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Design Team:

CHE 481-483: Process Design Final Design Project Presentation Chemical & Biological Engineering Department Drexel University. Manufacture of Ethylene Glycol. Design Team:. Academic Advisor: Dr. George Rowell Industrial Advisor: Mr. Steven Schon, P.E. Project Scope. Chong McLaren.

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  1. CHE 481-483: Process DesignFinal Design Project PresentationChemical & Biological Engineering DepartmentDrexel University Manufacture of Ethylene Glycol Design Team: Academic Advisor: Dr. George Rowell Industrial Advisor: Mr. Steven Schon, P.E.

  2. Project Scope Chong McLaren

  3. Size of Plant • Ethylene Glycol • 896 MM lbs/Yr • 99.8% Purity (Polyester Fiber Grade) • Diethylene Glycol (By-product) • 2.2 MM lbs/Yr • 99.6% Purity • Raw Material • Ethylene: 484 MM lbs/Yr • Oxygen: 370 MM lbs/Yr at 99% Purity

  4. Location • Port Arthur, TX • BASF/ATOFINA steam cracker • Grass-Roots Site • Self Sufficient Unit (Utilities & WWTP)

  5. Production of EO Technology • EO Reactor • Shell Technology vs. Chlorohydrin process • Silver Catalyst • Efficient & Environmentally friendly • No unwanted byproduct • Ethylene Conversion: 12.5% • Oxygen vs. Air • Reduce quantities of inert gases into recycle • Eliminate the need for a purge reactor system • Higher selectivity: 65-75% vs. 85-90% • Higher operating cost • Higher risk of handling

  6. Production of EG Technology • EG Reactor • Ion Exchange Catalyst vs. No Catalyst • Hydrolysis of EO • Reduce operating temperature by 150 °F • Reduce amount of excess water • Water:EO - 20:1 to 4:1 • EO Conversion: 98% • Higher MEG selectivity: 91% vs. 98%

  7. Chemistry • Ethylene Reaction: • C2H4 +1/2 O2 → C2H4O • Side Reactions: • C2H4 + 3 O2 → 2 CO2 + 2 H2O • C2H4O + 2 1/2 O2 → 2 CO2 + 2 H2O • EO Reaction: • C2H4O + H2O → C2H6O2 • C2H4O + C2H6O2 → C4H10O3

  8. Market Analysis • EG Worldwide Production • 31.2 Billion lbs/Yr • 20% in US • GLYDE: 896 MM lbs/Yr of EG Production • 3% of World market • 14% of US market • Growth Rate • 6%-7% globally per year between 2006 - 2010

  9. Market Analysis • Polyester Grade EG • Demand for Derivatives Uses • Demand of EG ↑, Demand in End-Use Segments ↑ • automobile coolant, antifreeze additive, fiber, film, PET bottles, solvent in printing ink

  10. Process Description Nick Mitchell

  11. Section 200: EO Absorption Section Section 100: EO Reaction Section Section 500: EG Purification Section Section 400: EG Reaction Section Section 300: CO2 Removal Section Ethylene Feed Prep Purge Flare CO2 Absorber CO2 Oxygen EO Reactor EO Absorber OMS CO2 Stripper EO Stripper EG EG Reactor EG Dehydration DEG EG Purification Block Flow Diagram • Ethylene Feed Prep • Oxygen Mixing Station • Ethylene Oxide Reactor • Ethylene Oxide Absorber • Ethylene Oxide Stripper • Carbon Dioxide Absorber • Carbon Dioxide Stripper • EG Reactor • EG Dehydration • EG Purification

  12. Section 100: EO Reaction • Recycle Compressor • 8,600 cfm • 2,900 HP • 2 Stages • Oxygen Mixing Station • Safe Mixing of Oxygen • Avoiding Flammability Range Reactor & Cooler • 150 MM Btu/hr to Oil System

  13. Section 200: EO Absorption EO Stripper • D = 10 ft • 20 Trays • Feed @ 10 • Required EO/Water Concentration EO Absorber • D = 10 ft • Structured Packing • HETP = 24 in. • Packing H = 40 ft

  14. Section 300: CO2 Removal Absorber Vapor CO2Stripper • D = 4 ft • 15 Trays • Feed @ 1 CO2 Absorber • D = 4 ft • Structured Packing • HETP = 24 in. • Packing H = 40 ft

  15. Section 400: EG Reaction Stripper Distillate

  16. Section 500: EG Purification

  17. Key Process Assumptions • Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients • 150 Btu/hrsqft oF • Boiling or Condensing • Liquid/Liquid • 50 Btu/hrsqft oF Elsewhere • Gas/Liquid • Gas/Gas • EO Reactor • Pressure Drop • 15 psi in Packed Bed Reactors • 6 psi in Heat Exchangers • < 3 psi in Vacuum Heat Exchangers • Pressure Drop in Columns Estimated by Aspen

  18. Key Process Assumptions • Purity of Raw Materials • Ambient Temperature & Humidity • Wet Bulb Temperature for Cooling Water • Operating Time • 8,100 hrs/yr (~4 wks downtime)

