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Immune System

Tina Gilberti, OTR/L, FDN-P Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner Holistic Occupational Therapist www.fdnholisticwellness.com. Immune System. Gut and Immune Function. 80% of our immune system is in our gut Bacteria in our gut control immune responses

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Immune System

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  1. Tina Gilberti, OTR/L, FDN-P Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner Holistic Occupational Therapist www.fdnholisticwellness.com Immune System

  2. Gut and Immune Function • 80% of our immune system is in our gut • Bacteria in our gut control immune responses • When the bad bacteria in our gut outnumber the good bacteria, we are at risk for infections. • Diversity in the bacteria in our gut influences immune health-studies show high gut bacterial diversity correlates with good immune health • Frequent antibiotic use will destroy healthy bacteria, effecting bacterial balance in the gut often perpetuating the problem with infections-use sparingly and allow the body to naturally fight infections to strengthen the immune system when possible. • If someone is prone to frequent infections, want to look at gut health/function

  3. Immune Sabotager’s • Lack of Sleep-sleep is restorative • Poor Gut Function/Health and bacterial imbalance in the gut (can be the result of diet/antibiotic use) • Processed foods- • are devoid of nutrients and contain anti-nutrients that sabotage the immune system • Sugar- • Sugar will decrease immune function for up to 5 hours after consumption-Eating/drinking sugar regularly will chronically suppress the immune system • Sugar causes inflammation which causes white blood cells to deal with inflammation making them unable to fight infections • Sugar consumption causes mineral loss which effects immune function • Alcohol-reduces white blood cells • Mental/emotional stress suppresses immune function • Environmental-pollutants/toxins, standard self care products/cleaning supplies, GMO’s/pesticides • Unidentified Food sensitivities/allergies/hidden infections-keep the immune system occupied/busy • Antibiotic use –kills beneficial bacteria that support our immune system • Antibacterial products (soap, toothpastes, cleaning products)

  4. General Recommendations to Stay Healthy • Eliminate/limit sugar • Avoid Processed Foods-focus on whole, nutrient dense foods • Avoid GMO’s-Genetically Modified Foods • Eat organic when possible/avoid dirty dozen. EWG.org • Limit/Eliminate Alcohol-reduces white blood cells, causes red blood cells to clump together, affecting oxygen to organs (i.e. the brain and immune system) • Choose medication wisely. Tylenol destroys Glutathione which is our major antioxidant, antibiotics destroy the gut microbiome/bacteria • Avoid anti-bacterial soaps and products (i.e. many toothpastes contain Triclosan/antibacterial) which compromise the microbiome and immune system • Proper hand washing-using friction and non toxic hand soap, rub hands at least 30 seconds. Can encourage kids to wash while singing ABC’s or another song. • Clean up environmental toxin exposure- look at cleaning products, self care products, artificial perfumes/fragrances (candles, air fresheners, plug-ins)

  5. Natural Support When Sick • Start support at earliest signs of getting sick • Warm Epsom Salt Baths/Baking soda baths (1/4-1/2 cup each). Do not use cold baths as they cause chills. • Drink plenty of fluids: herbal teas, broths, lemon water (has electrolytes), coconut water mixed with water (has electrolytes) • Get plenty of sleep and rest • Avoid too much screen time • Avoid Sugar/processed foods • Limit stress • Get sunlight daily for at least 20 minutes • Grounding (walking barefoot in grass/sand) weather permitting • Consider Lymphatic massage if appropriate

  6. Natural Support When Sick • Castor Packs on liver (See attached) • If sore throat/strep, gargle every hour with Apple Cider vinegar diluted in water or Echinacea tincture (better tolerated by children). • If congested, use saline nose spray (preservative free) several times daily/as needed • Encourage nose blowing or use suction for younger kids • Use steam to help mucous, Sit in bathroom and turn shower on with door closed. Close drain and put a few drops of Eucalyptus oil in bath to clear sinuses while room steams up • If ear hurts/infection, put 1-2 drops of garlic ear drops (Allicin/Allimax) in each ear, twice a day • Use a natural rub with essential oils on chest to decongest (check skin first for allergic reactions to essential oils) • See recommended foods/supplement list-Immune Boosters

  7. Immune Booster’s • Probiotics –broad spectrum probiotic can help modulate immune system- contraindicated with organ/bone marrow transplants because immune system needs to be suppressed • Probiotic Rich foods-fermented foods –use as condiment with meals. If causes bloating may, may need to use less or may be underlying bacterial overgrowth. Avoid if have negative symptoms • Vitamin E rich foods (Organic Red Palm Oil) • Whole food vitamin C-Camu Camu berry • Garlic (can use Allicin/Allimax drops) • Herbs to boost immune system: Echinacea (needs to be taken at high dose/every hour at onset of cold/flu), Astralagus • Medicinal Mushrooms-Mushroom drink… • Chaga Elixir: https://www.amazon.com/Four-Sigma-Foods-Instant-Chaga/dp/B00MMHVDR8/ref=pd_sim_325_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00MMHVDR8&pd_rd_r=X5XNDHCJ625AHGRM651G&pd_rd_w=Z5zUW&pd_rd_wg=bK2h5&ppw=fresh&refRID=X5XNDHCJ625AHGRM651G&th=1 • Healing Broth Recipe: 3 cups vegetable stock, 1 ounce Astralagus root, 1 bulb garlic, sea salt to taste. ~Stephen Buhner

  8. Exercises to Move Improve Lymphatic Function • Lymphatic Massage/Massage • Rebounding on trampoline • Exercising/muscle contractions • Sweating • Dry skin brushing • Yoga • Postural exercises- good posture improves lymph function • Deep breathing • Hydration

  9. Benefits of Fevers • Fever’s are part of an effective immune response • An elevated body temperature makes it more difficult for pathogens to survive • A fever stimulates the immune system to make more WBC’s and antibodies, helping us fight infection • A fever brings iron to the liver making it unavailable to feed an infection • Most fevers are not serious until over 104 degrees • Look at the behavior of the individual, not the thermometer. • Using fever reducers, doesn’t allow the immune system to fight off the pathogen and can make the body weaker • 1 dose of Tylenol reduces glutathione or master antioxidant • Brain damage doesn’t occur until fever is 107 degrees which is very rare.

  10. Considerations • We are constantly being exposed to different bacteria, viruses, pathogens/bugs • A strong immune system helps us avoid getting sick despite exposure! • If someone has chronic immune issues/allergies/infections-may need to dig deeper (looking at gut health and food triggers) • Considerations with chronic immune problems: • food sensitivities or allergies • chronic viral activity • pathogens/gut infections (i.e. candida) • nutritional imbalances (i.e. deficiencies in zinc) • gut inflammation- 80% immune system is in gut

  11. Castor Pack Instructions • Saturate a piece of flannel or cotton with cold pressed, hexane free castor oil • http://www.amazon.com/Wool-Flannel-12-27-Pack/dp/B0011DQRIE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445366793&sr=8-1&keywords=castor+oil+pack. • http://www.amazon.com/Home-Health-Pressed-Processed-32-Ounce/dp/B0001TJX2Q/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1445366793&sr=8-5&keywords=castor+oil+pack • Position pack over liver-on right side under ribs and cover with a wrap. Place a hot pad/water bottle on top (not electric). A towel may be used to help protect bedding and keep in heat. • Allow pack to remain on for 30 minutes - 1 hour or more.   • Store pack in plastic bag or other container in a cool dry place when not in use. Wash after every few uses.

  12. Tina Gilberti, OTR/L, FDN-P Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner Holistic Occupational Therapist www.fdnholisticwellness.com Thank You!!

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