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Warm Up 1

Warm Up 1.

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Warm Up 1

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  1. Warm Up 1 • Pretend that you are an explorer in the 1700’s. Pretend that you know nothing of the technology currently available to you (no cell phones, GPS, computers or internet). Pretend that you are asked to draw of map of the places you personally visit. Talk to your partner about how you will go about the task of map making. Sketch a brief drawing of a map of some place you have personally visited or you can do this for the town of Weatherford.

  2. This is what explorer’s maps looked like as they traveled. Samples of atlas images of historical exploration and voyages

  3. P.S. Atlas is a figure from Greek mythology. He is the son of the Titan Iapetus and Clymene (or Asia), and brother of Prometheus. Atlas was punished by Zeus and made to bear the weight of the heavens

  4. Warm Up 2 With your partner, discuss the following topic: What do you already know about the slave trade out of Africa to North America? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtRaG_bokds

  5. AGE OF EXPLORATION Connecting Hemispheres

  6. CAUSES OF EUROPEAN EXPANSION FROM 1450 TO 1750 • Renaissance ideas • Desire for trade routes, spices, and profits or a greater wealth. • Desire to spread Christianity • New technologies in ships and sailing. • Increase country’s power • Absolute monarchs use their wealth and power to support the Age of Exploration. God, Gold and Glory Concept

  7. Technological Advances Sextant Rudder Caravel – Used by the Portuguese Triangle Sails Compass

  8. Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following question. Now that the Europeans have better exploring equipment, what is the result? Improved ships and new navigational instruments made for longer journeys.

  9. Now that we can travel farther and faster we can trade more effectively with new groups of people. Mercantilism an economic system developing during the decay of feudalism to unify and increase the power and especially the monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national economy usually through policies designed to secure an accumulation of bullion, a favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies

  10. Growth of Mercantilism • Nations increase power in 2 ways • 1) get as much gold & silver as you can • 2) sell more goods that you buy • Goal is to become self-sufficient • Causes Changes in European Society

  11. Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following questions. How does the growth of mercantilism cause changes in European society? What changes and how does it change?

  12. Time to start exploring and trading!

  13. Ottoman Empire and the Turks(1453–1922)

  14. Rise of the Ottoman Empire •Capture of Constantinople and renaming to Istanbul • Capture of Mecca, Medina, and Cairo

  15. List the areas the Ottoman Empire controlled on trade routes.

  16. Cultural and political achievements under Suleiman I • Empire in place until end of World War I He is known in the West as Suleiman the Magnificent and in the East, as "The Lawgiver." Instituted legislative changes relating to society, education, taxation, and criminal law. He was a distinguished poet and goldsmith. He was a patron of culture and cared about artistic, literary and architectural development in the Ottoman Empire. He spoke five languages: Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Chagatai, Persian and Serbian.

  17. IMPACT OF OTTOMAN EMPIRE ON EASTERN EUROPE AND GLOBAL TRADE Eastern Europe: • Constantinople conquered in 1453 and renamed Istanbul • Suleiman’s advances into Hungary and Austria in 1525 but expansion stopped with the Siege of Vienna in 1529

  18. • Caravanseri (roadside inns for rest) network: assured safety for traveling merchants and envoys Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following question: What would make having these caravanseri very important to merchants?

  19. Naval trade in spices, wheat, and lumber throughout the Mediterranean, Aegean, Black and Red Seas and the Persian Gulf The Ottoman Empire controlled trade routes for hundreds of year in: Middle East Indian Ocean Western Russia and Republics area

  20. China and the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644)

  21. Zheng He Admiral Zheng He had massive ships created in order to conduct trading expeditions. They visited southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and East Africa They brought back gold and animals just as zebras and camels. Overall, these expeditions brought wealth and knowledge of other civilizations to China.

  22. Influence of the Ming dynasty on world trade • Goals – Impress world with the power and splendor of Ming China and expand China’s tribute system • Envoys from different countries travel to China with tribute

  23. However, the Ming leaders feared foreign cultures would corrupt Chinese culture so they moved into a time of isolation. The fleet of ships was too expense to maintain and since there were no longer in use the Chinese burned some ships and let others just rot away. Zheng He and Columbus: Flag Ships

  24. Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following questions. • What would the long-term global effects of the Chinese choosing not to explore anymore?

  25. DIFFUSION OF MAJOR IDEAS IN MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY The Ming Dynasty adopted the following items and ideas as they traveled: • Spurred by contact with Europe, i.e., telescope • Trigonometry • Hydraulic powered devices for irrigation and agriculture • Snorkeling gear for pearl divers • Astronomy from India

  26. Europeans Trade in the East

  27. Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following question. • Give examples of physical geographic factors on trade in the Indian Ocean.

