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Enlightenment and Revolution 1550-1789. Chapter 6. The Scientific Revolution. Section 1. Learning Targets. I can define the scientific revolution I can explain how the scientific revolution changed the way people looked at the world. A Little Background…. Before the Enlightenment:
Enlightenment and Revolution1550-1789 Chapter 6
The Scientific Revolution Section 1
Learning Targets • I can define the scientific revolution • I can explain how the scientific revolution changed the way people looked at the world
A Little Background… • Before the Enlightenment: • People were educated through their church • Most people couldn’t read • How did they know what was true? • After the Enlightenment: • People used science to learn • Began to read on their own! • Became more independent and free
The Roots of Modern Science • The Medieval View: • Geocentric Theory • “Earth-centered” theory of the universe • Everything revolved around the earth • Christianity had taught this for centuries
The Roots of Modern Science • A New Way of Thinking: • The Scientific Revolution • Some people began writing down new ideas and sharing them in books (like the internet today) • They questioned what was taught in the past • As Europeans explored, they used new technology • Many were inspired by this to discover even more
A Revolutionary Model of the Universe • The Heliocentric Theory • “Sun-Centered” Theory • Nicolaus Copernicus created this in the early 1500s • He feared persecution by the Church for challenging their “geocentric” theory • Didn’t publish his findings until he was on his deathbed!
A Revolutionary Model of the Universe • Galileo’s Discoveries: • Took early version of telescope and improved it in 1609 • Used it to write a book, Starry Messenger, to describe his discoveries • Moon had rough surface • Sun had spots (used sunglasses) • Jupiter had four moons
A Revolutionary Model of the Universe • Conflict With the Church: • Like Copernicus, his ideas challenged church authority • He was summoned by the Pope, to apologize and deny his discoveries • He did • Lived under house arrest the rest of his life! • The church admitted Galileo was right in 1992
The Scientific Method • These scientists developed a common routine for discovering new ideas • Observe something • Identify a problem, and guess a solution • Then test your solution • Evaluate the results and retest if necessary
The Scientific Method • Bacon and Descartes: • Frances Bacon encouraged more experimentation to prove new ideas • He wrote publicly about this, and attacked anyone who disagreed • Rene Descartes wanted to use Math and Logic to prove new ideas • “I think, therefore I am.” • Anything is uncertain until logic proved it true.
Newton Explains Law of Gravity • Isaac Newton: • Brought all recent discoveries into a new theory • Universal Law of Gravitation • Every object in the universe attracts every other object • Strength of attraction depends on mass and distance
The Scientific Revolution Spreads • Scientific Instruments: • The Microscope • Now able to look at bacteria • Red Blood Cells • The Thermometer • 1714, Gabriel Fahrenheit develops his own thermometer • 1742, Anders Celsius creates his own thermometer too
The Scientific Revolution Spreads • Medicine and the Human Body • Doctors used to accept the writings of someone who had never dissected a body! • Had assumed human anatomy was same as pigs • Soon, scientists started to dissect real human bodies to improve medicine • Smallpox • Late 1700’s, Edward Jenner created a smallpox vaccine using a weaker version from cows
The Scientific Revolution Spreads • Discoveries in Chemistry: • Robert Boyle • Father of modern chemistry • Explained relationship of volume, temperature, and pressure • Think of water boiling
The Enlightenment in Europe Section 2
Learning Targets • I can summarize how Enlightenment ideas are found in the U.S. government
“Sum it up!” Activity • Go to Chapter 6 Sec 2 • Put your name and date at the top • 9/3/10 • Put the title of the Section • Read the Section • As you read, write down the main ideas • Using main ideas, summarize at bottom in 20 words or less!
The Enlightenment in Europe Section 2
Learning Targets I can summarize Enlightenment ideas that are found in the U.S. government.
A Little Background… • New Ways of Thinking • Scientific Revolution spurs reassessment of many prevailing ideas • Europeans seek insights into society during 1600s,1700s • Leads to the Enlightenment—a movement stressing reason and thought • The Enlightenment • An age of reason • Influenced by Scientific Revolution • Stressed ability of individuals to solve problems • Influenced western countries (like the U.S.)
