parish council or community or voluntary organisation expresses any interest within six weeks, the owner is free to sell the asset without restriction or further delay. • If the parish council or community or voluntary organisation expresses an interest in bidding for that asset within six weeks of being notified, that expression on interest will trigger a second moratorium of six months during which the community group can raise funds and bid to purchase the asset. The second and longer moratorium period will start to run on the same date as the first moratorium period, so that the total of both moratorium periods will not exceed six months. • The owner must not sell the asset during that six month moratorium period. • Any disposal of listed land or buildings by sale or lease is ineffective during the moratorium periods unless permitted by the Regulations in certain circumstances. • At the end of six months, the owner can reject the bid made by the parish council or community group and is then free to dispose of the land or building. • All owners (other than public authorities) may claim compensation of loss and expenses incurred as a consequence of the listing of the asset in such an amount as the authority may determine. As with the original listing of the asset, the owner can seek the review of any determination of compensation as for the original listing, and can also appeal to the First Tier Tribunal.
PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2015/2016 p1 * Oakcutts, Old Stockbridge Road, Middle Wallop – Application for lawful development certificate. * The Black Swan, Monxton – installation of externally illuminated and no illuminated signage and lights to the exterior of the building. * Corner Cottage, Amport Road, Monxton - Erection of dwelling, detached double garage and construction of vehicular access. * Garden Cottage, Chalkpit Lane, Monxton – Crown reduction Beech Tree. * Pillhill Lodge, Green Lane, Monxton – An extension to the garage to link with the main dwelling; removal of garage door and replace with timber glazing. * Beechurst, Green Lane, Monxton – Demolition of existing garage and erection of replacement double garage incorporating first floor home office. * Jevvon, Andover Road, Monxton - Erection of detached double garage and garden store with studio over.
PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2015/2016 p2 * Abbotts Mead, Chalkpit Lane, Monxton – Removal of existing boot room and the erection of ground floor extension to provide study and reception room and first floor extensions to provide bedroom, ensuite and dressing room with associated internal and external works; and erection of replacement 3 bay garage. * The Black Swan Car Park – Fell Ash and Norway Spruce. * Middle Orchard, Green Lane, Monxton – Reduce to 2m and prune back tto the boundary on the roadside, overgrown Beech Hedge. * Monxton Manor – Crown raise Plum by up to 3m. remove middle stem of one Sycamore. Fell 2 Sycamore. * Andover Business Park – Modify park 1V Schedule 6 of the planning obligation associated with 09/02392/OUTN to remove cars accessing Plot 1 via Monxton Road from the current regime of restrictions. * Abbots Mead, Chalkpit Lane, Monxton – Silver Birch – crown reduction 30%. Conifer – Fell. Cherry – crown reduction 30%. Acer – Crown reduction 30%. Silver Birch – crown reduction 30%. Beech – Fell. Silver Birch – Fell. * Meadow View, Monxton – Construction of double garage. * Barn Cottage – Erection of double garage with ancillary accommodation over.
