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WWF - Brazil and the Forest Governance in Amazon

WWF - Brazil and the Forest Governance in Amazon. Mauro J. Capóssoli Armelin London, july 10, 2007. ( presentation Mauro Armelin, WWF-Brasil, based on several other presentation ). FLEGT x Brazil. Brazil “is” not a VPA, but: Have the biggest tropical forest in the world;

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WWF - Brazil and the Forest Governance in Amazon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WWF - Braziland the Forest Governancein Amazon Mauro J. Capóssoli Armelin London, july 10, 2007. (presentation Mauro Armelin, WWF-Brasil, based on several other presentation)

  2. FLEGT x Brazil • Brazil “is” not a VPA, but: • Have the biggest tropical forest in the world; • Produce: wood (24 millions of cubic meters in logs), fresh water and RAIN a lot; • Maintain: 100 billions of tons of CARBON and millions of different species.

  3. Deforestation Scenarios in the Amazon ‘today’ WHRC, IPAM et alii

  4. Deforestation Scenarios in the Amazon scenario 2031 ‘business-as-usual’ Priority Conservation Landscapes 2031 WHRC, IPAM et alii

  5. Brazil’s “arc of deforestation” is advancing Brazil’s “arc of deforestation” is advancing towards the intact portions of the Amazon Fonte: INPE PRODES Digital, 2004.

  6. Are deforestation rates starting to goes down? Annual Deforestation in Brazilian Legal Amazon sq Km per year years INPE, 2006

  7. DRIVERSAgriculture & Deforestation • Budget for: • Agricultural plan 2007: almost 25 US$ BILLIONS • Trade Almost 15% GDP; • Avoid deforestation plan 2006: almost 2 US$ Millions • Forest Trade Almost 3-4% GDP (included forest plantation); • Licensing process: • Clear cut for agriculture: simple authorization and takes 1-2 weeks; • Forest management: complex process and takes 6-10 months.

  8. New brazilian forest law • Implementing forest concessions; • 10 millions ha in the first 10 years; • Modernizing some areas within the forest process; • Created Brazilian Forest Service; • Transfer the forest process to states; • Regulation; • Licensing; • Control; • Monitoring.

  9. How is possible to work with FLEGT in Brazil? IPAM WWF and others WWF IUCN WWF Kaninde OSR ISA WWF

  10. How we work in brazilian amazon:

  11. ‘Support to Sustainable Development’ Programme • FForest management (timber and non-timber products) • SStep-wise-approach for companies; • SSupport forest management for communities. • SSustainable fishery model; • SSupport public policy to modernization of forest system; • EEnvironmental education; • SSupporting governance and organization development.

  12. Governance in Sustainable Fishery a model for forests? • Thinking out of the box: • 9 fishing agreements covering: - 203 riverines communities - 51,000 people - 1.1 million ha. under co-management • Fishing agreements – 60% more productive than non-managed lakes • Networking of pirarucu management initiatives (basin wide) • Biological and socio economic surveys for sustainable use protected area designation

  13. Mauro J. Capóssoli Armelin Head of Support to Sustainable Development Programme, WWF Brazil mauro@wwf.org.br Beatrix Richards Head of Forest Trade & Policy, WWF-UK Brichards@wwf.org.uk

  14. Thank you

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