  19. Key Process Assumptions • EO Reaction Kinetics • Shell Catalyst is Proprietary • Conversion & Selectivity • EG Reaction Kinetics • Ion Exchange Resin only used in Lab Scale • Pilot Plant Required to test BOTH Catalysts

  20. Economic Feasibility Timre Segear

  21. Economic Assumptions

  22. Economic Assumptions

  23. Fixed Costs

  24. Fixed Costs

  25. Other Capital Costs Assumptions • Five miles of piping uninstalled cost $1MM • Cost factor of 5 for a total of $5 MM • Oxygen Mixing Station uninstalled cost of $1 MM • Cost factor of 4.44 for a total of $4.4 MM • Seader, Seider and Lewin • 600 MM lbs/yr in 1995  $80 MM • 896 MM lbs/yr in 2006  $123 MM • Reassuring our capital cost ($175 MM) is reasonable

  26. Total = 38 c/lb Total = 23.3 c/lb

  27. Design Case 19% Hurdle Rate 12%

  28. Capital Cost Sensitivity Capital Cost – 175 $MM Design Case 19% Hurdle Rate 12% Capital Cost

  29. Design Case 88% EO 98% EG Increasing EO Selectivity Increasing EG Selectivity

  30. Price/Capacity Sensitivity Ethylene Glycol - 896 MMlb/yr 40% Current Market Price 35% 1000 MM lb/yr 30% 896 MM lb/yr 25% Design Case 19% DCF IRR, % 20% 600 MM lb/yr 15% 10% Hurdle Rate 12% 5% 0% $0.30 $0.35 $0.40 $0.45 $0.50 Price (2006) $0.38, $/lb

  31. Economic Conclusions • Total Capital Costs  $175 MM • Raw Materials is major manufacturing cost • Anticipated Internal Rate of Return: 19% • Hurdle rate: 12% • Break even period: 3 years • Preliminary results lead us to believe this is an economically feasible process

  32. Safety & EnvironmentConclusions & Recommendations Suroor Manzoor

  33. Safety • Safety Concerns • Ethylene • Highly Explosive and Hazardous • Oxygen mixing station • Potential Source of Explosion • Located in Bunker • Ethylene Oxide • Very Toxic • Human Carcinogen

  34. Safety • Risk Management • Utilities Consideration • Shut off Oxygen & Ethylene Supply • Back up generator • Shut Down • Fire Prevention • Fire Suppression System • Shut off all gas streams • Wrong Feed Ratios

  35. Safety • Risk Management • Leaks and Spills • Ventilate Area • Isolate Area • Spill Collected or Absorbed • Process Waste • Flare • Recycle and Blending • Plant Layout

  36. PREVAILING WIND SE 50 ft MAIN ROAD C-501 C-101 MAIN GATE E-101 E-401 E-102 E-402A R-401 WAREHOUSE MAINTENANCE BLDG R-101 PARKING E-402B E-103 V-401 T-201 SHIPPING & RECEIVING MACHINE SHOP E-201 PIPE RACK E-204B E-501A T-501 E-202A E-204C E-501B E-202B ROAD E-204D V-501 E-501C OFFICE LAB E-202C E-204E E-502A P-501 P-201 E-203 E-502B E-204A V-201 P-503 CONTROL South East T-502 T-202 V-202 V-502 E-503 P-202A E-205 E-504 P-502 P-202B ROAD PIPE RACK P-504 E-206 P-203A P-505 P-203B P-506 T-301 TK-102 TK-101 P-301A V-601 E-301 TK-105 E-601 P-601 P-301B P-303 TK-103 TK-104 P-602 ETHYLENE PREP OXYGENPLANT N2 TANKS LOADING STATIONS ROAD GATE RAILROAD SIDING UTILITIES WASTE WATER PLANT O2 MIXING STATION FLARE

  37. Environmental • All raw materials/products biodegradable • DEG byproduct Sold • Waste Management • Streams recycled to optimize process • No process waste water • WWTP • Bottoms from EG Purification blended into MEG product stream • Emissions

  38. Issues • Economics • Ethylene price • 1c/lb is a difference of $9 million/yr • Technical • Reaction kinetics of silver catalyst proprietary • Glycol resin catalyst only tested on lab-scale • Product • Purity of Ethylene Glycol • The final price drops by 25% if purity is in the range 98-99.8%

  39. Conclusions • Capital investment: $175 million • Production rate: 896 million lb/year EG • Anticipated Internal Rate of Return: 19% • Break even period: 3 years • Hurdle rate: 12% • Economically Feasible Process

  40. Recommendations • Lock Ethylene price • Process Optimization • Heating, Cooling • CO2 • Catalyst

  41. Acknowledgements • Dr. George Rowell • Mr. Steve Schon, P.E. • Dr. Richard Cairncross • Dr. Elihu Grossmann

  42. Questions Nick vs Chong Suroor Timre

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