MPC Planning Matters • Corner Cottage 15/02913/FULLN: Erection of a 4 bed thatched cottage in the rear garden • Objections (various neighbours) on the basis of height, traffic and being overlooked. MPC commented re height vs neighbours. • Arboricultural investigation in progress • Meadow View 16/00434/LBWN: Demolition of single garage & construction of a double garage • MPC no objection • Barn Cottage 16/00284/FULLN: Demolition of existing double garage and erection of a double garage & accommodation on a new 1st floor. • MPC objection • Pill Hill Lodge 16/00482/FULLN: An extension to the garage to link with the main dwelling; removal of garage door and replace with timber glazing (amended description & plans) • Update on the Alpine Group at Manor Farm • Issues with Nelsons lorries going through Monxton • No major feedback from villagers over last 2 months
Barn Cottage – 16/00284/FULLN • Erection of a double garage & accommodation on a new 1st floor. MPC objection. • We object to the height and size of the new building in relation to the size in comparison to the curtilage, size of the existing dwelling and proximity to the High Street. The building will have a first floor story living space with dormer windows overlooking over the High Street, which we consider is too high and NOT in keeping with the Village Design Statement and contrary to Policy ENV 15. • We are also concerned that the height of the building may exceed the distance allowed between structures and the fact that there are no dimensions on the plans makes this impossible to ascertain. TVBC need to ascertain the actual dimensions as the plans any clarify if this point applies. • This development is Contrary to the Village Design Statement and not in keeping with the proximity of a Grade 2 listed thatched cottage having a tiled roof with dormer windows. • We understand that there is a Brick and flint/cob wall that may be listed and which separates the properties, this may need to be demolished to enable the building to be erected. We object to any demolition of the wall which is best viewed from the Collins’ property (Portway) and if demolished will need to be re-instated. • The dormer windows overlooking the High Street face directly into the neighbours opposite and are not in keeping with the rest of the High Street. • The balcony at the rear overlooks the neighbour’s garden and represents an intrusion into a private area and should not be permitted. • Monxton is defined in the local plan as a “rural settlement” and any proposed works: "should integrate, respect and complement the character of the area in which the development is located in terms of layout, appearance, scale, materials and building styles” • MPC are concerned overall that this building represents an unwelcome development in a rural village with no clear benefit to either the character or quality of the village environment and contrary to the above policy.
Alpine Update • Work has proceeded to draw up an outline design for a housing scheme working with a planning company to draw up a new scheme. • TVBC has met with the developers outside of the paid for process to review the feasibility of the plan prior to them incurring any expense. • Still looking for a site to offload some of the heavy steelwork
Environment – Judith Balding • HCC • The Monxton Flood Advisory Committee had a meeting with the Assistant Highway Manager from HCC on 5th May, with regard to clearing the blocked drains and gullies in the village. • Some initial work by their gully cleaning contractor has now been carried out. These include clearing the gullies outside Monxton Mill, those in Chalkpit Lane and Green Lane. • Longer term issues which need addressing with are in the pipeline! • Southern Water • Further to a meeting of the Monxton Flood Advisory Committee and SW representatives, they have confirmed that their IRP has not yet been approved by the EA. The EA responded to Southern Water recently with some feedback which is in the process of being reviewed. • Once it has been approved, both parties will be invited to present it to a Parish Council meeting.
Environment – Judith Balding Tree Applications • 16/00869/TREEN - Abbotts Mead, Chalkpit Lane, Monxton Objection to two parts of this application - Permission granted by TVBC • 16/01142/TREEN - Kingsbrook, High Street, Monxton • T1 Yew - Fell - No Objection Footpaths & Bridleways • The footpaths are due to be cut once a month during the summer months. • The broken stile on Footpath 5, which has been reported to the landowner and to HCC, has still not been repaired. • Hook Lane Bridleway has been cut back by Amport PC.
Traffic - Sarah Dowding Community Speedwatch • More volunteers required to run the scheme to optimum effect • 90% under 35mph; 9% 37-42mph; I van at 50mph! Large Vehicles • Causing damage to other vehicles and property Village Gateways • Traffic Regulation Order in progress. Planned installation late 2016
Village Hall • Architect appointed (capped fee) • Planning Permission • Tenders from contractors • Fund raising & grants • Works currently planned for summer 2017
Neighbourhood Watch • To be added by David
MPC Finance To be added by Richard
Sunnybank • Dave Bateman resigned earlier this year and a replacement councillor is required
Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies. 2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman 3. Declaration of Interests 4. Parish Council Vacancy 5. Financial Report - End of Year Accounts 6. Black Swan/Car Park/Village Green update 7. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 8. Minutes of the Previous Meeting sign that they are correct 9. Reports:- Planning Environment & Footpaths Traffic Neighbourhood Watch Sunnybank (Not available as Cllr David Batemen resigned) 10. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 11. Correspondence 12. Queens Birthday celebrations 13. Close of the meeting Dates for the 2016 meetings 20th July,21st September16th November