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PRESENTATION DESIGN GUIDE. Including guiding notes. This is a title slide to be used as the very first slide. It has the same header position and pt size as BU section slide – see slide 25. Headline for title slide: Ericsson Capital 70 points Color: Full blend
PRESENTATION DESIGN GUIDE Including guiding notes
This is a title slide to be used as the very first slide. It has the same header position and pt size as BU section slide – see slide 25. Headline for title slide:Ericsson Capital 70 points Color: Full blend REVIEW, AS CANNOT MAKE MORE THAN ONE LINE USING FULL BLEND Color: Any of the 8 full colors Do not place elements within shaded area. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Name/Date:Ericsson Capital 30 points Color: defaultgray (RGB: 88/88/90) Sed do eiusmod tempor
This is a contents slide CONTENTS Title:Ericsson Capital 44 points Color: defaultgray (RGB: 88/88/90) Title:Ericsson Capital 32 points Color: Any of the 8 full colors. Choose one color per section to highlight text Do not place elements within shaded area. > natus eNror sit > voluptatem > accusantium > doloremque > laudantium totam > voluptatum deleniti Color: Green (RGB: 137/186/23) Color: Blue (RGB: 0/169/212) Color: Orange (RGB: 240/138/0) Color: 80% Red (RGB: 233/92/56) Color: 80% Dark Green (RGB: 0/123/120) Color: 80% Purple (RGB: 143/63/123)
This is a section title. It sits on a full bleed image. E-Con logo: Color: White out of background image (ensure good contrast) Do not place elements within shaded area. • SECTION TITLE Section title:Ericsson Capital 44 points Color: White (ensure good contrast) Full bleed background image
At vero eos et cusamus et iusto dignissimos E-Con logo: Color: White out of background image (ensure good contrast) Thought provoking statement on image:Ericsson Capital 44 points on 36pt line spacing. Maximum 4 lines of text. Color: White (ensure good contrast) This is a full screen image slide with a thought provoking statement. To be used to convey ideas/concept in an expressive way. Full bleed background image
Thought provoking statement on white:Ericsson Capital 32 points on 36pt line spacing. Color: Any of the 8 full colors matching chosen section color. Half screen image/left Do not place elements within shaded area. At vero eos et accusamus us iusto odioim dignissimos ducimus qui bland itiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque This is a half screen left image slide with a thought provoking statement. To be used to convey ideas/concept in an expressive way.
Lorem ipsum First-level bullet: Arial 24 Second-level bullet: Arial 20 Third-level bullet: Arial 20 Sollicitudin ettoreunc est mauris consequat in adipiscing nec pur us SAEPE EVENIET Headline for standard slide:Ericsson Capital 44 points Color: Gray as default. Color highlight: Any of the 8 full colors to Coordinate with chosen section color Do not place elements within shaded area. Bullet point text/body copy for standard slide:Arial 24/20 points Color: Default gray. Bullet colors: Any of the 8 full colors matching with headline to coordinate with chosen section color. Half screen image/left This is a half screen left side image slide with title and bullet points.
SAEPE This is a half screen right side image slide with title and bullet points. Headline for standard slide contained in x1 line:Ericsson Capital 44 points Color: Gray as default. Color highlight: Any of the 8 full colors to Coordinate with chosen section color Lorem ipsum • First-level bullet: Arial 24 • Second-level bullet: Arial 20 • Third-level bullet: Arial 20 • Sollicitudin ettoreunc est mauris consequat in adipiscing nec pur us Bullet point text/body copy for standard slide:Arial 24/20 points Color: Default gray. Bullet colors: Any of the 8 full colors matching with headline to coordinate with chosen section color. Metadata: Arial 8 points, Color: light gray (RGB: 134/136/138) Half screen image/right:
This is a half screen right side image slide with title and bullet points. Headlines must not cross into image. Only in this layout option can headlines run over two lines. SAEPE EVENIET Headline for standard slide with X2 lines:Ericsson Capital 44 points Color: Gray as default. Color highlight: Any of the 8 full colors to Coordinate with chosen section color Lorem ipsum • First-level bullet: Arial 24 • Second-level bullet: Arial 20 • Third-level bullet: Arial 20 • Sollicitudin ettoreunc est mauris consequat in adipiscing nec pur us Metadata: Arial 8 points, Color: light gray (RGB: 134/136/138) Half screen image/right:
SAEPE EVENIET ETTOREUN Single object placement: Objects photographed out of white sit well within the slide background. Lorem ipsum • First-level bullet: Arial 24 • Second-level bullet: Arial 20 • Third-level bullet: Arial 20 • Sollicitudin ettoreunc est mauris consequat in adipiscing nec pur us This is a right arranged image on white slide with title and bullet points.
SAEPE EVENIET Lorem ipsum • First-level bullet: • Second-level bullet: • Third-level bullet: • Sollicitudin ettoreun mauris consequat inscing nec pur us This is a right arranged image on white slide with title and bullet points. Single object placement: Objects photographed out of white that bleed out of slide boundary.