  28. Portugal Leads the Way • Prince Henry the Navigator was interested in trading in Africa and began to do so around her western coastline. • Navigation school

  29. Bartolomeu Dias • In 1488, ventures down Africa to reach the tip – men are too tired to continue though. However, his journey let other explores know Africa could be rounded to reach Asia. Cape of Good Hope

  30. Vasco da Gama • First to reach Calicut on the southern coast of India. Amazed by the spices, rare silks, and precious gems that they had to offer. They filled their sips and returned in 1499 to Portugal where he received a hero’s welcome.

  31. Dutch and the East Indies The Dutch Empire. Dark green areas were controlled by the Dutch West Indies Company; light green areas were controlled by the Dutch East India Company.

  32. Hendrik Brouwer was a Dutch explorer, admiral and colonial administrator both in Japan and the Dutch East Indies. He was the first to have sailed to the East Indies for the Dutch East India Company in 1606.

  33. Abel Tasman – was a Dutch seafarer, explorer and merchant, best known for his voyages of 1642 and 1644 in the services of the United East India Company. He was the first known European explorer to reach the island of Tasmania, New Zealand and to sight the Fiji islands. Later named Tasmania after Abel Tasman

  34. East Indies Sometimes called the “Dutch East Indies”

  35. French in Indochina After competing with the Dutch, Portuguese, and British over the area the French gain a stronghold in Indochina in 1885. French Explorers to the region: Henri Mouhot Auguste Jean-Marie Pavie

  36. Indochina: controlled by the French at the time called French Indochina Called the Indochinese Peninsula today.

  37. Spices the Europeans were interested in: • Nutmeg • Mace • Cinnamon • Pepper • Cloves All of these European countries wanted goods from Asia and they were all in completion for each other. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHGT5ivAk4c

  38. Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following questions. • List some of the major imports and exports of today. • List a few pros and cons for a government to require taxes on imported items.

  39. EUROPEANS COMPETING FOR NORTH AMERICA http://www.eduplace.com/kids/socsci/books/applications/imaps/maps/g5s_u2/index.html Click on link, click on each name to see their individual movement.

  40. Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following questions. Give a brief definition of these three words. Do they have anything in common? How are they different? • Colonization • Imperialism • Exploration

  41. Comparing and Contrasting Words • Exploration- the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. • Imperialism- a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. • Colonization- sending settlers to (a place) and to establish political control over it.

  42. Spanish Exploration Christopher Columbus (Italian: Cristoforo Colombo; Spanish: Cristóbal Colón) – Italian explorer. (1492) He goes to Portugal to gain resources for a voyage west however, they had already funded expeditions to India with the help of Vasco de Gama. So Columbus tried the Spanish. Under Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic monarchs, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that led to general European awareness of the American continents. Those voyages, and his efforts to establish permanent settlements on the island of Hispaniola, initiated the Spanish colonization of the New World.   Name his ships.

  43. Toscanelli's notions of the geography of the Atlantic Ocean, which directly influenced Columbus's plans. Actual Voyages Good time to mention: It doesn’t matter what country you are from. If you explore with someone else’s money. What you discover will be claimed for the country you explored for. Example, Columbus is Italian but since the Spanish funded him then it is the Spanish’s claim.

  44. When Columbus returns with news from his voyage the King and Queen quickly begin work on the Treaty of Tordesillas to protect their claims and interests in the New World. Treaty of Tordesillas 2 July 1494…to divide trading and colonizing rights for all newly discovered lands of the world between Portugal and Spain to the exclusion of other European nations. So, how do you think other countries are going to handle this treaty?

  45. Ferdinand Magellan - was a Portuguese explorer. He was born in a still disputed location in northern Portugal, and served King Charles I of Spain in search of a westward route to the "Spice Islands.” Magellan's expedition of 1519–1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean (then named "peaceful sea" by Magellan; the passage being made via the Strait of Magellan), and the first to cross the Pacific. His expedition completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth.

  46. Hernando de Soto (1539) -was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who, while leading the first European expedition deep into the territory of the modern-day United States, was the first European documented to have crossed the Mississippi River.

  47. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (1542) -was a Portuguese explorer noted for his exploration of the west coast of North America on behalf of Spain. Cabrillo was the first European explorer to navigate the coast of present day California in the United States.

  48. Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following question. How do the explorations funded by the Ming Dynasty and commanded by Zheng He compare with those of the Spanish explorers?

  49. Conquistadors (conquerors) • HernánCortés (1504)-  was a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of mainland Mexico. Cortés was part of the generation of Spanish colonizers that began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Montezuma II, Aztec ruler is killed.

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