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Ocean Springs Upper Elementary. 4th grade Curriculum Night. Teacher Introductions. Team 1 Jodi Rice (ELA) and Julie Rossi (Math/Science) Bernadette Vitale (ELA) and LaLinda Waldrop (Math/Science). Team 2 Mary Hirsch (ELA) and Paige Webber (Math/Science)
Ocean Springs UpperElementary 4th grade Curriculum Night
Teacher Introductions Team 1 Jodi Rice (ELA) and Julie Rossi (Math/Science) Bernadette Vitale (ELA) and LaLinda Waldrop (Math/Science) Team 2 Mary Hirsch (ELA) and Paige Webber (Math/Science) Tracie McDaniel (ELA) and Heidi Verner (Math/Science) Team 3 Ashley Chennault (ELA) and Kristina Alfonso (Math/Science) Pam Bates (ELA) and Michelle Allen (Math/Science) Team 4 Linh Morales (ELA) and Kellye Bolar (Math/Science) Tina Harris (ELA) and Leigh Browning (Math/Science) Rebecca Sisco (ELA) and Sarah Merrill (Math/Science)
Discipline and Behavior All students are expected to follow the Greyhound Code at all times: I will be.. Respectful Responsible Self-controlled We use PBIS: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Each class has developed a Class Contract
THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: • Standards are different. (Some added, some eliminated, some more in-depth) • Skills are taught year-round so that scaffolding takes place, and skills are mastered more efficiently. • Assessments will look different. • Teaching styles should change. • Expectations are higher. • Students will be asked to JUSTIFY THEIR ANSWERS. • Students will be studying cross curriculum lessons. • OUR GOAL/OBJECTIVE: “COLLEGE/CAREER READY STUDENTS!”
“I CAN” STATEMENTS • Skills/standards are expected to be mastered by end of year. • Review is a quick mini lesson, rather than a week long skill lesson. • Standards taught in earlier grades are not included in the fourth grade curriculum. • Within each standard there are several “I CAN” statements that are expectations of what the student should be able to accomplish after learning that standard. • The standards are broken into 6 categories: • Reading: Literature, Reading: Informational Text, Reading: Foundational Skills, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language.
EXAMPLE STANDARD: • RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. • I CAN: • RI.4.1.1 Use prior knowledge to understand what I read. • RI.4.1.2 Discover clues to understand and explain ideas and events that are directly state in the text. • RI.4.1.3 Uncover clues to draw inferences that explain ideas and events that are not stated directly in the text.
Assessments Mississippi is a member of the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness and College Careers (PARCC) PARCC is a 20-state consortium working together to develop next-generation K-12 assessments in English and math. PARCC benefits: Students who will know if they are on track to graduate ready for college and careers Teachers with regular results available to guide learning and instruction Parents with clear and timely information about the progress of their children States with valid results that are comparable across the member states The nation as it is based on college- and career-ready, internationally-benchmarked CCSS • This is the last year students will still be required to take the MCT2. • CCSS assessments are projected to be computer based. The new assessments will ask students to answer a variety of types of questions, show their work, and explain their reasoning. • Teacher will focus on finding justification within text throughout the year to prepare them for finding this text based evidence on their test.
CROSS-CURRICULUM • MORE NONFICTION TEXT • Students will be required to work with more nonfiction literature integrated through the core subjects. • Students will be doing mini-research projects frequently.
STUDENT DRIVEN LESSONS • Teachers become facilitators! Common Core encourages less lecturing and more student driven lessons. • Teachers are to provide higher order thinking opportunities and allow time and opportunity for students to collaborate and work together to figure it out. This method has been proven affective and more beneficial to young minds. • REFLECTION is a key element to the learning process!
HIGHER EXPECTATIONS • Because mastery is expected in the lower grades, teachers will expect students to know certain skills coming into fourth grade. • Students are expected to master skills stated in the 4th grade curriculum, scaffolded throughout the year, before exiting 4th grade.