Enabling the revolution Headline for standard slide:Ericsson Capital 44 points Color: White as default. Color highlight: Don’t highlight on image Icons on images: Color: White Full bleed background image This is a full screen image slide with title and icons. Icons can only be used in white on an image background.
Our greatest challenges • Free speech • Education • Healthcare • Demographic change • Gender equality • Transport • Job creation • Climate change This is a slide with title and information represented with the aid of illustration.
Lorem ipsum First-level bullet: Arial 24 Second-level bullet: Arial 20 Third-level bullet: Arial 20 Sollicitudin ettoreunc est mauris consequat in adipiscing nec pur us SAEPE EVENIET ETTOREUN Single image no bleed.For example, use if slide content is not suitable for a half page image layout. Headline for standard slide :Ericsson Capital 44 points Color: Gray as default. Color highlight: Any of the 8 full colors to Coordinate with chosen section color This is an image slide with title and bullet points.
At vero eos et accusamus PowerPoint-native, “automatic” diagram. Do not use shadows or 3D-effects and keep lines and grids to a minimum. This is a chart slide with title and bullet points. The chart uses a reduced range of colors. • 135 years of innovation • Net sales 2010: SEK 203 billion 120 119 118 110 90 PowerPoint-native, “handmade” diagram. In order to animate a chart, a duplicate is made of the original chart. The original is then placed on the art board and the duplicate is ungrouped and animated accordingly. Minimize the color pallet. Use a range that complements the chosen section and/or Progressive tints. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Net Sales (SEK Billion)
These are the “automatic” colors that are included in the color scheme in the template file. facilis est et expedita North America This is a chart slide with title and bullet points. The chart uses a full range of colors. Latin America Northern Europe & Central Asia Western & Central Europe • 70,550 aesentium • 35,700 quos • 54,000 excepturi Mediterranean Middle East Sub Saharan Africa India China & North East Asia 4,419 13,498 South East Asia & Oceania 9,807 6,710 7,181 2010 2pt 40% black line. Aligns key and keeps blocks of information clearly defined. 1,626 3,982 Primary color DARK BLUE and secondary colors PURPLE, RED and DARK GREEN, are reproduced as tints. Never as full strength colors in charts and diagrams 21,425 10,795 10,818
Distinctio facilis est PowerPoint-native, “automatic” diagram. Do not use shadows or 3D-effects. This is a chart slide with title and bullet points. The chart uses a reduced range of colors. • 46% of share capital in Sweden • Representation on global stock markets 19% 2% 46% 2010 8% Sweden 25% United States United Kingdom Norway Other Countries MATT COLOURS ADJUSTED TO TIE IN WITH SECTION Minimize the color pallet. Use a range that complements the chosen section and/or tints.
Expedita faciliset est PowerPoint-native, “automatic” diagram. Do not use shadows or 3D-effects and keep lines and grids to a minimum. This is a double chart slide with title and bullet points. The charts use a reduced range of colors. Top 5 country share of sales Sales by Region (SEK billion and percent) Minimize the color pallet. Use a range that complements the chosen section color or tints but differentiates from other charts. 2pt 40% black line. Aligns blocks of information and helps separate multiple charts. 2010 India North America Sub Saharan Africa Latin America Minimize the color pallet. Use a range that complements the chosen section color or tints but differentiates from other charts. 2010 H1 China & North East Asia Northern Europe & Central Asia 2011 H1 South East Asia & Oceania Western & Central Europe Other Mediterranean Middle East
Open standards Mobile Broadband HSPA, LTE, CDMA2000 EV-DO Mobile Internet GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA Mobile Telephony GSM, CDMA2000 1990 2000 2010 inctioDistlisest faci This is a diagram slidewith. The diagram uses a single color blend from the availablerange. Minimize the color pallet. Use a blend that complements the chosen section color.
Blan praesen tium ditiis PowerPoint-native, “automatic” diagram. Do not use shadows or 3D-effects. This is a chart slide with title and bullet points. The chart uses a complementary range of colors. • Managed services • Releasing the potential of properly integrated technology Communication Services Consumer & Business Applications Connected Devices Fixed Broadband & Convergence OperatorNeeds TV & Media Management Mobile Broadband Operations & Business Support Systems Managed Services Minimize the color pallet. Use a range that complements the chosen section and/or tints.
faciinlisest ctioDist This is a diagram slidewithtitle. The diagram uses a color blends from the availablerange. Respect Professionalism Perseverance Minimize the color pallet. Use a blend that complements the chosen section color.
M2M TO BE ADDED ON TOP Truly mobile communication PowerPoint-native, “automatic” diagram. Do not use shadows or 3D-effects and keep lines and grids to a minimum. 2016 MOBILE BROADBAND * *Subscriptions/lines (millions) 2016 FIXED BROADBAND * Subscriptions/lines (millions) These are the “automatic” colors that are included in the color scheme in the template file. *4901M *639M 0 0 • There are 6.9 billion people in the world • 5 billion of them own a mobile phone • 500m fixed broadband • Acceleration towards a mobile broadband world