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Path to Stillness: Bhajan, Witness, Silence, Consciousness, Name, Music, Love, Eternal

Discover the profound journey towards stillness, self-realization, and divine connection through practices such as Bhajan, witnessing thoughts, embracing silence, attaining consciousness, chanting the Name, experiencing inner music, and embodying love. Dive deep into the essence of the Eternal while transcending duality and immersing in the timeless flow of cosmic consciousness.

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Path to Stillness: Bhajan, Witness, Silence, Consciousness, Name, Music, Love, Eternal

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  2. Stillness Utterance of God’s Name is to make the mind ultimately still, free from all thoughts. In that stillness it is that you know and realize God. Bhajan, Kirtan, NamaSmaran are all means to that end. You have to repeat, chant or sing the Name, no doubt, for a certain period. After that, repetition must cease and mind must become perfectly still. In that stillness, duality is transcended and the repeater and the repeated - devotee and God - become one.

  3. Witness Be a witness to all movements. Detach yourself from them and become the observer of them; then you will realize that you are the eternal witness and the body is not yourself. Identification with the body will go and witness-consciousness will be attained. Mostly you can practice it when you are in meditation. When you are active and moving about, it is difficult to maintain that consciousness.

  4. Observe Many rules have to be observed for control of mind; observance of silence is one of them. Who is observing silence? Let us try to find out. Sit silent, detach yourself from the mind and watch its activities. The watcher is the real you - the Self Immortal.

  5. Silence Where the river starts there is perfect stillness, the running water is active and noisy in its course, until it attains its calm again when it meets the ocean. The sleeping bird starts up early morning, flies about from tree to tree; when the evening comes it regains its nest and calm again. From silence all come, to silence all revert. All activity is rounded by silence. Out of silence, tremendous forces are released and wonders are worked. Learn to be silent. Bhajan must lead you into silence. It is not merely outer silence but inner silence - silence of the mind.

  6. Consciousness Once the mind ceases to be restless, being free from thoughts and desires, that moment we are not individuals, but Pure Consciousness which is at once cosmic and super-cosmic in nature. Look without seeing, hear without listening, eat without tasting - that is the thing you have to attain.

  7. Name Name is a ladder by the help of which you ascend to the supreme zenith of the above described state. When, through the repetition of the Name, the mind gets dissolved in the ocean of stillness and peace within you, repetition of the Name is no longer necessary. Of course, off and on, you can drink the nectar of the charming music of the Name, but do not depend entirely upon this music for your peace and bliss. Because no joy which is conditioned and dependent can be permanent.

  8. Music Through the power of the Name, let the bliss of the eternal Atman, which is self-existent and independent, reveal itself within you, so that you can experience it at all times and in all states. Find joy in the non-repetition of the name as much as in the repetition of it, by realizing that all the activities of your life are tuned together by the divine Shakti to produce the sweet music of the Name. Listen to this music in all sounds and movements in yourself and the world. Verily, all the worlds and beings move and act to the grand symphony of God’s own music.

  9. Love There is no more potent power in the life of a human being than Love which ennobles, enlightens and sanctifies life. The heart imbued with this Love feels for the suffering humanity. It is this Love that freely forgives and returns good for evil, because it is born of the Divine Spirit that dwells within you.

  10. Love It is the expression of Truth—the Light that radiates from your purified, illumined soul. Such a Love is the ideal to be aspired for. The person in whom it has revealed itself is really holy. He is the channel of God’s power and glory.

  11. Eternal I am the child, innocent and pure, that dwells in the hearts of all beings and things. I sleep in some, awake in others and play in waves of delight in some others. I am still - yet I move all the worlds. I am the child of the Eternal - I am the Eternal. I behold myself as all.

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