Two Views on Government • Hobbes Social Contract: • Thomas Hobbes fought in English Civil War • It was horrible and bloody • He lost faith in human beings • Hobbes’ doesn’t trust most humans • Believes they needed a strong leader – Leviathan (favored monarchs) • Needed to surrender their rights for order • Called this a Social Contract – give up rights for security
Two Views on Government • Locke’s Natural Rights: • Opposite of Hobbes • John Locke trusted people • Believed people would make good choices over time • Argued Self-Rule • Ideas of Life, Liberty, and Property – “natural rights” • Strong supporter of Democracy • People have the right to overthrow bad government
The Philosophes Advocate Reason • French Philosophes Believed in 5 Things: • Reason • Nature • Happiness • Progress • Liberty
The Philosophes Advocate Reason • Voltaire Combats Intolerance: • Challenged authority of powerful leaders • Strong supporter of Free Speech: • “I do not agree with a word you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” • Advocated freedom of religion, speech and reason
The Philosophes Advocate Reason • Montesquieu and the Separation of Powers: • Baron de Montesquieu (mon-tah-skew) admired the British system of government • Supported idea of separation of powers in a government • Influenced 3 Branches in U.S. Constitution • Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
The Philosophes Advocate Reason • Rousseau: Champion of Freedom: • Jean Jacques Rousseau • Strong supporter of Direct Democracy • Citizens vote directly on EVERYTHING • Believed people worked together to create a government of laws • People surrendered some freedoms, but not as many as Hobbes had suggested
The Philosophes Advocate Reason • Beccaria Promotes Criminal Justice: • Cesare Beccaria (Bayk-uh-ree-ah) • Believed in fair legal system • Laws should be enforced for everyone • No cruel or unusual punishment • Punishment = seriousness of crime • No capital punishment though • “The punishment must fit the crime”
Women and the Enlightenment • Most women did not benefit from the Enlightenment • Some influenced change: • Mary Wollstonecraft • Argued that women needed equal education as men • Influenced many women entering field of medicine and politics
Legacy of the Enlightenment • Belief in Progress: • New discoveries encouraged new ideas • Galileo and Newton opened the door for new discoveries in science • People also believed that social problems could be solved in much the same way
Legacy of the Enlightenment • A More Secular Outlook: • Secular (Worldly, or Non-Religious) • New discoveries challenged teachings and authority of church • Some questioned God’s existence • Scientists like Newton were very religious • Hoped to reveal God’s power through his discoveries
Legacy of the Enlightenment • Importance of the Individual: • As people turned away from authority, they turned to themselves • Governments should represent these individuals • Representative Democracy • Economic Progress: • People acting on own self-interest would create economic progress
Enlightenment Chart • On a blank piece of paper… • Fold in half vertically • On one side list Enlightenment Thinkers • On the right side, describe their impact on our government today
The Enlightenment Spreads Section 3
Learning Targets • I can identify and locate on a map, the European nations where the Enlightenment expanded to. • I can explain the causes of the Enlightenment.
Key Idea (section 3): Enlightenment ideas spread through the Western World, and influenced the arts, economies, and governments.
Paris Enjoys the Enlightenment Paris, France: Became cultural center of Europe People from Europe and the Americas came to Paris to hear these new ideas Writers and Artists gathered in wealthy homes to discuss new ideas Called salons.
Enlightenment creates the Encyclopedia Marie-Therese Geoffrin Hosts “salon” discussions Funds the research for the creation of the Encyclopedia
Enlightenment creates the Encyclopedia Denis Diderot Uses her money to write down all the information / knowledge he can into a set of books called The Encyclopedia.
Enlightenment creates the Encyclopedia Challenges to the Encyclopedia The Catholic Church banned it The French Government did too These bans were later lifted, and the Encyclopedia helped to spread Enlightenment ideas
Social Classes The Middle Class: They were already becoming wealthier But did not enjoy the privileges of the nobles Nor did they have much political power Ideas of equality sounded great to them
Art Grows Too Artists: Showed more balance and elegance More simplicity Composers: “Classical” music started to emerge It was lighter and more elegant Literature: The “novel” was born Longer stories with many twists and character descriptions
Enlightenment and Monarchy The best form of government: Many enlightenment thinkers believed that a monarchy was the best government Only as long as the monarch respected the rights of the people The enlightenment thinkers tried to influence the monarchs to rule fairly
Let’s Review… • Get out a blank piece of paper • Write every letter of the Alphabet A-Z • Try to come up with a word from the notes for each letter! • Then write a 3-4 sentence summary on the back
The Enlightened Despots Despot- Absolute ruler There were 3 Enlightened Despots: Frederick the Great of Prussia Joseph II of the Roman Empire Catherine the Great of Russia
Frederick the Great Prussian Called himself a servant of Prussia Religious Freedom, free speech, better education Got rid of torture Like Beccaria
Joseph II Holy Roman Emperor Free Speech Freedom of Worship Protestants and Jews They undid his changes after he died!
Catherine the Great Russian Absolute Ruler Followed ideas of Beccaria and Montesquieu Started to make changes for the better through commissions Never got it done though!
What We Learned The Enlightenment started to spread especially through Paris, France Talked about ideas in “salons” New ideas put together in Encyclopedia Middle Class grew wealthier, but didn’t have more power Art became simpler and more interesting Leaders became more “enlightened”
The American Revolution Section 4