How Can Parents Help… • EXPOSURE! • The majority of what we read as adults is nonfiction text. According to CCSS guidelines, by the end of 4th grade students' reading should be half fiction and half informational. • Expose them to nonfiction text as much as possible: newspapers, information websites, magazines, etc. • Read nonfiction text to them… the news is a great place to start! • ENCOURAGE WRITING! • Journal with your students at home- Write letters to one another. Encourage typing or setting up an email for you and your child to communicate. • Build their vocabulary! Focus on exposing and broadening their current vocabulary. Talk about words you use or find in text that you read together! • BE SUPPORTIVE
Helpful Websites: • A complete list of standards: www.corestandards.com • Achieve the Core: www.achievethecore.org • Miss. Dept. of Ed: www.mde.k12.ms.us/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-and-instruction-other-links/common-core-state-standards - Go to CCSS Training Materials to look at their PPT • PARCC http://www.parcconline.org/about-parcc
Reading Street English Language Arts Curriculum for 4th grade. • Designed with Common Core in mind, • Used as a resource as we teach the CCSS. • Comprises nonfiction, fiction, drama, prose, and poetry • Excellent resources to integrate social studies and science. • Offers an online component • Students can access at home for review and skill practice. • Enhanced through the use of novels, trade books, and other resources
Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader provides students with the incentive to practice the craft of reading. Students will take the STAR assessment this week to identify their reading level and areas of necessary instruction. Teachers use this data to set individual goals for each student and to guide small group lessons. A.R. goals are set quarterly. Students who meet both their percentage AND points goals will be invited to participate in quarterly celebrations. Monitor your child’s activity through Home Connect at the OSSD website.
Grammar and Writing • Writing constitutes 50% of Common Core instruction. • Grammar will be imbedded into the writing. • The students must apply grammar skills in their writing to show mastery. • Modes of Writing: Narrative, Informative, and Opinion • Writing will be integrated with reading. • The students will reflect back on the text to help give their writing evidence and support. • Grammar skills are reviewed through bell ringers, homework, and classwork. • Students are ultimately expected to be able to read and write in cursive. Since this is a 3rd grade objective, teachers will provide limited practice.
Social Studies • Based on Mississippi history and state information • Taught through the Language Arts Program • Grades can range from daily work, to projects, to tests. • The Jackson field trip plays a vital role in our social studies curriculum.
“Mississippi My Home” Musical Program • All 4th grade students participate in this outstanding musical program that highlights the marvels of Mississippi. • Programs are presented by team in fall and spring (you will be notified when your child is preparing for the program.) • There are roles for singers, dancers, speakers, Southern Belles, Miss America, and Elvis. • Auditions for particular parts take place during music class. • Great way to learn about Mississippi and reinforces our year-long study of this great state we call home.
Envision Math • New textbooks aligned with Common Core Standards. • Features: • New workbooks have re-teaching and practice for each lesson on opposite sides of same page. • Access to pearsonsuccessnet.com for textbook, copies of practice pages and review of videos. • Please expect math homework most nights. • Knowledge of multiplication facts in addition to other facts is essential in Common Core.
Accelerated Math • Accelerated Math (A.M.) is an important part of our math program at OSUE. • School-wide minimum goal is 30 objectives mastered each quarter. Quarterly grades are based on the average of percentage correct and percentage of goal met. • Objectives are assigned by your child’s teacher based on STAR test results. • Accelerated Math can be accessed from home through Home Connect on the OSSD website, www.ossdms.org, under the Parents’ tab. • Using Home Connect, (though not required) your child can score and reprint practices from home, and you can check on your child’s progress.
Science • Science Fair is tentatively scheduled for late January. Be on the lookout for information in October. • Although science projects may be required by your child’s teacher, participation in the “Science Fair” is optional. • We build Estes Rockets in the Spring. Approximate cost is $7-$10. Please start looking for information in the Spring.
Homework • Homework is assigned daily/weekly per teacher • Students write homework in agendas daily. • Graded for completion and effort • Reinforces skills and concepts • Assessments/Grading • Common assessments • Grade weights: Tests x4, Projects x3, Quizzes x2, Labs/Daily/Homework x1 Please check your child’s Tuesday folder each week for graded assignments. You can also monitor your child’s grades through Parent Connect.
Events and Activities Rocket Launch Kickball Tournament Reading Fair Science Fair And the highlight of the year…
Mississippi Sports and Hall of Fame Museum Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame
When? Spring 2014 (Each team has a different date) We leave school at 5:30 a.m. and return around 9:30 p.m. Information will be sent home at least 3 weeks in advance.
How much? • Around $50.00 per student includes: • coach bus transportation • entry into each venue • dinner
Thank you for your time and attention! For any additional information, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. We look forward to hearing from you!