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RAH Day 7 Agenda

RAH Day 7 Agenda. Goal – to understand that fear affects people’s decisions exemplified by McCarthyism. Finish page 14 about Truman’s second term and the vital center Why did some Fair Deal programs pass & others fail to pass? Complete pp 14

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RAH Day 7 Agenda

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RAH Day 7 Agenda Goal – to understand that fear affects people’s decisions exemplified by McCarthyism. • Finish page 14 about Truman’s second term and the vital center • Why did some Fair Deal programs pass & others fail to pass? Complete pp 14 • Explain Schlesinger’s view of the American political cultureDefine the Vital Center – identify the 3 assumptions • How is the vital center consistent with the major Paradox? How does it relate to the political spectrum? Did the beliefs of the “Vital Center” work in reality? • Complete PP 15 Cold War in Asia? • NSC-68 – Why is this report important? • How does it compare to Kennan regarding the perception of USSR’s goals and how the US should deal with the USSR? completebottom ofPP 15 • Fear and suspicion in the US – PP 16-17 • McCarthy video – How did McCarthy come to power? Describe McCarthy’s methods. What were the results of his investigations? • Review for test

  2. 1948 Election • Democrats split over : • civil rights plank in the national platform that HST pushed for. Therefore, with civil rights as an issue, souther Demos left to support the States’ Rights Democratic Party (Dixicrats) • direction of government – the old New Deal coalition wanted more federal programs and expanded New Deal – When Truman was unable to get that done and seemed less liberal than they wanted, former VP and Commerce Secretary Henry Wallace fronted the Progressive Party

  3. 1948 candidates 2.4% 0% electoral vote 45.1% 35.5% electoral vote 2.4% 7.5% electoral vote Henry Wallace Progressive Party • very liberal • more New Deal, • cooperation with USSR • Civil rights 49.6% Winner • Harry Truman Democratic Party • liberal • Fair Deal, • Containment of USSR • Civil Rights • Thomas Dewey Republican Party • conservative • Smaller gov’t lower taxes, • Confront USSR • Anti-union • Strom Thurmond States’ Rights Democratic Party • Socially conservative • Opposed to civil rights • Confront USSR • Opposed to civil rights

  4. PP 14 - Truman’s Fair Deal – Jan. 5, 1949

  5. PP 14 - Truman’s Fair Deal – Jan. 5, 1949

  6. Truman, the Vital Center and paradox Cold War • Americans wanted the troops home from WWII but wanted to stop the spread of Communism and Soviet power abroad. • The Implied threat of atomic bombs was meant to keep the USSR at bay, but pushed the USSR to obtain the a-bomb. • To prevent war, more and more dangerous, powerful weapons were created and deployed – so that they would not be used. • Wanted taxes lower and the government to focus on post-war domestic problems, but politically blamed Truman for the loss of China to communism and for being weak on the commies in Korea. • Post-war domestic issues • elected conservative Republicans to lower taxes and shrink the power of the federal government – but blamed Truman for high inflation and wanted solutions to housing, employment, wages and to stop crippling strikes. • Wanted government to stay out of the economy so that business could be business and the economy would boom – so that the government would have more money to spend on social programs.

  7. The Vital Center

  8. Chinese Civil War VS. Guo Mindong – Chinese Nationalist Party led by: CCP – Chinese Communist Party led by: US tries to mediate war: but then helps Jiang Mao Zedong Jiang Jieshi

  9. Support for Jiang Jieshi’s Guo Mindong (the Nationalists) government in China Policy – military and economic assistance to Chinese government of President Jiang Jieshi Purpose – to stop the spread of communist influence in China by giving military hardware and training to the Nationalist Army and to give economic aid so that Jiang’s government would be successful in helping his people Soviet reaction – Soviets and Chinese Communists felt threatened Soviets briefly aided Mao Zedong’s Communists, and helped to lead to Korean War Evaluation of success – failed – the Communists under Mao Zedong won the civil war in 1949 and kicked the Guo Mindong to Taiwan. Us begins to give financial and military hardware assistance to France in its war against Vietnam

  10. Korean War - Active map of Korean War Policy – military invasion by US and UN forces Purpose – to stop the spread of communism into South Korea by defending South Korea after it was attacked by North Korea under the leadership Kim Il Sung Soviet reaction – Soviets were happy that the US interest was not solely focused on Europe. Chinese Communists felt threatened and entered to war on NK side in November 1950. Continued animosity between US and China for 20 more years. Evaluation of success – a success when looking at main goal of defending South Korea, which did not fall to communists and is an independent successful democracy today. But a failure if viewed as intending to rid all of Korea of communist control.

  11. Chapter 3 – cold war in asia

  12. Chapter 3 – Kennan v NSC-68

  13. The Cold War Comes Home

  14. McCarthyism

  15. Fear and Suspicion Fear and Suspicion of Communism in the US Soviets Get A- Bomb Expansion of Communism Espionage Rings China Alger Hiss Korea E. Europe Rosenbergs HUAC hearings (1946-1954 McCarthyism 1950-54 Blacklisting FELP 1947 “Witch” Hunts

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